Float? Or w.e weird corodonates?

Here we go, well i've originally got a pickup icon in my script, witch works like this, when you wlak up to it, textdraw appears on your screen saying " POlice Department, /enter to enter ".

Now i'm trying to move this pickup icon, but when i look at it in its script, it has to many cordonets that i cant fit? so i was wondering you could help me, cause im trying to move this pickup to dillmore police station.

Original Line Of the Pickup
pawn Код:
1555.1461,-1675.7521,16.1953,246.444305,108.878196,1003.218811,~b~Police Station,0,10,0,1,30,1,1247
This is the line i did in game, to get the cordo for dillmore police station
pawn Код:
AddPlayerClass(286,610.8277,-583.4974,18.2109,176.2765,0,0,0,0,0,0); // policespawns
And i was use these corodo from that line above to try move the pickup icon.
pawn Код:
So as you can see, i cant really fit the pickup line with those cordonates, as there are to many in the original one, so wondering if you guys know how i can get the cordo or how to make this work? thanks


I think people don't understand what you're saying, hence why nobody has responded.

Originally Posted by Austin
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I think people don't understand what you're saying, hence why nobody has responded.
ill re-phrase my first post.

You need the first 3, x, y and z.


Originally Posted by Austin
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You need the first 3, x, y and z.

already put that in there, and tried, it appeared no where, its got the first 3cordo, but in the original line there is 6? so what do they mean?

On the original line, it has 6 slots of floats

Are you using like an enter/exit system using 1 line?

If so, 3 of those slots could be, enter: x y z, exit: x, y, z

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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On the original line, it has 6 slots of floats

Are you using like an enter/exit system using 1 line?

If so, 3 of those slots could be, enter: x y z, exit: x, y, z
Yep, i was thinking that as well, ill try it out and give you feed back. thanks.

Wow gosh im dumb, it was working all along when i did that, its just cause i was using the wrong cordo, cause i was using the cordo i use for the player to spawn ahha. anyways thanks!

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