Can someone tell me why?

Ok so i go on and i press on ressources and this what i found

CPU Usage: 2 %
Memory usage: 32.21 mb
Space in use: 12 mb

32.21 MB is lot for just 800 Lines in the gamemode or more. My gamemode is still under construction and its 7.00MB the amx file.

can someone help me?

It uses 32.21 virtual memory (RAM), the gamemode only uses 12 MB.

If your .amx file is 7MB with 800 lines, you're doing some serious things wrong (Oversized strings/vars?)

can it cuased of fallout's streamer?

lol even scripts with lines 10000k - 40000k has less than 7MB D:

Well no, Fallout's streamer couldn't have caused this.

Dunno what caused this either.... Possibly oversized Variables as what Hiddos said.

I don't think it has anything to do with streamers or plugins .. I use both the Streamer Plugin and the MySQL plugin.
My gamemode which has about 5000 lines now (still under construction) is only 120kb in size (compiled amx).

Ok fixed! Yes it was fallout streamer, Was the time to change to Incognito streamer.

Now the .amx file is 200KB.

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