Originally Posted by Anthony[Gl-RP]
Its not abuse if a new admin bans someone for having a loud tone? I simply asked a question, didnt open a thread to recieve flame. Im not power hungry nor a failure as a scripter.
Besides the point of admin abuse, people dont understand what it is to have respect and loyalty for their community. Its hard to find a server that will 'trust' you and keep you , because most of the time, if they see you are better than themselves, they give you the boot.
When people come to my server, saying they can script ect, i just make them turn away, because thats not how you get into a good community. Some people will just be like "OMG HE CAN SCRIPT We can have an amazing script and not use GF anymore !!! OMG!!" then you dont give them the results they want, and fast so they get rid of you. some server owners are really noobish and thats why.
CONCLUSION: You cannot start right away in a server as admin/scripter. I think that you must build trust with the community, and IMO, if you start big (get auto admin/scripter status) the server isnt worth your while.
[/bunch of words that mean shit]
note: dont try understanding what i say, its pretty difficult :P