05.03.2011, 23:05
Последний раз редактировалось [ZFM]Zuc; 28.04.2011 в 20:51.
[FS]Zadmin v3.0|Admin System | 101 cmds |
Version3.2 (Some new features)
Per la guida in ITALIANO scaricate il file. la troverete nell'archivio
This is the third version of a good admin system with a lot of funcions. It's called "ZADMIN". Version 3.0. It has
been created to be used in all sorts of servers, because it's possible configuring all system from 3 configuration files:
- OptionsConfig.ini (for anticheat and other options. You can change also ingame with /set and /anticheat)
- CmdsLevels.ini (to set all admin commands LEVELS)
- EnableCmds.ini (to choose which commands are ENABLED or DISABLED. You can change also ingame with /commands)
The creator is [ZFM]Zuc, Founder of a famous italian clan.
* His first server: [ZFM]FreeMode_Ultimate.
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- Copy all folders of the "Scriptfiles" folder in your server's "Scriptfiles" folder;
- Copy files "Zadmin.pwn" and "Zadmin.amx" in your server's "Filterscript" folder;
- Copy "ZDini.inc" and "Zadmin3.0.inc" in your server's "pawno/include" folder;
- Open your "server.cfg" and on "Filterscripts" you have to add: "Zadmin3.0".
"Zadmin3.0.inc" is used on other files where you have to make a command for admins. Condition is:
To use This INCLUDE you have to write on the top of your GameMode "#include <Zadmin3.0>"
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When you open server with Zadmin3.0 for the first time, Zadmin3.0 will create 3 configuration
files in this folder: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config". You need them for commands levels,
command enable or disable and other options like some about the mini anticheat included.
Then it will create also a file called "aka.txt" where will be saved all players names and IP.
If you want to modify Zadmin3.0 options...look point "### SERVER OPTIONS CONFIG" in this file.
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You certnly want to be admin in your server, so follow these steps to make yourself GOD ADMIN (admin level 10):
- Register an account using "/register [password]";
- (if you're not logged in you have to type "/login [password]")
- Login as RCON Admin using the sa-mp code "/rcon login [password]";
- use command "/makemegodadmin". It makes you admin level 10.
Now you're admin level 10! (the maximum).
If you go in your account following this folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Users" you can see that you have level 10 on
the text "adminlevel". you'll see this: "adminlevel=10".
When someone types /admins he sees (if you're online) that YOU are admin level 10.
Admin commands you can use are seen in command /admincmd1 and /admincmd2
/admincmd2 shows some command which have action on ALL PLAYERS (example /amute => mutes all players).
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### SERVER OPTIONS CONFIG (Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/OptionsConfig.ini":
These options can be modifyed also ingame typing these commands: /set /anticheat /commands
- anticheat:
1: Weapons hack (you can set which weapons to allow in server);
2: Armour hack (you can set max health to allow);
3: Health hack (tou can set max health to allow);
4: Money hack (you can set max money to allow).
You have to set:
- 1 if you want to active anti weapon hack for a weapon
- 2 if you don't want to active anti weapon hack for it. (example: AntiMinigun=1 => anti minigun is active).
- Anti Flood/Spam:
1: You can set the max seconds after chat (if a player chats before this time Anti Flood will give him a warning):
MaxFloodSeconds=2 => system allow player to chat after 2 seconds.
2: You can set max warnings to give him:
MaxFloodTimes=3 => System will give 3 warnings. After third warning => KICK.
[color=orange]- Anti high ping (you can decide max ping to allow in server);
To set max Ping:
MaxPing=600 => max ping will be "600".
- Anti high ping warnings (you can decide max ping warnings to give before KICK);
To set max Ping:
MaxPingWarnings=5 =>System will give 5 warnings for ping before KICK.
- Connect messages:
You can configure also the system to show when a player joins in server.
P.S: System will show also if a player joned in the past with a different name.
TO active it, you have to set:
- ConnectMessages=1 if you want to show them;
- ConnectMessages=0 if you don't want to show them.
- Read cmds: (You can decide if you want to show to admins what types a player);
To activate it:
ReadCmds=1 => Admins will see in color grey all commands typed by players (also wrong commands and PM TOO!)
- Admin Nickname Color: It's possible to set a color for all admins (standard is GOLD)
and you can also set if you want to active this option or not.
- Obviusly you can set MAX ADMIN LEVEL. Admins will not have a higher level than what you set.
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### ADMIN LEVEL COMMANDS CONFIG (Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/CmdsLevels.ini":
In this file you can set the level for each admin command: The level allowed to use that command:
Next to each command write the level (for example: Kick=2 means that is possible to use "kick" command
only for admins with level 2 or more than 2.)
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### ADMIN LEVEL COMMANDS ACTIVATION CONFIG (Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/EnableCmds.ini":
Here you can set if is possible to use a command:
ALL commands are written in this file and next to each command set:
- 1 if you want that command Active.
- 0 if you want that command Not Active.
It's also possible changing options ingame typing this command: /commands
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### System REGISTRATION will create an account for every player who registers.
Every file created will save:
- ip
- HashPW (= it's the password coded in numbers)
- password
- adminlevel
- score
- money
- deaths
- kills
- logedin
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### System has also a little ANTI-SWEAR system:
you can write all WORDS to block in server. For example: "bastard","bitch","fuck", and other.
Filename is: "ForbiddenWords.cfg and you find it in folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/".
You can forbid a word ingame with command /forbidword
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### Anti Forbidden names System:
There is also a simple way to FORBID a part of a name.
If a player joins with a name which has a part you have forbidded, he will be kicked.
You can write all forbidden part of names in this file: "ForbiddenPartOfName.cfg". You can
find it here: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem".
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### SYSTEM has 101 commands (version 2.0 had 93 commands):
- 4 special commands (for admins) about accounts:
/makeaccounts [name] [password]
/removeaccount [name]
/renameaccount [name]
/setaccountdata [name] [adminlevel] [score] [deaths] [kills] [money]
- 5 commands for REGISTRATION:
/register [password] (To Register an account)
/login [password] (To login in your account, if it exists)
/logout [password] (To logout off your account)
/stats (To show your stats: kills, deaths, score ecc...)
/changepass [old password] [new password] (To change your account password)
- 8 players commands:
/help (to see their possible commands)
/admins (to see how many admins are online)
/report [id] [reason] (to report to admins a cheater)
/countdown (countdown for races or other: 5 seconds)
/pm [id] [message] (sends a "Personal Message" only to one player)
/veh [car name] {if level = 0}(command to spawn a vehicle, for example: "/veh elegy" will spawn a Elegy for you)
/countdown (it's a simple countdown for races: 5 seconds and then => GO!!!)
/changename [old name] [new name] (changes name to yourself)
- 26 normal admin commands (for example /veh [car name/car id] to spawn vehicle):
/admincolor (to set yourself admin color => GOLD COLOR NAME)
/asay (Admin Public Chat: color => pink)
/announce [message] (Writes a message to all players as a GameTextForAll => Text in the middle of the screen)
/god (GOD MODE On)
/sgod (GOD MODE Off
/lock (To Lock your vehicle)
/unlock (To UnLock your vehicle)
/heal [id] [health] (To set health to a player)
/armour [id] [armour] (To set armour to a player)
/veh [car name / car id] (To spawn a vehicle)
/reports (to check last report)
/fix (To fix your vehicle)
/flip (To flip your vehicle)
/gmx (To restart GM)
/carcolor [colour 1] [colour 2] (To change colours to your vehicle [2 colors])
/admincmd1 (shows single admin commands)
/admincmd2 (shows commands which are used on ALL players: for example /ajail will jail all players)
/setweather [weather id] (To change server weather)
/settime [hour] (To change server's world time)
/setgravity [gravity] (8 is standard gravity)
/ccars (to remove ALL spawned vehicles: it deletes only spawned vehicles witl /veh. Not vehicles in GM!!!)
/cchat (to clear all chat)
/forbidword [word] (to censure a word)
**************** for config ****************
- 40 admin commands to use on players (like command /kick or /ban or /freeze ...):
/makemegodadmin (ONLY FOR ADMIN RCON: First login to make yourself admin. It will set you MaxAdminLevel = 10)
/spec [id] (you can watch a player with his CAMERA = Spectating mode ON)
/specoff [id] (Spectating mode OFF)
/warn [id] [reason] (To give warnings to a player)
/mute [id] [minutes] (To mute a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unmute [id] (To unmute a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/ban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player)
/jail [id] [minutes] (To jail a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unjail [id] (To UnJail a player)
/crash [id] (To Crash the game to a player)
/burn [id] (To burn a player)
/freeze [id] (To Freeze a player)
/unfreeze[id] (To unfreeze a player)
/eject [id] (To Eject a player from his vehicle)
/setname [id] [new name] (To set a different name to a player)
/disarm [id] (To reset weapons to a player)
/reset [id] (To reset weapons, health, armour and money to a player)
/resetwarnings [id] (To Reset all warnings: warnings from command /warn, Flood-warnings, Ping-Warnings)
/getip [id] (To see Player Info: IP and all names that player used in the past)
/givecar [id] [car name] (To Give a vehicle to a player)
/givemoney [id] [ammount] (To give money to a player)
/setscore [id] [score] (To set score to a player)
/setskin [id] [skin id] (To set a skin to a player)
/slap [id] (To slap to a player)
/explode [id] (To explode to a player)
/goto [id] (To teleport yourself to an other player)
/get [id] (To teleport a player to you)
/vgoto [id] (To tele you to a player with your vehicle)
/vget [id] (To teleport a player to you with his vehicle)
/teleplayer [id] [player] (To teleport a player "id" to an other player "player")
/tempadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin only for ONE connection)
/makeadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin)
/die [id] (To kill a player)
/setplayerinterior [id] [int id] (To set an interior "interior" to a player "id")
/weapon [id] [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to a player)
/setplayerweater [id] [weather id](To set a weather to a player)
/setplayertime [id] [hour] (To set a hour to a player)
/playerdata [id] (To see all stats of a player)
- 18 admin commands to use on ALL players:
/aheal (To set health to 100 to all players)
/aarmour (To set armour to MaxArmour to all players => 99)
/amute (To mute all players)
/aunmute (To unmute all players)
/afreeze (To Freeze all players)
/aunfreeze (To Unfreeze all players)
/ajail (To jail all players)
/aunjail (To unjail all players)
/akick (To kick all players => Not who uses it)
/aban (To ban all players => Not who uses it)
/adisarm (To disarm all players)
/areset (To reset all to all players)
/asetskin (To set a skin to all players)
/aslap (To slap all players)
/aexplode (To explode all players)
/aget (To get all players to you)
/adie (To kill all players)
/aweapon [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to all players)
ENG: You can read again info in file "ZAdmin 3.0 Readme.txt".
ITA: Potete rileggervi le info nel file "ZAdmin 3.0 Readme.txt". Scusate ma ho fatto tutto in Inglese. Se devo riscrivere anche in ITA non finisco piщ XD.
Version3.2 (Some new features)
Per la guida in ITALIANO scaricate il file. la troverete nell'archivio
This is the third version of a good admin system with a lot of funcions. It's called "ZADMIN". Version 3.0. It has
been created to be used in all sorts of servers, because it's possible configuring all system from 3 configuration files:
- OptionsConfig.ini (for anticheat and other options. You can change also ingame with /set and /anticheat)
- CmdsLevels.ini (to set all admin commands LEVELS)
- EnableCmds.ini (to choose which commands are ENABLED or DISABLED. You can change also ingame with /commands)
The creator is [ZFM]Zuc, Founder of a famous italian clan.
* His first server: [ZFM]FreeMode_Ultimate.
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- Copy all folders of the "Scriptfiles" folder in your server's "Scriptfiles" folder;
- Copy files "Zadmin.pwn" and "Zadmin.amx" in your server's "Filterscript" folder;
- Copy "ZDini.inc" and "Zadmin3.0.inc" in your server's "pawno/include" folder;
- Open your "server.cfg" and on "Filterscripts" you have to add: "Zadmin3.0".
"Zadmin3.0.inc" is used on other files where you have to make a command for admins. Condition is:
To use This INCLUDE you have to write on the top of your GameMode "#include <Zadmin3.0>"
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When you open server with Zadmin3.0 for the first time, Zadmin3.0 will create 3 configuration
files in this folder: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config". You need them for commands levels,
command enable or disable and other options like some about the mini anticheat included.
Then it will create also a file called "aka.txt" where will be saved all players names and IP.
If you want to modify Zadmin3.0 options...look point "### SERVER OPTIONS CONFIG" in this file.
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You certnly want to be admin in your server, so follow these steps to make yourself GOD ADMIN (admin level 10):
- Register an account using "/register [password]";
- (if you're not logged in you have to type "/login [password]")
- Login as RCON Admin using the sa-mp code "/rcon login [password]";
- use command "/makemegodadmin". It makes you admin level 10.
Now you're admin level 10! (the maximum).
If you go in your account following this folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Users" you can see that you have level 10 on
the text "adminlevel". you'll see this: "adminlevel=10".
When someone types /admins he sees (if you're online) that YOU are admin level 10.
Admin commands you can use are seen in command /admincmd1 and /admincmd2
/admincmd2 shows some command which have action on ALL PLAYERS (example /amute => mutes all players).
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### SERVER OPTIONS CONFIG (Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/OptionsConfig.ini":
These options can be modifyed also ingame typing these commands: /set /anticheat /commands
- anticheat:
1: Weapons hack (you can set which weapons to allow in server);
2: Armour hack (you can set max health to allow);
3: Health hack (tou can set max health to allow);
4: Money hack (you can set max money to allow).
You have to set:
- 1 if you want to active anti weapon hack for a weapon
- 2 if you don't want to active anti weapon hack for it. (example: AntiMinigun=1 => anti minigun is active).
- Anti Flood/Spam:
1: You can set the max seconds after chat (if a player chats before this time Anti Flood will give him a warning):
MaxFloodSeconds=2 => system allow player to chat after 2 seconds.
2: You can set max warnings to give him:
MaxFloodTimes=3 => System will give 3 warnings. After third warning => KICK.
[color=orange]- Anti high ping (you can decide max ping to allow in server);
To set max Ping:
MaxPing=600 => max ping will be "600".
- Anti high ping warnings (you can decide max ping warnings to give before KICK);
To set max Ping:
MaxPingWarnings=5 =>System will give 5 warnings for ping before KICK.
- Connect messages:
You can configure also the system to show when a player joins in server.
P.S: System will show also if a player joned in the past with a different name.
TO active it, you have to set:
- ConnectMessages=1 if you want to show them;
- ConnectMessages=0 if you don't want to show them.
- Read cmds: (You can decide if you want to show to admins what types a player);
To activate it:
ReadCmds=1 => Admins will see in color grey all commands typed by players (also wrong commands and PM TOO!)
- Admin Nickname Color: It's possible to set a color for all admins (standard is GOLD)
and you can also set if you want to active this option or not.
- Obviusly you can set MAX ADMIN LEVEL. Admins will not have a higher level than what you set.
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### ADMIN LEVEL COMMANDS CONFIG (Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/CmdsLevels.ini":
In this file you can set the level for each admin command: The level allowed to use that command:
Next to each command write the level (for example: Kick=2 means that is possible to use "kick" command
only for admins with level 2 or more than 2.)
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### ADMIN LEVEL COMMANDS ACTIVATION CONFIG (Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/EnableCmds.ini":
Here you can set if is possible to use a command:
ALL commands are written in this file and next to each command set:
- 1 if you want that command Active.
- 0 if you want that command Not Active.
It's also possible changing options ingame typing this command: /commands
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### System REGISTRATION will create an account for every player who registers.
Every file created will save:
- ip
- HashPW (= it's the password coded in numbers)
- password
- adminlevel
- score
- money
- deaths
- kills
- logedin
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### System has also a little ANTI-SWEAR system:
you can write all WORDS to block in server. For example: "bastard","bitch","fuck", and other.
Filename is: "ForbiddenWords.cfg and you find it in folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/".
You can forbid a word ingame with command /forbidword
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### Anti Forbidden names System:
There is also a simple way to FORBID a part of a name.
If a player joins with a name which has a part you have forbidded, he will be kicked.
You can write all forbidden part of names in this file: "ForbiddenPartOfName.cfg". You can
find it here: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem".
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### SYSTEM has 101 commands (version 2.0 had 93 commands):
- 4 special commands (for admins) about accounts:
/makeaccounts [name] [password]
/removeaccount [name]
/renameaccount [name]
/setaccountdata [name] [adminlevel] [score] [deaths] [kills] [money]
- 5 commands for REGISTRATION:
/register [password] (To Register an account)
/login [password] (To login in your account, if it exists)
/logout [password] (To logout off your account)
/stats (To show your stats: kills, deaths, score ecc...)
/changepass [old password] [new password] (To change your account password)
- 8 players commands:
/help (to see their possible commands)
/admins (to see how many admins are online)
/report [id] [reason] (to report to admins a cheater)
/countdown (countdown for races or other: 5 seconds)
/pm [id] [message] (sends a "Personal Message" only to one player)
/veh [car name] {if level = 0}(command to spawn a vehicle, for example: "/veh elegy" will spawn a Elegy for you)
/countdown (it's a simple countdown for races: 5 seconds and then => GO!!!)
/changename [old name] [new name] (changes name to yourself)
- 26 normal admin commands (for example /veh [car name/car id] to spawn vehicle):
/admincolor (to set yourself admin color => GOLD COLOR NAME)
/asay (Admin Public Chat: color => pink)
/announce [message] (Writes a message to all players as a GameTextForAll => Text in the middle of the screen)
/god (GOD MODE On)
/sgod (GOD MODE Off
/lock (To Lock your vehicle)
/unlock (To UnLock your vehicle)
/heal [id] [health] (To set health to a player)
/armour [id] [armour] (To set armour to a player)
/veh [car name / car id] (To spawn a vehicle)
/reports (to check last report)
/fix (To fix your vehicle)
/flip (To flip your vehicle)
/gmx (To restart GM)
/carcolor [colour 1] [colour 2] (To change colours to your vehicle [2 colors])
/admincmd1 (shows single admin commands)
/admincmd2 (shows commands which are used on ALL players: for example /ajail will jail all players)
/setweather [weather id] (To change server weather)
/settime [hour] (To change server's world time)
/setgravity [gravity] (8 is standard gravity)
/ccars (to remove ALL spawned vehicles: it deletes only spawned vehicles witl /veh. Not vehicles in GM!!!)
/cchat (to clear all chat)
/forbidword [word] (to censure a word)
**************** for config ****************
- 40 admin commands to use on players (like command /kick or /ban or /freeze ...):
/makemegodadmin (ONLY FOR ADMIN RCON: First login to make yourself admin. It will set you MaxAdminLevel = 10)
/spec [id] (you can watch a player with his CAMERA = Spectating mode ON)
/specoff [id] (Spectating mode OFF)
/warn [id] [reason] (To give warnings to a player)
/mute [id] [minutes] (To mute a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unmute [id] (To unmute a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/ban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player)
/jail [id] [minutes] (To jail a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unjail [id] (To UnJail a player)
/crash [id] (To Crash the game to a player)
/burn [id] (To burn a player)
/freeze [id] (To Freeze a player)
/unfreeze[id] (To unfreeze a player)
/eject [id] (To Eject a player from his vehicle)
/setname [id] [new name] (To set a different name to a player)
/disarm [id] (To reset weapons to a player)
/reset [id] (To reset weapons, health, armour and money to a player)
/resetwarnings [id] (To Reset all warnings: warnings from command /warn, Flood-warnings, Ping-Warnings)
/getip [id] (To see Player Info: IP and all names that player used in the past)
/givecar [id] [car name] (To Give a vehicle to a player)
/givemoney [id] [ammount] (To give money to a player)
/setscore [id] [score] (To set score to a player)
/setskin [id] [skin id] (To set a skin to a player)
/slap [id] (To slap to a player)
/explode [id] (To explode to a player)
/goto [id] (To teleport yourself to an other player)
/get [id] (To teleport a player to you)
/vgoto [id] (To tele you to a player with your vehicle)
/vget [id] (To teleport a player to you with his vehicle)
/teleplayer [id] [player] (To teleport a player "id" to an other player "player")
/tempadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin only for ONE connection)
/makeadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin)
/die [id] (To kill a player)
/setplayerinterior [id] [int id] (To set an interior "interior" to a player "id")
/weapon [id] [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to a player)
/setplayerweater [id] [weather id](To set a weather to a player)
/setplayertime [id] [hour] (To set a hour to a player)
/playerdata [id] (To see all stats of a player)
- 18 admin commands to use on ALL players:
/aheal (To set health to 100 to all players)
/aarmour (To set armour to MaxArmour to all players => 99)
/amute (To mute all players)
/aunmute (To unmute all players)
/afreeze (To Freeze all players)
/aunfreeze (To Unfreeze all players)
/ajail (To jail all players)
/aunjail (To unjail all players)
/akick (To kick all players => Not who uses it)
/aban (To ban all players => Not who uses it)
/adisarm (To disarm all players)
/areset (To reset all to all players)
/asetskin (To set a skin to all players)
/aslap (To slap all players)
/aexplode (To explode all players)
/aget (To get all players to you)
/adie (To kill all players)
/aweapon [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to all players)
ENG: You can read again info in file "ZAdmin 3.0 Readme.txt".
ITA: Potete rileggervi le info nel file "ZAdmin 3.0 Readme.txt". Scusate ma ho fatto tutto in Inglese. Se devo riscrivere anche in ITA non finisco piщ XD.