[HELP] Player color


I want to set player color but that player be invisible on the radar.
When player is colored, you can to see him on radar like colored dot.
So, I want to set player color but to remove colored dot on radar...

How to do this?

The hex value is 0xBBGGRRTT

Blue, Green, Red, Transparency.

Transparency of 00 means invisible, transparency of FF means solid.

If you want to make player invisible on radar, use this function:
pawn Код:
stock togglePlayerMapIconVisibility(playerid,bool:visible){ //written by DracoBlue
    SetPlayerColor(playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) | 0xFF) - (visible ? 0x00 : 0xFF));
with this, you don't need to save anything to arrays / PVars.

Thank you

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