sa-mp and total conversion mods

Originally Posted by DragSta
No i do know, some of them can be 300 mb and more. Yeah it would take a long time, but there could be a jumping egg that amuses you while you wait
Well the wait won't be the biggest problem bandwidth usage tho...

The files can be placed on an webserver, like cod handles it:


// Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps
// See included Quick Setup Guide for instructions.
set sv_allowdownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "0"
seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1"

But maby thats not possible idk :X

Anyways, thanks for the comments i knew many people would like this
And there's someone who voted no.. i cant beleive it and i would like to hear his/her opinion about this as i dont think this is a bad idea at all!

Originally Posted by [X2G
Sneaky ]
Ok.. so i just came up with an awsome idea;

What if it would be possible to play San Andreas Multiplayer, but this time its not San Andreas but you play in a total new world (Total Conversion Mod).

Examples: < omg


How FUCKING awsome would that be?? (sorry for cursing but omg), i get so unbelievably excited by only thinking of it!! You will have all scripting options avaible, but this time in a total NEW world!!

If this would be possible... OMG

Please vote and give me some feeedback

hey i know how to use this mod
1.make server
2.when someone Enter server without this mod will auto-kicked lol
3.did you agree with me?

I love this idea. It could further the 'career' of SA-MP making 0.2.5 not the last release :P


It's possible. It would take a lot of time though. The best chance to make this a succes is for the Sa-mp dev team to choose/make their map and then include it in the next sa-mp install.
This would go as following:
Map cleaner.
Map installer.
Sa:MP installer.

It would destroy your Single player though.


hmmm, maybe if there wasn't an object limit, a team of mappers could make one

(not likely though)

hmm ye the limit sucks, i hit it always with my world tdm mapping projects

ow lets make it on GTA IV
mby lets ask rokstar to give us copy so we could copy it? and then make a map...


P.S.S Love the idea..

It wont be made out of objects, like objects are made atm >.>

this idea very very good. I love sanvice and gostown paradise but how do you to do this idea?
I was installed sanvice 2 month ago but not working sa-mp and mta

Originally Posted by bluepower
this idea very very good. I love sanvice and gostown paradise but how do you to do this idea?
I was installed sanvice 2 month ago but not working sa-mp and mta
SA-MP hasn't converted to sanvice or gostown it's still normal GTA and everyone knows a mod that big wont work in normal SA multiplayer.

Meh,San Vice worked with SA:MP 0.1b.I won't explain how .
With MTA most total conversion Mods work,San Vice too.

Anyway,It would be awesome to have a file (samp.saa) where for example the gta.dat,object.dat etc of some Total Conversion Mods are included.So you can use this file (sanvice.saa) on an installed version of the Mod to play it in SA:MP.This won't take any extra bandwidth becoz you have to install the Mod seperate (and of course download) and just use the new modfile with gta.dat etc... .

I think this is a fantastic idea I hope one of the creators of SA:MP see this and decide to do it because I already tried to go on SA:MP with total conversion and I crashed.. I hope they do it

Multiplayers for GTA United, Gostown Paradise, GTA Anderius and OpenVice:

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