Storing Camera Position


public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
 	new Float:x;
	new Float:y;
	new Float:z;
 	if(test[playerid] == 5)
    GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, x, y, z);
	return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, x,y,z);
	return false;
= error 017: undefined symbol "x"

What kind of way should I use for adding those with variable?
I know I can't do it with variable[playerid] = GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,x,y,z); -> SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,variable[playerid);
Im sure it will give argument mismatch, right?

So some another way of doing that....?


You could move the float, float:y, float:z to the top of the script or use the pvar system :P

Assyria can't answer right now. You can believe me: he tried, but didn't work. (I answer for him, we're in the same scripting team ).

Originally Posted by Jochemd
Assyria can't answer right now. You can believe me: he tried, but didn't work. (I answer for him, we're in the same scripting team ).
Actually moving floats to top of the script works

Originally Posted by Assyria
Originally Posted by Jochemd
Assyria can't answer right now. You can believe me: he tried, but didn't work. (I answer for him, we're in the same scripting team ).
Actually moving floats to top of the script works
What if more than 1 player dies at same time?

They will get their own positions, because the camera position is stored in Float for 'playerid'. (GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,x,y,z); )

Note: A player dies never at the same time, because it's almost impossible that players die at the same milisecond (= what samp uses). Or there must be used a function that kills more players in once

Originally Posted by Jochemd
They will get their own positions, because the camera position is stored in Float for 'playerid'. (GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,x,y,z); )

Note: A player dies never at the same time, because it's almost impossible that players die at the same milisecond (= what samp uses). Or there must be used a function that kills more players in once
Takes few seconds to spawn a player, so if player A dies, then 1 second later player B dies, player A will have player B's camera position

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