Hosted Tab Suggestion

Find a new host to sell the hosted tab. No delete, end of story. Delete = make it alot worst for internet list and then we can't find the good server/servers which owners are putting money into for the community.

They could split the hosted tab into language/Country sections.
eg: go2Nova for german hosted tab section and other Hoster from the Country they are etc.

Originally Posted by nemesis-
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Nope. You're wrong. Partyserver and Littlewhiteys were on the Official tab due to their prior-prior owner's contributions to SA-MP. Without the Official tab, neither server has been able to break into the sub-40 ranks.
Your well mistaken some servers where official for years such as "Party Server" and "littlewhiteys" in 2007-2008 littlewhiteys and Party Server where some of the biggest servers around SA-MP under top 5 that's for sure..

1. ServerFFS did hosted list as it was owned by a SA-MP staff member who could be TRUSTED to have access to the database of hosted list servers etc, that's what I am guessing.

ServerFFS is a fully legit registered company with very expensive SSL certificate, loads of locations, active support team and more. They HAVE the resources to handle something like this. It's not some teenage quick-buck scheme.

Allowing random companies to access this database just will create a security risk for SA-MP if you ask me.

2. No offense to ServerFFS, why the hell is a different website selling hosted list? SA-MP should do it, and SA-MP should get every dollar of it. Just because SA-MP is "not for profit" it still has a right to get a revenue. There are server fees, and with more money they could expand and possibly make SA-MP more popular.

There should be an order system at like or whatever.

3. As stated before, if somebody wants to pay 10 euros a month to get it on the list, they should be able to if they get players or not.

4. The official list DEFINITELY gave the official servers players, NO doubt about it. I spoke to the owner of Novocaine a few times and that server is practically dead compared to what it used to be when official.

5. Please get the ordering up ASAP however it is done, I'm wanting to buy it :P

Originally Posted by Limex
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1. ServerFFS did hosted list as it was owned by a SA-MP staff member who could be TRUSTED to have access to the database of hosted list servers etc, that's what I am guessing.

ServerFFS is a fully legit registered company with very expensive SSL certificate, loads of locations, active support team and more. They HAVE the resources to handle something like this. It's not some teenage quick-buck scheme.

Allowing random companies to access this database just will create a security risk for SA-MP if you ask me.

2. No offense to ServerFFS, why the hell is a different website selling hosted list? SA-MP should do it, and SA-MP should get every dollar of it. Just because SA-MP is "not for profit" it still has a right to get a revenue. There are server fees, and with more money they could expand and possibly make SA-MP more popular.

There should be an order system at like or whatever.

3. As stated before, if somebody wants to pay 10 euros a month to get it on the list, they should be able to if they get players or not.

4. The official list DEFINITELY gave the official servers players, NO doubt about it. I spoke to the owner of Novocaine a few times and that server is practically dead compared to what it used to be when official.

5. Please get the ordering up ASAP however it is done, I'm wanting to buy it :P
Finally an answer that is not biased AND is a good suggestion at the same time.

Originally Posted by Sergei
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I wish you understood what DDoS even is (
i do know what that means -.-

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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i do know what that means -.-
You clearly don't.
Originally Posted by Code_Red
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maybe they can use the money to install anti ddos softwares in the samp client?

Originally Posted by G1
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Hostedlist should be removed. it's totally unfair
it would be amazing if the Official list came back.
It's unfair until you get to be on it. It's just in a closed state at the moment.

Official list was removed due to several reasons and will never come back.

Originally Posted by Tai_Storm
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The average person uses the hosted tab more often. The best servers with quite a few people are on the Hosted tab.

I think we should keep the hosted tab. Why waste time and change anything? Just a waste of time.
It would take more time finding a different hosting company to sell the hosted listings (or whoever else could do it) then it would to simply remove it.

so any one know when we can start buy hosted tab

Originally Posted by Karlip
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Official list was removed due to several reasons and will never come back.
What reasons where that?.

Originally Posted by Mr187
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What reasons where that?.
One of the most obvious one is that it was a regular target for DDoS'ers.

Originally Posted by [jS]Infinity
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One of the most obvious one is that it was a regular target for DDoS'ers.
Well of course, but this was up to the server owners if they wanted that or not lol you did not have to stay official you could of said I want off anytime etc.

I think the official list is a good concept however new servers were added in the wrong way.

Game Monitor sucked and was inaccurate. My server floated between 100th and 60th best place for a long time, however it never got to below 50th.

However, there were tonnes of servers who were in the top 50 that just sucked..

I don't think the official list servers should have 200 players to just get on the list.. isn't the official list about telling the community what the best servers are in terms of quality, staff, scripting, uptime, knowledge and such not just top 50. I understand it wasn't just top 50 I just think top 50 was rubbish.

I'm not just defending my server, but many servers who had like 30-50 players, with a great community, great staff, great script that just couldn't beat these Russian / Polish / Brazilian servers which were full all the time but the scripting was just awful and there was hackers on them 24-7. Obviously they didn't get official but because of this "top 50" rule they were preventing decent servers getting a chance in hell.

Yeah anyway, as I said, hosted list doesn't need any hosting company to do it. SA-MP can easily do it themselves. It was completely automated on FFS, it can be completely automated on SA-MP. Plus they get all of the money for themselves.

If this was the real GTA multiplayer there would be like multiple developers all getting paid like 100k a year and all having direct access to the single player source so they wouldn't have to hack the memory etc which is alot harder. Kye works hard, who cares if he takes some of this money for himself? When donations on my server are way higher than is needed to run I sometimes update the terms so that I can take 25/50 percent of it if need be, I don't see an issue if the server is online and nothing is not getting paid for.

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