Makin' GameTextForPlayer bigger?

Simple question! I got this code:

PHP код:
Am I able to make it bigger in some way?

Unfortunately not, you're able to create your own textdraw with the size you want though,

Just make your own function that shows it and then set a timer to hide it.

You can't do such a thing with GameModeText, sadly. As stated above, use a textdraw and then hide it, however, you do not need a function to create the damn thing, just use the native functions.

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    YourTextDraw = TextDrawCreate(100.0, 33.0,"Jailed!");
    TextDrawLetterSize(YourTextDraw, 3.2 ,5.1);
    return true;
Of course, edit all of this to your liking, and I recommend using Zamaroht's Textdraw Editor to edit items to your preference with ease.

I was referring to something like this:
pawn Код:
stock GameText2ForPlayer(playerid, text[], time) {

    TextDrawSetString(textdrawid, text);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, textdrawid);
    SetTimerEx("HideTD", time, false, "i", playerid);

forward HideTD(playerid);
public HideTD(playerid) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, textdrawid);

I was planning to make something like that one day, but never got around to it. Think it's been made anyway.

Originally Posted by 2KY
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You can't do such a thing with GameModeText, sadly. As stated above, use a textdraw and then hide it, however, you do not need a function to create the damn thing, just use the native functions.

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    YourTextDraw = TextDrawCreate(100.0, 33.0,"Jailed!");
    TextDrawLetterSize(YourTextDraw, 3.2 ,5.1);
    return true;
Of course, edit all of this to your liking, and I recommend using Zamaroht's Textdraw Editor to edit items to your preference with ease.
Looked at that FS, so what is the command for ingame? /textdraw? lol...
Also, I should remove all FS' when usin' this one, eh?

Originally Posted by FuTuяe
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I was referring to something like this:
pawn Код:
stock GameText2ForPlayer(playerid, text[], time) {

    TextDrawSetString(textdrawid, text);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, textdrawid);
    SetTimerEx("HideTD", time, false, "i", playerid);

forward HideTD(playerid);
public HideTD(playerid) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, textdrawid);
Why would you use a public just to show this.....? It's totally wrong. Instead, he should use
#define HideTD(%0) TextDrawHideForPlayer(%0, textdrawid)
on top of his script, with all the other defines.

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