Vehicles door lock

Hi, how lock job vehicles doors? I wanna use SetVehicleParamsEx or SetVehicleParamsForPlayer but i don't know how do it. Thanks for answers.

Use a loop:
pawn Код:
for(new v = 1; v <= MAX_VEHICLES; v++)
    if(c_Info[v][cJob] == 1) //Use you variables, if you don't have it with variables, use the IDs as if(v > 50 && v < 70) || It's an example, nothing else.

Maybe you can more tell how create and use this variable: "c_Info[v][cJob] == 1"?

It's good if you have a dynamic vehicle system, I mean create vehicles InGame, change their jobs, factions InGame, etc.
Also, if you have a Godfather edit, you can edit it, but well... Read which I said before in //

I use fsdebug filterscript and use /v command in server. This filterscript is in zip with other SA-MP files. So how i can set vehicle for job.

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