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[HELP] Player color - Printable Version

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[HELP] Player color - Pooh7 - 20.11.2010


I want to set player color but that player be invisible on the radar.
When player is colored, you can to see him on radar like colored dot.
So, I want to set player color but to remove colored dot on radar...

How to do this?

Re: [HELP] Player color - Austin - 20.11.2010

The hex value is 0xBBGGRRTT

Blue, Green, Red, Transparency.

Transparency of 00 means invisible, transparency of FF means solid.

Re: [HELP] Player color - rs.pect - 20.11.2010

If you want to make player invisible on radar, use this function:
pawn Код:
stock togglePlayerMapIconVisibility(playerid,bool:visible){ //written by DracoBlue
    SetPlayerColor(playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) | 0xFF) - (visible ? 0x00 : 0xFF));
with this, you don't need to save anything to arrays / PVars.

Re: [HELP] Player color - Pooh7 - 20.11.2010

Thank you