Which Blank GM?

Hey guys, I have actually decided to try out to do normal scripting beside editing scripts...

However I was wondering around in sa-mp forums in gamemodes sections and I have founded two Blank Gamemodes in the forums and Im confused with few stuff in them and I was thinking that some experienced scripter could give me a reference and explain to me what some stuff in them mean:

https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=196241 - 1st Blank GM

https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=242304 - 2nd Blank GM

Which one would be the best to try scritp a RP mode?

Or do you maybe know any others?

If you're going to try out "normal scripting," you're best off starting from new.pwn (clicking the new button in Pawno). That's the exact same as editing a pre-created mode, taking something partially completed and adding to it.

Every scripter has their own unique indentation style and scripts differently - you're going to learn much more trying to make something yourself than using someone else's work.

I recrument the first one, but as the way I code is mabye different from yours.

Try the first one, if you like it. Use it. If not, then don't use it
But as Calg00ne said. You can also use the new.pwn = Just open pawno editor and click new.

Yea but Im sure I wont be able to make dynamic stuff like some blank scripts have because I can see while using dynamic it is more easier to add stuff and I bet making dynamic stuff is hard?

Making "dynamic stuff" is easy, it's logic.

Look over the code you see in the released modes to see how they've done things, if you get confused.

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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Making "dynamic stuff" is easy, it's logic.

Look over the code you see in the released modes to see how they've done things, if you get confused.
I see!

However as well Im kinda confused with these dini and stuff for register because some people say it is slow other say it is fast?

Im confused about these...

dini is used as a function wrapper for file reading and file writing, Dini is effective but it is slow, if you write/read multiple values to/from the same file. See, the thing is with dini is that every time you read or write to a file with dini, the file is opened, the read/write operation is processed then the file is closed - say you're saving a player account, we've got 254 variables like "playerAdminLevel" and "playerFish" to save (but they all retain unique names/values obviously), the file would be opened and closed 254 times - whereas using more advanced systems like Y_Ini or SII opens the file once and does all of the tasks required then closes it when you're done.

If I were you, I'd look up some tutorials on Y_Ini as that appears to be the most popular system right now, or if you've got the time to learn SQL - take a look in to SQLite in SA-MP or MySQL in SA-MP.

uhh I was never good in SQL and MySQL but is it better than normal scripting?

SQL is not a scripting language, it's not a replacement for scripting - it's merely another system for saving/loading data.

SQLite is probably the most powerful way of loading/saving data in SA-MP depending on your usage for it.

I think I will go with normal one ^^.

And as well as you told me to it is betetr to look for Y_Ini, Im looking for register & login tutorial and I cannot find any, however would DJson be good for it as well?

As well im trying to make roleplay script, I see on few register & login tutorials stuff like AdminLevel - whish prob if player do /stats it willl say, when u do the register and login system and u edit and add more stuff into it? I mean like Money,AdminLevel,Phone Number and stuff like that?

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