Storing Camera Position - Printable Version
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Storing Camera Position -
Assyria - 06.05.2010
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
new Float:x;
new Float:y;
new Float:z;
if(test[playerid] == 5)
GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, x, y, z);
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, x,y,z);
return false;
= error 017: undefined symbol "x"
What kind of way should I use for adding those with variable?
I know I can't do it with variable[playerid] = GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,x,y,z); -> SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,variable[playerid);
Im sure it will give argument mismatch, right?
So some another way of doing that....?
Re: Storing Camera Position -
Fj0rtizFredde - 06.05.2010
You could move the float

, float:y, float:z to the top of the script or use the pvar system :P
Re: Storing Camera Position -
Jochemd - 06.05.2010
Assyria can't answer right now. You can believe me: he tried, but didn't work. (I answer for him, we're in the same scripting team

Re: Storing Camera Position -
Assyria - 06.05.2010
Originally Posted by Jochemd
Assyria can't answer right now. You can believe me: he tried, but didn't work. (I answer for him, we're in the same scripting team  ).
Actually moving floats to top of the script works
Re: Storing Camera Position -
Killa_ - 06.05.2010
Originally Posted by Assyria
Originally Posted by Jochemd
Assyria can't answer right now. You can believe me: he tried, but didn't work. (I answer for him, we're in the same scripting team  ).
Actually moving floats to top of the script works 
What if more than 1 player dies at same time?
Re: Storing Camera Position -
Jochemd - 06.05.2010
They will get their own positions, because the camera position is stored in Float for 'playerid'. (GetPlayerCameraPos(
playerid,x,y,z); )
Note: A player dies never at the same time, because it's almost impossible that players die at the same milisecond (= what samp uses). Or there must be used a function that kills more players in once
Re: Storing Camera Position -
Killa_ - 06.05.2010
Originally Posted by Jochemd
They will get their own positions, because the camera position is stored in Float for 'playerid'. (GetPlayerCameraPos( playerid,x,y,z); )
Note: A player dies never at the same time, because it's almost impossible that players die at the same milisecond (= what samp uses). Or there must be used a function that kills more players in once 
Takes few seconds to spawn a player, so if player A dies, then 1 second later player B dies, player A will have player B's camera position