[Map] FDSA/LSFMD Mapping [Fire Department] [LS-Air]

Well, I hope you enjoy!
CreateObject(8657, 1558.5, -2169.5, 13.699999809265, 0, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(3578, 1616.1999511719, -2183.8000488281, 11.89999961853, 0, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(3578, 1616.8000488281, -2165.6000976563, 11.89999961853, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1337, 1588.611328125, -2185.8037109375, 22.350841522217, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2060, 1560.4000244141, -2146.6999511719, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 334);
CreateObject(2060, 1560.4000244141, -2147.8999023438, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 152);
CreateObject(2060, 1561.5999755859, -2147.1999511719, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 22);
CreateObject(2060, 1559.9000244141, -2147.1999511719, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2060, 1561.8000488281, -2146.5, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2060, 1562.9000244141, -2146.8999023438, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 38.25);
CreateObject(1215, 1558.5, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1571.1999511719, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1579.1999511719, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1587.9000244141, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1596.5999755859, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1605.0999755859, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1621.6999511719, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1631.8000488281, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1640.4000244141, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1646.4000244141, -2188.3999023438, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, 1646.3994140625, -2188.3994140625, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 0);
More Mapping To Come!
I would appreciate some feedback:
-Things You Liked.
-Things I Need To Work On.
-Things You Disliked.
-Suggestions For This Project.
-Suggestions For Future Mapping

Thanks, Kevin.....



Nice ;]

Originally Posted by Noturno17
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Nice ;]

Nice work!

Um 2/10 Due to you mainly pasted a building already in game and added a couple objects around about make it look nice

have a System fire, please I need it :S

Originally Posted by IvanDrago
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have a System fire, please I need it :S
May you explain this "System Fire" Some more for me?
I would love to add your suggestion in the second version of this map.

Im taking suggestions
Object ID(s)[If Known]:

Update of this map will be out soon!

You should add stuff like fire hydrants and other normal things for a fire department to have.

Originally Posted by lukekroll
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You should add stuff like fire hydrants and other normal things for a fire department to have.
I'm most likely, just going to redo this entire map. Make it much, much better

Sweet Kevin i love it. Hope you make more stuff like this

Originally Posted by James Norman
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Sweet Kevin i love it. Hope you make more stuff like this
Thank you James, Glad that you like it!

6/10 because it's written SF on the Building

Originally Posted by lukekroll
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You should add stuff like fire hydrants and other normal things for a fire department to have.
Yeah, The second version of this map is going to be much, much better.
Iv'e just remade this map using the same ideas, but added better + more RP things to it.
You'll like the second version

Originally Posted by Cena44
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6/10 because it's written SF on the Building
Yeah... I also didn't like that I used this building for this map.
Again, Iv'e redone the entire map.
It's going to look much, much better in the second version.

Too simple but not bad ! Keep it up !


I was about to post the second version of the map, then my GTA got corrupt so I re-installed it. Then I realised I forgot to backup all my MTA things. I'm going to convert this map into MTA format then re-map the entire thing... AGAIN!

Sorry if you're waiting for the second version of this map

Not bad

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