Not Sure at All what is Wrong..

Current directory: C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\My Stuff\SAMP\gamemodes
WCDM.pwn(104) : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
WCDM.pwn(1435) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1787) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1794) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1801) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1808) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1815) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1832) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1839) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1846) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1853) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1860) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1867) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1874) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1891) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1898) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1905) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1912) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1919) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1926) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1943) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1950) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1957) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(1964) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
WCDM.pwn(5142) : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

24 Errors.
================ READY ================
I Do not know what is wrong with line 104.
Line 104:
pawn Код:
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle, pInt;
And the rest meaning something is wrong with that line. WCDM.pwn(104) : error 020: invalid symbol name ""..... I do not know AT ALL. It was working earlier, now...

Please Post The Script If it long above 200 lines message it me

You might have forgot to add a ; to end a line somewhere above that line, therefore more script information is needed.

Lines 1-104
pawn Код:
#define SERVER_GM_TEXT "WC-DM v0.3.1"// Gamemode text.
#define SERVER_GM_UPDATER "Anthony" // I usually Update the server. Change if you are updating.
        #               Credits:                #
        #  ****** - SSCanf, Y_Ini, and Foreach. # - SSCanf, Y_Ini, Foreach.
        #              ZeeX - ZCMD.             # - ZCMD.
        #         Incognito - Streamer.         # - Streamer.
        #           DracoBlue - Dutils.         # - Dutils.
        #        Anthony Heins - Script.        # - I (Anthony) Have done practically all of the Scripting.
        #         Nick Overbey - Script.        # - Nick did a little bit at the Start there, but now... None, really.

// SAMP Includes.
#include <a_samp> // Regular.
// Non-SAMP Includes.
#include <foreach> // Created by ******. // For the Mass CMD's. //
#include <ZCMD> // Created by Zeex // Easier CMD Inc. //
#include <sscanf2> // Created by  ******. // Many Stringing Commands. //
//#include <streamer> // Created by Incognito // Objects. //
#include <YSI\y_ini> // Created by ******. // Registration & Login. //
#include <dutils> // Created by DracoBlue. // Dutils Bro? Got a Problem!?? //
#pragma unused ret_memcpy
// My Includes.
#include <DubColors> // My customized colors. // Colors.

// |-----------------[ Weapon Defines ]-----------------|
#define WEAPON_BRASSKNUCKLE               (1)
#define WEAPON_GOLFCLUB                   (2)
#define WEAPON_NITESTICK                  (3)
#define WEAPON_KNIFE                      (4)
#define WEAPON_BAT                        (5)
#define WEAPON_SHOVEL                     (6)
#define WEAPON_POOLSTICK                  (7)
#define WEAPON_KATANA                     (8)
#define WEAPON_CHAINSAW                   (9)
#define WEAPON_DILDO                      (10)
#define WEAPON_DILDO2                     (11)
#define WEAPON_VIBRATOR                   (12)
#define WEAPON_VIBRATOR2                  (13)
#define WEAPON_FLOWER                     (14)
#define WEAPON_CANE                       (15)
#define WEAPON_GRENADE                    (16)
#define WEAPON_TEARGAS                    (17)
#define WEAPON_MOLTOV                     (18)
#define WEAPON_COLT45                     (22)
#define WEAPON_SILENCED                   (23)
#define WEAPON_DEAGLE                     (24)
#define WEAPON_SHOTGUN                    (25)
#define WEAPON_SAWEDOFF                   (26)
#define WEAPON_SHOTGSPA                   (27)
#define WEAPON_UZI                        (28)
#define WEAPON_MP5                        (29)
#define WEAPON_AK47                       (30)
#define WEAPON_M4                         (31)
#define WEAPON_TEC9                       (32)
#define WEAPON_RIFLE                      (33)
#define WEAPON_SNIPER                     (34)
#define WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER             (35)
#define WEAPON_HEATSEEKER                 (36)
#define WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER               (37)
#define WEAPON_MINIGUN                    (38)
#define WEAPON_SATCHEL                    (39)
#define WEAPON_BOMB                       (40)
#define WEAPON_SPRAYCAN                   (41)
#define WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER           (42)
#define WEAPON_CAMERA                     (43)
#define WEAPON_PARACHUTE                  (46)

#define MAX_ZONE_NAME 28
#define MAX_PING_ALLOWED 1000

#define DIALOG_EQUIPMENT    501
#define DIALOG_PISTOLS      502
#define DIALOG_HEAVYWEPS    503
#define DIALOG_MELEE        504
#define DIALOG_CLOTHING     505

#define AccPath "Users/%s.ini"

// |-----------------[ Forward's ]-----------------|
forward PayDay();
forward ABroadCast(color,const string[],level);
forward SendAdminMessage(color, string[]);
forward SendCopMessage(color, string[]);
forward OnPlayerOfflineSave(playername[]);
forward SpeedoUpdate();
forward OnPlayerPrivateMsg(playerid, recieverid, text[]);
forward Speedo_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,  reason);
forward ZUpdate();
forward Speedo_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,  reason);
forward HealthHackCheck(playerid, giveplayerid);
forward LoadChar_data(playerid,name[],value[]);
forward Speedo_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
forward Restart();
forward PingCheckTimer(playerid);

// |-----------------[ New's]-----------------|
new GodMode[MAX_PLAYERS];
new AntiCheat = 1;
new NoGodMode = 1;
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle, pInt;

And all of these errors:
pawn Код:
: error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
Are these:
pawn Код:
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);

Ok well... I'm not sure AT ALL what it was. But I changed it to NON-CAPITAL x,y, and z's. And it worked... I'm confused. But this case is closed.

Variables are case-sensitive.

I know. I also had to go in my script and change EVERY capital X, Y, Z of that form, and change to lower-case.

It's what being a scripter is ALL about.

1 mistake can lead to big bug fixes.

Originally Posted by TheLazySloth
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It's what being a scripter is ALL about.

1 mistake can lead to big bug fixes.
I know, but I already had that, and used it multiple times before, and it didn't give me that error. Well, at least it's fixed now.

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