What age did you leave school?

Originally Posted by Joey09
Originally Posted by WackoX
Here in The Netherlands you cannot leave school untill your 18th :S
Yes im 13. Its very stupid ;x
Be happy for that omfg....

59.. Had some problems in 3th class.

got kicked out 2 month before i would of finished year 11 for being naughty :P

Got kicked out first day of preschool. Never went back.

Originally Posted by ruckfules99
Got kicked out first day of preschool. Never went back.

Surprise, surprise.

Im in school still - Do not say dont fucking post, im just posting something of what my bro did when this happened of school blah blah blah

Well, he was 16 and dropped out of school, he tried to get a job, and most jobs needed some shit, but, he regretted dropping out. Then he decided the join the army after dropping out and think it would be easy, then he thought "oh hey, lets run from the army" and the army was after him, and he got caught.. But now hes 19(still dirty) doing drugs still blah blah blah. So.. to others.

Even my dad tells me not to drop out, school sucks, it really does, but you gota learn something, right? or just be stupid.

Originally Posted by iLcke
Im in school still - Do not say dont fucking post, im just posting something of what my bro did when this happened of school blah blah blah

Well, he was 16 and dropped out of school, he tried to get a job, and most jobs needed some shit, but, he regretted dropping out. Then he decided the join the army after dropping out and think it would be easy, then he thought "oh hey, lets run from the army" and the army was after him, and he got caught.. But now hes 19(still dirty) doing drugs still blah blah blah. So.. to others.

Even my dad tells me not to drop out, school sucks, it really does, but you gota learn something, right? or just be stupid.
Lol i would hardly say its that bad, I\'m an apprentice engineer.

Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
Originally Posted by ruckfules99
Got kicked out first day of preschool. Never went back.

Surprise, surprise.
I rofl\'d.

Anyway, you shouldn\'t drop out. An education is the most important thing you can obtain now days, especially for free. I mean think about it:
An education gets you a decent job > decent salary > decent life.
With an education, you have a much better chance of living well off with an education than without. I know you hear this alot, "Goto school do your best, it\'s good for you", blah blah. The fact is though, that the people who say that are correct. You can\'t stress the importance of an education now days enough.

Left school at 16, after doing my GCSE\'s, never got the help I needed, so I failed (Apart from Drama, and ICT)....cunts. (not just saying that, I actually did do my best -.-\')

Luckily, I found a course at college for performing arts, which didn\'t require any GCSE grades. I\'m doing well too, I get all the help I need. ^^

I\'m 17 now, and I finish this year of college in June sometime. I will then move on with my new qualifications to the BND, for another 2 years at college. Yay me. ^^

i also left at 16 after I did my gsce\'s

Originally Posted by dice7
Originally Posted by Joey09
Originally Posted by WackoX
Here in The Netherlands you cannot leave school untill your 18th :S
Yes im 13. Its very stupid ;x
Be happy for that omfg....
I hate school

Quit school now and you\'ll wish you didn\'t in 5 years.

E: I\'m in college(?).
But I left primary school at 16.

Originally Posted by SaW
Quit school now and you\'ll wish you didn\'t in 5 years.

I was told that over a hundred times and I ignored it because I didn\'t believe it, but it\'s true.

im leaving primary school this yr with 16 and join a college where i get educated as assistent for graphicdesign

Originally Posted by ┤ŞąiBЄЯҒПŋ├
im leaving primary school this yr with 16 and join a college where i get educated as assisten for graphicdesign
primary? what years that in your county? because in England your like 10 years old when you leave primary school.

Originally Posted by Shady91
primary? what years that in your county? because in England your like 10 years old when you leave primary school.
secondary watev :P

was mistaken^^ sry if i am again but I guess you know what I mean

Originally Posted by ┤ŞąiBЄЯҒПŋ├
Originally Posted by Shady91
primary? what years that in your county? because in England your like 10 years old when you leave primary school.
secondary watev :P

was mistaken^^ sry if i am again but I guess you know what I mean
lol thought so , also it is secondary

Oh wait, I meant I left junior high school at 16.

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz
Originally Posted by rytis935
im still at school
Then don\'t fucking post.
im still on school
but i work with guys who finish highschool and then worked.
i earn nerly as mutch as they do and they are 10 yealrs older.

my advis : STAY IN SCHOOL

I\'m still tempted to leave at 16, and go to collage.

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