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[FilterScript] [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - Printable Version

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[FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 05.03.2011

[FS]Zadmin v3.0|Admin System | 101 cmds |

Version3.2 (Some new features)


Per la guida in ITALIANO scaricate il file. la troverete nell'archivio


This is the third version of a good admin system with a lot of funcions. It's called "ZADMIN". Version 3.0. It has
been created to be used in all sorts of servers, because it's possible configuring all system from 3 configuration files:
- OptionsConfig.ini (for anticheat and other options. You can change also ingame with /set and /anticheat)
- CmdsLevels.ini (to set all admin commands LEVELS)
- EnableCmds.ini (to choose which commands are ENABLED or DISABLED. You can change also ingame with /commands)

The creator is [ZFM]Zuc, Founder of a famous italian clan.
* His first server: [ZFM]FreeMode_Ultimate.

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- Copy all folders of the "Scriptfiles" folder in your server's "Scriptfiles" folder;
- Copy files "Zadmin.pwn" and "Zadmin.amx" in your server's "Filterscript" folder;
- Copy "" and "" in your server's "pawno/include" folder;
- Open your "server.cfg" and on "Filterscripts" you have to add: "Zadmin3.0".

"" is used on other files where you have to make a command for admins. Condition is:
To use This INCLUDE you have to write on the top of your GameMode "#include <Zadmin3.0>"


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When you open server with Zadmin3.0 for the first time, Zadmin3.0 will create 3 configuration
files in this folder: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config". You need them for commands levels,
command enable or disable and other options like some about the mini anticheat included.

Then it will create also a file called "aka.txt" where will be saved all players names and IP.

If you want to modify Zadmin3.0 options...look point "### SERVER OPTIONS CONFIG" in this file.

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You certnly want to be admin in your server, so follow these steps to make yourself GOD ADMIN (admin level 10):
- Register an account using "/register [password]";
- (if you're not logged in you have to type "/login [password]")
- Login as RCON Admin using the sa-mp code "/rcon login [password]";
- use command "/makemegodadmin". It makes you admin level 10.

Now you're admin level 10! (the maximum).

If you go in your account following this folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Users" you can see that you have level 10 on
the text "adminlevel". you'll see this: "adminlevel=10".
When someone types /admins he sees (if you're online) that YOU are admin level 10.

Admin commands you can use are seen in command /admincmd1 and /admincmd2
/admincmd2 shows some command which have action on ALL PLAYERS (example /amute => mutes all players).

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(Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/OptionsConfig.ini":

These options can be modifyed also ingame typing these commands: /set /anticheat /commands

- anticheat:
1: Weapons hack (you can set which weapons to allow in server);
2: Armour hack (you can set max health to allow);
3: Health hack (tou can set max health to allow);
4: Money hack (you can set max money to allow).

You have to set:
- 1 if you want to active anti weapon hack for a weapon
- 2 if you don't want to active anti weapon hack for it. (example: AntiMinigun=1 => anti minigun is active).

- Anti Flood/Spam:
1: You can set the max seconds after chat (if a player chats before this time Anti Flood will give him a warning):
MaxFloodSeconds=2 => system allow player to chat after 2 seconds.

2: You can set max warnings to give him:
MaxFloodTimes=3 => System will give 3 warnings. After third warning => KICK.

[color=orange]- Anti high ping (you can decide max ping to allow in server);
To set max Ping:
MaxPing=600 => max ping will be "600".

- Anti high ping warnings (you can decide max ping warnings to give before KICK);
To set max Ping:
MaxPingWarnings=5 =>System will give 5 warnings for ping before KICK.

- Connect messages:
You can configure also the system to show when a player joins in server.
P.S: System will show also if a player joned in the past with a different name.
TO active it, you have to set:
- ConnectMessages=1 if you want to show them;
- ConnectMessages=0 if you don't want to show them.

- Read cmds: (You can decide if you want to show to admins what types a player);
To activate it:
ReadCmds=1 => Admins will see in color grey all commands typed by players (also wrong commands and PM TOO!)

- Admin Nickname Color: It's possible to set a color for all admins (standard is GOLD)
and you can also set if you want to active this option or not.

- Obviusly you can set MAX ADMIN LEVEL. Admins will not have a higher level than what you set.

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(Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/CmdsLevels.ini":

In this file you can set the level for each admin command: The level allowed to use that command:
Next to each command write the level (for example: Kick=2 means that is possible to use "kick" command
only for admins with level 2 or more than 2.)

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(Options configurations filename = "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/EnableCmds.ini":

Here you can set if is possible to use a command:
ALL commands are written in this file and next to each command set:
- 1 if you want that command Active.
- 0 if you want that command Not Active.

It's also possible changing options ingame typing this command: /commands

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will create an account for every player who registers.
Every file created will save:
- ip
- HashPW (= it's the password coded in numbers)
- password
- adminlevel
- score
- money
- deaths
- kills
- logedin

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### System has also a little ANTI-SWEAR system:

you can write all WORDS to block in server. For example: "bastard","bitch","fuck", and other.

Filename is: "ForbiddenWords.cfg and you find it in folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/".
You can forbid a word ingame with command /forbidword

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### Anti Forbidden names System:

There is also a simple way to FORBID a part of a name.
If a player joins with a name which has a part you have forbidded, he will be kicked.

You can write all forbidden part of names in this file: "ForbiddenPartOfName.cfg". You can
find it here: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem".

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### SYSTEM has 101 commands (version 2.0 had 93 commands):

- 4 special commands (for admins) about accounts:
/makeaccounts [name] [password]
/removeaccount [name]
/renameaccount [name]
/setaccountdata [name] [adminlevel] [score] [deaths] [kills] [money]

- 5 commands for REGISTRATION:
/register [password] (To Register an account)
/login [password] (To login in your account, if it exists)
/logout [password] (To logout off your account)
/stats (To show your stats: kills, deaths, score ecc...)
/changepass [old password] [new password] (To change your account password)

- 8 players commands:
/help (to see their possible commands)
/admins (to see how many admins are online)
/report [id] [reason] (to report to admins a cheater)
/countdown (countdown for races or other: 5 seconds)
/pm [id] [message] (sends a "Personal Message" only to one player)
/veh [car name] {if level = 0}(command to spawn a vehicle, for example: "/veh elegy" will spawn a Elegy for you)
/countdown (it's a simple countdown for races: 5 seconds and then => GO!!!)
/changename [old name] [new name] (changes name to yourself)

- 26 normal admin commands (for example /veh [car name/car id] to spawn vehicle):
/admincolor (to set yourself admin color => GOLD COLOR NAME)
/asay (Admin Public Chat: color => pink)
/announce [message] (Writes a message to all players as a GameTextForAll => Text in the middle of the screen)
/god (GOD MODE On)
/sgod (GOD MODE Off
/lock (To Lock your vehicle)
/unlock (To UnLock your vehicle)
/heal [id] [health] (To set health to a player)
/armour [id] [armour] (To set armour to a player)
/veh [car name / car id] (To spawn a vehicle)
/reports (to check last report)
/fix (To fix your vehicle)
/flip (To flip your vehicle)
/gmx (To restart GM)
/carcolor [colour 1] [colour 2] (To change colours to your vehicle [2 colors])
/admincmd1 (shows single admin commands)
/admincmd2 (shows commands which are used on ALL players: for example /ajail will jail all players)
/setweather [weather id] (To change server weather)
/settime [hour] (To change server's world time)
/setgravity [gravity] (8 is standard gravity)
/ccars (to remove ALL spawned vehicles: it deletes only spawned vehicles witl /veh. Not vehicles in GM!!!)
/cchat (to clear all chat)
/forbidword [word] (to censure a word)
**************** for config ****************

- 40 admin commands to use on players (like command /kick or /ban or /freeze ...):
/makemegodadmin (ONLY FOR ADMIN RCON: First login to make yourself admin. It will set you MaxAdminLevel = 10)
/spec [id] (you can watch a player with his CAMERA = Spectating mode ON)
/specoff [id] (Spectating mode OFF)
/warn [id] [reason] (To give warnings to a player)
/mute [id] [minutes] (To mute a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unmute [id] (To unmute a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/ban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player)
/jail [id] [minutes] (To jail a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unjail [id] (To UnJail a player)
/crash [id] (To Crash the game to a player)
/burn [id] (To burn a player)
/freeze [id] (To Freeze a player)
/unfreeze[id] (To unfreeze a player)
/eject [id] (To Eject a player from his vehicle)
/setname [id] [new name] (To set a different name to a player)
/disarm [id] (To reset weapons to a player)
/reset [id] (To reset weapons, health, armour and money to a player)
/resetwarnings [id] (To Reset all warnings: warnings from command /warn, Flood-warnings, Ping-Warnings)
/getip [id] (To see Player Info: IP and all names that player used in the past)
/givecar [id] [car name] (To Give a vehicle to a player)
/givemoney [id] [ammount] (To give money to a player)
/setscore [id] [score] (To set score to a player)
/setskin [id] [skin id] (To set a skin to a player)
/slap [id] (To slap to a player)
/explode [id] (To explode to a player)
/goto [id] (To teleport yourself to an other player)
/get [id] (To teleport a player to you)
/vgoto [id] (To tele you to a player with your vehicle)
/vget [id] (To teleport a player to you with his vehicle)
/teleplayer [id] [player] (To teleport a player "id" to an other player "player")
/tempadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin only for ONE connection)
/makeadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin)
/die [id] (To kill a player)
/setplayerinterior [id] [int id] (To set an interior "interior" to a player "id")
/weapon [id] [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to a player)
/setplayerweater [id] [weather id](To set a weather to a player)
/setplayertime [id] [hour] (To set a hour to a player)
/playerdata [id] (To see all stats of a player)

- 18 admin commands to use on ALL players:
/aheal (To set health to 100 to all players)
/aarmour (To set armour to MaxArmour to all players => 99)
/amute (To mute all players)
/aunmute (To unmute all players)
/afreeze (To Freeze all players)
/aunfreeze (To Unfreeze all players)
/ajail (To jail all players)
/aunjail (To unjail all players)
/akick (To kick all players => Not who uses it)
/aban (To ban all players => Not who uses it)
/adisarm (To disarm all players)
/areset (To reset all to all players)
/asetskin (To set a skin to all players)
/aslap (To slap all players)
/aexplode (To explode all players)
/aget (To get all players to you)
/adie (To kill all players)
/aweapon [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to all players)

ENG: You can read again info in file "ZAdmin 3.0 Readme.txt".
ITA: Potete rileggervi le info nel file "ZAdmin 3.0 Readme.txt". Scusate ma ho fatto tutto in Inglese. Se devo riscrivere anche in ITA non finisco piщ XD.


Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - Snipa - 05.03.2011

Looks nice
EDIT: for the command /makemegodadmin, do you check for IsPlayerAdmin?

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 05.03.2011

Oh now i've understood sorry. Yes. you must be logged as RCON ADMIN.

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - mr.snk - 05.03.2011

Good job

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 05.03.2011

I would like all guys to add a vote after testing Zadmin3.0. Thanks XD!

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - dahley5 - 05.03.2011

mine came with another language i don't know wich one though...

EDIT: but this is the best admin script evaah
ANOTHER EDIT: nevermind fixed it

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 06.03.2011

Originally Posted by dahley5
Посмотреть сообщение
mine came with another language i don't know wich one though...
About languages...sorry but I don't know other! XD!!! I should ask to some friends to translate for me all.

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 06.03.2011

Maybe i'll do it but not now.

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - dahley5 - 06.03.2011

well yeah if i use english language some things crash when i use it :S

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 06.03.2011

Are you sure Are you telling about version 2.0 or this new? (if it's about this, send me a PM with more info about that bug, please. I'll fix it)

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - dahley5 - 06.03.2011

its about this version

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 07.03.2011

I've tested many times those function before posting System in here in sa-mp forum. I've never had a crash for that reason. check your GM.

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - wheelman_WM - 07.03.2011

Nice ZUC

AW: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 07.03.2011

nice Bro keep it up!

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - Davz*|*Criss - 07.03.2011

Awesome one.

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - [ZFM]Zuc - 07.03.2011

Any suggestions to make this version better?

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - humanblackstorm - 07.03.2011

Bella Zuc XD Appena posso la provo e ti dico

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - beatz - 07.03.2011

you can make it by dialogs.. it's a lot of commands. make it easier

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - Zh3r0 - 07.03.2011

Looks old, inefficient and unreliable.

Re: [FS] Zadmin v3.0 | Admin system (101 cmds) + Anticheat,flood,ping,swear... | by Zuc - Montis123 - 07.03.2011

Mhmm what i can say nice work.