25.12.2011, 14:21
Ok so i made a toll and i want people to only be abled to enter it from ONE side the right road side... so i did this:
But this makes it only open from NORTH side.... like this:
By thimo144 at 2011-12-25
While i want it to open at THIS side too:
By thimo144 at 2011-12-25
Anyone idea? :S
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.5, ATollGates[TollGate][OpenX], ATollGates[TollGate][OpenY] + 7, ATollGates[TollGate][OpenZ]))
By thimo144 at 2011-12-25
While i want it to open at THIS side too:
By thimo144 at 2011-12-25
Anyone idea? :S