Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
slayer101 - 15.05.2011
Hello Soup here-
I am happy to announce I am doing a bit of besides mapping/modding to the SA-MP community to help out servers
I am gonna put some maps with links/pics/videos etc...
Here they are at the bottom (I just converted them not mine!)
Fantasy Hill Race map
Video: [ame][/ame]
Pics of locations:
Link of code to map:
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Laguna Seca
Video: [ame][/ame]
Pics of locations:
Link of code to map:
Hope you like, also if you would like any drift map request please do fill free to post and request.
Edit: Creadits goto HJP533 and ParoXum
PS: Please also send me the IP so I could test it out. I'd be glad to check it out myself too. (Optional)
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
Ruffles. - 15.05.2011
Epic custom maps.
Kind of what I expect from such person.
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
Hal - 15.05.2011
You should write the credits of where all these maps came from, and probably put links to the original mods.
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
Norn - 15.05.2011
Tons of objects missing from the first one.
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
slayer101 - 15.05.2011
Originally Posted by Norn
Tons of objects missing from the first one.
You download the img and place it in
GTA San Andreas/SAMP folder
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
Norn - 15.05.2011
Oh I thought this was simply a map so it's a modification aswell? It's a bit pointless then...not everyone's going to replace the image.
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
slayer101 - 15.05.2011
Originally Posted by Norn
Oh I thought this was simply a map so it's a modification aswell? It's a bit pointless then...not everyone's going to replace the image.
Norn, I would love to check out the map myself? is it ok if I get the IP to see the map?
Re: Soup's converted drift maps TO Samp! -
davve95 - 30.05.2011
Verry nice good job! 10/10. From whats game are its from?