Accessing Variables...

Hi there,
I save the Kills and Deaths, and Skill Level in my admin filterscript. And my teams are in my gamemode.
Now OnPlayerSpawn, i want to give player weapons based on their skill level and team they choose.

That's the problem, I can't check for the player's team from the filterscript and can't get the Kills,Deaths and Skill Level from the filterscript

Is there a way to make an include which tells the location of the Kills and Skill Level so i can access them from my gamemode? Or is there any other way? Pls Help

Use PVars?

Thank You

Now I have to see how to use it with my filterscript as i use dini

Originally Posted by DJDhan
Thank You
Originally Posted by DJDhan
Now I have to see how to use it with my filterscript as i use dini
I never used dini, so i can't give you a whole example.
But i can say that you should put a deaths/kills/skill levels from your file right to the P'variable, like:
pawn Код:
//In your FS
SetPVarInt(playerid,"SkillLevel",value);//value = Info about Skill Level from your file
And check a skill level when player is spawn:
pawn Код:
//In your GM
if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"SkillLevel") == 5)//If playa got 5th skill level (just for example)
//Give a weapon that you need here

Wow thanks for you help Sinyavski but I decided to use CallRemoteFunction instead and it works
Because I didn't see your reply :P Although I'll use PVar sometime

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