I want to make checkpoint but with icon to show on radar with custom icon from game. How can I make it? Here is what I have make for now:
new Float:RandomSteal[34][3] =
(This is just what I use for checkpoints. Not the whole code)
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
new rand = random(sizeof(RandomSteal));
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 8)
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,RandomSteal[rand][0],RandomSteal[rand][1],RandomSteal[rand][2], 3.0);
return 1;
So help me forum. Show me what should I do to change checkpoint icon to something esle
SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 99, RandomSteal[rand][0],RandomSteal[rand][1],RandomSteal[rand][2], 56, 0 );
Change the 99 with any iconid you want(so you can use RemovePlayerMapIcon) and 56 with the marker type you want.
Not possible. Map icons only show when you're close to them.