Moving object

well just a question to see wich is the best and eaasiest way to make thos a moving object
lets say i created a object and i want this object to allways [fly|move] around and get the closest player to it
for example a shark object that will float at certaint speed and get the closest player to it?
i havent done anything like this but might tomorrow or soon so yeah any tips or ways to do it?

Sorry for what looks like bad indentation but basically, this is how to do it.
Meh actually its not that bad.

pawn Код:
new object;
public OnGameModeInit()
  SetTimer("ObjectCheck", 500, true);
  object = CreateObject(3092, -1118.052368, -978.442566, 129.008102, 0.0000, 0.0000, 282.8144);

forward ObjectCheck();
public ObjectCheck()
  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetObjectPos(object, x, y, z);
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, x, y, z))
        new Float:a, Float:b, Float:c;
        GetPlayerPos(i, a, b, c);
        MoveObject(object, a, b, c, 2.0);


thanks yeah i thouhgt something like this will work and can you help me on how to set a camera in spectating mod behind this object?
i dont have idea about this one tried and failed lol

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