22.04.2011, 11:57
Hello, I'm starting a flying server up soon and just get the hang of scripting, I managed to disable all Interior Entrances/Exits (so they cant buy weapons), but if you unjail someone on the admin filterscript I am using (gAdmin) it sets them to the Police Station interior. If anyone can help me having the Police station interior open, or if they know how to set the pos to outside.
I also found this in the gAdmin filterscript.
public OnGameModeInit() { DisableInteriorEnter( ); return 1; }
public IsPlayergAdmin(playerid) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 2) { return true; } return false; } public GetPlayergAdminLevel(playerid) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] == -1) { // Player not connected -> level0 return 0; } return PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]; } stock SetJail(playerid,bool:Jailed = true) { if(Jailed) { new j=random(sizeof(g_fJailPos)); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,3); SetPlayerPos(playerid,g_fJailPos[j][0],g_fJailPos[j][1],g_fJailPos[j][2]); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,354.7243); #if !defined NO_JAIL_COUNT PlayerInfo[playerid][JailCount]=0; #endif ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); } else { SetPlayerPos(playerid,238.7479,188.0599,1004.6931); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,182.0484); #if !defined NO_JAIL_COUNT PlayerInfo[playerid][JailCount]=-1; #endif }