06.07.2011, 07:42
I'm using this include http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...304#post870304
How would I be able to Detect if theres a Artic trailer and then it does artic missions then if I have a fuel tanker trailer it does fuel missions?
I would have to think it would go under this so I'll supply it for you
where the 10000 is, is the price you get for delivering that particular load, how would I make it so when they finish the mission it would be a random amount like between $10000 and $12000?
How would I be able to Detect if theres a Artic trailer and then it does artic missions then if I have a fuel tanker trailer it does fuel missions?
I would have to think it would go under this so I'll supply it for you
if(!strcmp("/work", cmdtext, true)) { new pvehiclemodel = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); if (pvehiclemodel == 403 || pvehiclemodel == 514 || pvehiclemodel == 515) { if (IsPlayerInMission[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, ">> You are currently in a mission use \"/cancelmission\" to cancel your current mission!"); // prevents them from starting another mission new string[200]; new rand = random(sizeof(TruckingMissionRandom)); IsPlayerInMission[playerid] = 1; // asign it to 1 becuase there in a mission CreatePlayerMission(playerid, TruckingMissionRandom[rand][UseTrailerCheck], TruckingMissionRandom[rand][MissionPay], TruckingMissionRandom[rand][loadx],TruckingMissionRandom[rand][loady], TruckingMissionRandom[rand][loadz], TruckingMissionRandom[rand][unloadx],TruckingMissionRandom[rand][unloady], TruckingMissionRandom[rand][unloadz]); format(string, sizeof(string), "You are doing mission: %s", TruckingMissionRandom[rand][MissionName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, string); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Im sorry but this mission requires that you use a vehicle that can pull a semi trailer Ex: Roadtrain with an Artict1!"); } return 1; }
new TruckingMissionRandom[][TruckingMissionInfo] = { // {"Mission Text", UseTrailerCheck, MissionPay, loadx, loady, loadz, unloadx, unloady, unloadz} /* KEY: ** "Mission Text" = The text the player will see when he/she is doing the mission! ** UseTrailerCheck = Weather or not the mission requires you use a vehile that has a trailer. Ex: Roadtrain with an Artict1 trailer! ** MissionPay = The amount the player will recive for doing there mission! ** loadx, loady, and loadz = The loading coordinates of the loading checkpoint! ** unloadx, unloadx, unloadx = The un-loading coordinates of the unloading checkpoint! */ {"Deliver Holy Water from LVA Freight Depot to LVA Church", true, 10000, 1701.9475,940.5465,10.8203, 1496.2524,772.1427,10.8203}, {"Deliver Junk Car Parts from LVA Freight Depot to Shody Ottos", true, 10000, 1701.9475,940.5465,10.8203, 1727.6351,1812.1750,10.8203} };