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Can someone tell me why? - Printable Version

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Can someone tell me why? - matthewdriftking - 28.07.2010

Ok so i go on and i press on ressources and this what i found

CPU Usage: 2 %
Memory usage: 32.21 mb
Space in use: 12 mb

32.21 MB is lot for just 800 Lines in the gamemode or more. My gamemode is still under construction and its 7.00MB the amx file.

can someone help me?

Re: Can someone tell me why? - Rubennnnn - 28.07.2010

It uses 32.21 virtual memory (RAM), the gamemode only uses 12 MB.

Re: Can someone tell me why? - Hiddos - 28.07.2010

If your .amx file is 7MB with 800 lines, you're doing some serious things wrong (Oversized strings/vars?)

Re: Can someone tell me why? - matthewdriftking - 28.07.2010

can it cuased of fallout's streamer?

Re: Can someone tell me why? - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 28.07.2010

lol even scripts with lines 10000k - 40000k has less than 7MB D:

Well no, Fallout's streamer couldn't have caused this.

Dunno what caused this either.... Possibly oversized Variables as what Hiddos said.

Re: Can someone tell me why? - Vince - 28.07.2010

I don't think it has anything to do with streamers or plugins .. I use both the Streamer Plugin and the MySQL plugin.
My gamemode which has about 5000 lines now (still under construction) is only 120kb in size (compiled amx).

Re: Can someone tell me why? - matthewdriftking - 28.07.2010

Ok fixed! Yes it was fallout streamer, Was the time to change to Incognito streamer.

Now the .amx file is 200KB.