Checkpoint with icon :) HELP

Hi there I want to make checkpoint but with icon to show on radar with custom icon from game. How can I make it? Here is what I have make for now:
new Float:RandomSteal[34][3] =
(This is just what I use for checkpoints. Not the whole code)
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
 	new rand = random(sizeof(RandomSteal));
	if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 8)
	SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,RandomSteal[rand][0],RandomSteal[rand][1],RandomSteal[rand][2], 3.0);
	return 1;
So help me forum. Show me what should I do to change checkpoint icon to something esle

SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 99, RandomSteal[rand][0],RandomSteal[rand][1],RandomSteal[rand][2], 56, 0 );
under your SetPlayerCheckpoint

Change the 99 with any iconid you want(so you can use RemovePlayerMapIcon) and 56 with the marker type you want.

Check WIKI for more information.

How can I make Icon to show, be visible from far?

Not possible. Map icons only show when you're close to them.

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