Hosted Tab Suggestion

Originally Posted by alpha500delta
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What about hosted for server who have 24/7 uptime and a minimum of 20 players...
It would be easy to get like 20 friends on a server and it being 24/7. The hosted tab just needs to be removed.

i disagree on removing inactive servers , they payd money to earn their spot.
im also against the hosted tab but lets be honest , it will not be removed
im offering to make a limit for servers in the tab , lets say 15 or 20
the first server to buy a listning will recive it , after the limit has reached you will no longer be able to buy them until a spot gets open.

Why does it matter anyway? You can easily "remove" the servers you do not want to see on the hosted tab (ticking a few boxes, searching for a certain mode, etc.). And you aren't the one wasting your money on it anyway.

Who cares if there's inactive servers on the hosted tab list? It only takes 20-30 seconds to load iirc, and most of the servers on there are populated. As someone said before, tick the not empty box to remove unpopulated servers.

At the end of the day, you can just use a game monitoring website such as SACNR Monitor or Game Monitor to find a good server to play on, instead of relying on the internet list. Game monitoring websites have a lot more information about the servers on them anyway.

Also, about removing "inactive servers"; if someone wants to pay 10 EUR a month to have their server's IP put into a list, they should be able to. At the end of the day, if their server isn't getting enough players, it's their problem. They're wasting their own money, and they should have the right to do so.

But, I guess it'd be possible to implement a system of minimum average players to get on the hosted list. I dunno, just my 2 cents.

Its gonna be changes sooner or later and its a bad idea what your suggesting I rather see SA-MP control the hosted listing purchases themselves than random hosts signing up and so would anybody reasonable as well and SA-MP had to be getting something outta it or else it wouldn't of been done in the first place, Why would you wast your time? and let somebody get free money from something you can get a earning with as well? everybody is greedy there's noway I believe personally that only serverFFS got profits of Hosted Tab, There had to be some kinda agreement or deal.

Anyways I ain't here to complain I just think its a bad suggestion and I rather see it go down to be honest, I would like to see the Official backup even though I would likely not get my server on it again because of some immature "kids" that insulted and lied about my server and cried to the SA-MP team 24/7 allowing them to do it and making me have to be an asshole but yeah I know a lot of servers that didn't make it after being removed from Official and I loved those servers when I first started playing SA-MP and it was real sad to see them go the way they did I am just glad my server still hits over 100 players after a mess for 3 months.

Originally Posted by Las Venturas CNR
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Not all the servers on the "Official" tab were good. The official tab just brought it players.
I bet if those servers on the official list, back then, were to never be on there, they would have no players.
Not really, most servers on Official list had to have players before it got on, Like my when I was made official we where 8th top ranked server of SA-MP and to be honest once we became Official it wasn't what I suspected, I got a few more players sure but most where just rulebreakers or cheaters and I got lots of DDos attacks and such, It really kinda killed my server in a way after it came down to it, At first it was amazing but yeah... Anyways back on point all servers that where on that got on there at first with lots of players, Maybe later on it ended up with lots of rulebreakers and people who didn't care etc but yes at first it did start with lots of players.

Was cool then was only "Favorites, Internet and Official" Tabs...

Originally Posted by Mr187
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Not really, most servers on Official list had to have players before it got on, Like my when I was made official we where 8th top ranked server of SA-MP and to be honest once we became Official it wasn't what I suspected, I got a few more players sure but most where just rulebreakers or cheaters and I got lots of DDos attacks and such, It really kinda killed my server in a way after it came down to it, At first it was amazing but yeah... Anyways back on point all servers that where on that got on there at first with lots of players, Maybe later on it ended up with lots of rulebreakers and people who didn't care etc but yes at first it did start with lots of players.
Yes i know that your server was in Official Tab, but you spend your money for Hosted Tab and its the same thing... = LOST MONEY

Originally Posted by Brian_Furious
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Yes i know that your server was in Official Tab, but you spend your money for Hosted Tab and its the same thing... = LOST MONEY
Not really "my" money more like the server's and if the players want it "which they did" they get it.

Originally Posted by Mr187
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Not really, most servers on Official list had to have players before it got on, Like my when I was made official we where 8th top ranked server of SA-MP and to be honest once we became Official it wasn't what I suspected, I got a few more players sure but most where just rulebreakers or cheaters and I got lots of DDos attacks and such, It really kinda killed my server in a way after it came down to it, At first it was amazing but yeah... Anyways back on point all servers that where on that got on there at first with lots of players, Maybe later on it ended up with lots of rulebreakers and people who didn't care etc but yes at first it did start with lots of players.
Nope. You're wrong. Partyserver and Littlewhiteys were on the Official tab due to their prior-prior owner's contributions to SA-MP. Without the Official tab, neither server has been able to break into the sub-40 ranks.

Well the Hosted tab was a good thing, it should stay in my option.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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I think what should happen is that the servers who never get any players and just sit on the list should be automatically removed. I load up the full "internet tab" sometimes and peruse all of the dumb servers that people have up there. The majority of servers on the list have 10 - 11 year old owners who couldn't identify the difference between an ass and a vagina. They use edited scripts with names which the steal from other servers. Then they join this forum and demand all of us around. Its really getting on my nerves!
Agreed with some of this above, servers who are inactive and very bad should be removed. But servers who are actually pretty good but for somehow still don't get players should be staying.

Originally Posted by juuleman
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Agreed with some of this above, servers who are inactive and very bad should be removed. But servers who are actually pretty good but for somehow still don't get players should be staying.
Yeah. I know some servers (like the one in my signature) are awesome, but don't get a lot of players. It's a custom based script with no lag and friendly members. People come online and have no idea what to do because it isn't anything like the GF way of things. It disgusts me to see such an amazing server have no players.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Yeah. I know some servers (like the one in my signature) are awesome, but don't get a lot of players. It's a custom based script with no lag and friendly members. People come online and have no idea what to do because it isn't anything like the GF way of things. It disgusts me to see such an amazing server have no players.

[ The message you have entered is too short... Blablabla again. ]

In my opinion, the Hosted List should be removed completely. It gives an unfair advantage to the host (formally serverFFS) who sells them over the others, since everyone wants their server on the list. This will take players away from other companies who have possibly better performance, and much better customer support. If every host was given the opportunity to sell hosted tab listings, then everything would be fair between the hosts and an actual competition for the "best host" would actually begin.

A suggestion I have is to remove the hosted tab list overall, since I find it pointless. However chances are it will stay and many un-deserving servers will become populated again. In that case, I would suggest there be requirements to join the list, like the Official List formally had. You needed a large amount of players and a well rounded script. After an application has been made with those requirements, the SA:MP Team, or people they chose to do so, will go on the server and see if it's "official" material. Then, the hosted list will be sold to the server.

It would also be nice if the money actually went to SA:MP itself, instead of the actual hosts. As far as I know, the host does not spend any extra money on making a list "hosted", so why should they receive the money? The SA:MP Team are the people who took their time to make this great modification. Not only that, but make it for free! I think it's about time they deserve a reward for their hard work, and that would be a portion of their reward for their hard work.

In other words, the hosted list should be gone and the official list, or another named list that run just like it, should be set up. Just my two cent.

I think we should just bring the official back, and only let the old official servers back. Hosted is stupid, it was overpopulated and people who spend money on it to 'gain' players actually get not as many players as they wanted to get.

Originally Posted by Grim_
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In my opinion, the Hosted List should be removed completely. It gives an unfair advantage to the host (formally serverFFS) who sells them over the others, since everyone wants their server on the list. This will take players away from other companies who have possibly better performance, and much better customer support. If every host was given the opportunity to sell hosted tab listings, then everything would be fair between the hosts and an actual competition for the "best host" would actually begin.

A suggestion I have is to remove the hosted tab list overall, since I find it pointless. However chances are it will stay and many un-deserving servers will become populated again. In that case, I would suggest there be requirements to join the list, like the Official List formally had. You needed a large amount of players and a well rounded script. After an application has been made with those requirements, the SA:MP Team, or people they chose to do so, will go on the server and see if it's "official" material. Then, the hosted list will be sold to the server.

It would also be nice if the money actually went to SA:MP itself, instead of the actual hosts. As far as I know, the host does not spend any extra money on making a list "hosted", so why should they receive the money? The SA:MP Team are the people who took their time to make this great modification. Not only that, but make it for free! I think it's about time they deserve a reward for their hard work, and that would be a portion of their reward for their hard work.

In other words, the hosted list should be gone and the official list, or another named list that run just like it, should be set up. Just my two cent.
maybe they can use the money to install anti ddos softwares in the samp client?

Wow, I had a reply saying "The Truth", apparently, the moderators didn't like it, and deleted it...

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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maybe they can use the money to install anti ddos softwares in the samp client?
I wish you understood what DDoS even is (

Removing hosting tab is best! there should be only favorites and internet tabs if add official tab thats same will be as hosting tab all players will goto official tab servers only why they will goto internet tab servers?
to get money for sa-mp there should be official tab!

SA-MP shoukld get the funds from the hosted tab, so they can use that for any costs they make.
Like hosting or w/e...
It's non-profit, but if they use it for their costs they don't make a profit...

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