Players in are

Anyone got any idea of a functiont that can check if players or in a gangzone like a greated gangzone would be a real help if anyone could come up with one thanks.

If you have your zones defined simply check whether the player position ( GetPlayerPos(playerid) ) is inside them (best in a small recursive / timer function).

Originally Posted by ray187
If you have your zones defined simply check whether the player position ( GetPlayerPos(playerid) ) is inside them (best in a small recursive / timer function).
Timer of 1000 with IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint,
Is much more better and more recommended

And the getplayerposition will return like the same value that the gangzone does you know to make the square are rectangle?

Originally Posted by sdaly330
And the getplayerposition will return like the same value that the gangzone does you know to make the square are rectangle?
Use a timer and IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint,

Alot better, Faster and more recommended than GetPlayerPos

Is player in range of point returns X,Y,Z and then you have to define a radious how would you work out the radious of the gang turf

You could use IsPlayerInArea?

UnOwned1 = GangZoneCreate(1682.684326, -1877.423461, 1810.684326, -1525.423461);

theres and example of the gang turf what would the is player in range of point for that location look like?

Im not sure: Use IsPlayerInArea

Ok so in the example of my gang zone above what would i use to put in the isplayerinarea function like what co-ords from it

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