[Map] Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp!

Hello Soup here-

I am happy to announce I am doing a bit of besides mapping/modding to the SA-MP community to help out servers

I am gonna put some maps with links/pics/videos etc...

Here they are at the bottom (I just converted them not mine!)

Fantasy Hill Race map

Video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He1EnKk4_vg[/ame]

Pics of locations: http://imageshack.us/m/834/3060/satellitemap.jpg

Link of code to map: http://pastebin.com/ma6CwEEH

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Laguna Seca

Video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JlGflmLeY4[/ame]

Pics of locations: http://imageshack.us/m/204/3990/cartevms.jpg

Link of code to map: http://pastebin.com/9XW9eViU



Hope you like, also if you would like any drift map request please do fill free to post and request.

Edit: Creadits goto HJP533 and ParoXum

PS: Please also send me the IP so I could test it out. I'd be glad to check it out myself too. (Optional)

Epic custom maps.
Kind of what I expect from such person.

You should write the credits of where all these maps came from, and probably put links to the original mods.

Tons of objects missing from the first one.

Originally Posted by Norn
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Tons of objects missing from the first one.
You download the img and place it in

GTA San Andreas/SAMP folder

Oh I thought this was simply a map so it's a modification aswell? It's a bit pointless then...not everyone's going to replace the image.

Originally Posted by Norn
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Oh I thought this was simply a map so it's a modification aswell? It's a bit pointless then...not everyone's going to replace the image.
Norn, I would love to check out the map myself? is it ok if I get the IP to see the map?

Verry nice good job! 10/10. From whats game are its from?

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