[Include] ||..::: EAZY PEEZY [INC] [BETA]::..||

lol it would take ages. And i forgot the name. I hope they stay in peace

And you don't think it took just as long, if not longer, for the people to actually make and test the functions themselves?

Originally Posted by Grim_
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And you don't think it took just as long, if not longer, for the people to actually make and test the functions themselves?
maybe. But there are many which i have created and there are many which i have found in other sites and there are many which I have found in Functions. I have mixed it altogether with fixes

You should still take the time to give appropriate credits to the rightful creators of the functions, regardless of the amount of time it would take. If you weren't planning to, then you shouldn't have planned on releasing this collection of functions either.

ok i will do that in my next version. But i scripted half of them. Should I give my name as credit also

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