[Tutorial] [TUT]Creating Simple Buyable Houses!

[TUT]Creating Simple Buyable Houses!

This is pretty much just a remake of my other tutorial. The other tutorial was buggy as and was pretty damn inefficient. There are some things here that are slightly inefficient such as doing the queries on CreateHouse instead of doing one big query. I've done it like I have so people can understand it better. It uses SQLite which is inbuilt into samp. SQLite databases can be viewed using the program HERE. I've kinda rushed this tutorial because everyone kept asking me about it and the layout may not be that great, I'll eventually fix it . This tutorial also uses ZCMD because most people used it and if I did it with just strcmp on OnPlayerCommandText, people would have issues. It also uses the streamer include because it looks better and it's much better than pickups. You can download the streamer plugin HERE.

Lets get started!
Firstly, we have to include the samp include, the streamer include, the ZCMD include and create our variables. For SQLite, we must have a variable to store the database, the database result and the format string for our query. DB tag is connected to the database variable and the DBResult is connected to the query result.

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <streamer>

new DB:database, DBResult:queryresult, fquery[300];
Below are some defines that we are using so that we can edit them easily any time we want. We have the define MAX_HOUSES that is used for creating the houseinformation variable. It's good to have this close to the amount of houses you use because the less MAX_HOUSES, the smaller the variable and the smaller AMX size. MAX_HOUSES_PER_PLAYER is used later in our script to define the max houses a single player can have. Lastly, the database name define defines the name of our database. It should have .db on the end as well as the quotes.

pawn Код:
#define MAX_HOUSES 300 //MAX_HOUSES is currently 300.
#define databasename "housedb.db" //The Databasename is currently housedb.db
We need to now create our enum and the house information variable that stores all the information so that we do not need to query the SQLite database every time we want to check house information. We use a enum so that we don't have to have multiple variables, we can just use one.

The owner variable in the enum stores the owners name if there is a owner of the house. Hname represents the house name, it must be different to all of the other house names because it is used as our ID to get information such as owner information from the database. Costprice is going to store the cost price of the house, pretty self explanatory. EnterPos[3] is going to store the house checkpoint position that will show if the player is close enough to the house. The 3 cells on the end of EnterPos[3] represents the X Position, the Y Position and the Z position. TelePos is similar to the EnterPos. It just is the position that we are sent to if we enter the house. The sellprice variable is also very self explanatory, it allows us to /sell our house later on in the tutorial for the price that you have defined. The interiors variable allows us to set the interior of the player when the teleports inside. Lastly in our enum comes the checkpointid. The textid variable stores the textid (information 3D text label that is outside of our house. I've changed it from gametext to 3D text labels in this tutorial because it looks better and it is way easier. The checkpointid stores the checkpoint number that our streamer has given us.

We will use it later to find if the player is near a house / can enter it or if the player is inside the house and enters the checkpoint to exit the house. The HouseInformation variable is pretty much all of these variable mixed together. You can have a maximum amount of houses (Defined above) with the information in the enum. The variable houseid shows us what houseid we are currently up to. It tells us what the next empty slot to store information in is. The InHouse variable pretty much tells us if the player is in a house or not. We will use this later for the /sell command and also you can use it somewhere else in your script if needed. Lastly, the InHouseCP variable is used to store if the player is in a house checkpoint or not. This is if they want to buy the house so we don't have to call multiple loops, only one.

pawn Код:
enum hinfo

new HouseInformation[MAX_HOUSES][hinfo], houseid;
First thing is first, we need to have the following two lines under OnGameModeInit or under OnFilterScriptInit. We need to firstly use the db_open function to connect our samp server with the SQLite database. We use the database variable above to save our database number in it. Secondly we need to make our table if it doesn't exist. You do not need to keep that line in because it only needs to be called once. The db_query function allows us to GET / STORE / SET information in our database. In this case, we are creating our table. The table allows us to store information in and can be used to add more functions like lets say a house car. For this tutorial, we are only using it to store the owners name.

pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    database = db_open(databasename);
    db_query(database, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `HOUSEINFO` (housename varchar(51), houseowner varchar(25))");
    return 1;
Now we do the basic job of resetting the variables to -1 (No house id is under this variable). We must do this so the server doesn't think that we are in a house.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    InHouse[playerid] = -1;
    InHouseCP[playerid] = -1;
    return 1;
Time to get started on the harder stuff! We are going to make our function that creates our houses. It will also query our database to see if there is anyone that owns the house. We will be using a stock function that creates a single line that we can use to store all of the information at once. The format of our stock is

CreateHouse(HouseName[], CostP, Float:EnterX, Float:EnterY, Float:EnterZ, Float:TeleX, Float:TeleY, Float:TeleZ, SellP, Interiorx)
HouseName[] - The unique house name that you have chosen for the house (Ex: "Big Mansion5")
CostP - The Cost price of the house (Ex: 500000)
Float:EnterX - The X entry point of the house, it will also be where the outside checkpoint will be (Ex: 1264.53433)
Float:EnterY - The Y entry point of the house, it will also be where the outside checkpoint will be (Ex: 2625.6436)
Float:EnterZ - The Z entry point of the house, it will also be where the outside checkpoint will be (Ex: 200.532)
Float:TeleX - The X teleport that teleports the player into the interior (Ex: 432.4234)
Float:TeleY - The Y teleport that teleports the player into the interior (Ex: 4216.4152)
Float:TeleZ - The Z teleport that teleports the player into the interior (Ex: 10.53672)
SellP - It's the selling price that the owner can sell the house for (Ex: 200000)
Interiorx - The interior ID of the interior that we will teleport to.
This is just pretty much basic setting the variables into our enum for most of it. When it queries the database down the bottom, what we are doing is finding if the house has a owner, if so it will store the owners name into the houseinformation variable. If there is no owner for the house, the variable will be left blank. We do this by using
the SELECT statement.

VARIABLE = houseowner
A VALUE = our house name.
We then use db_num_rows to check if there has been any rows with our house name that we have fetched. If there isn't any rows with the house name (no owner) then we will just free the result with db_free_result. If there is a row, we will fetch that value using db_get_field_assoc. For more information on SQLite, visit https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SQLite

We also have to add our enter and exit checkpoints into our script using CreateDynamicCP. It creates the checkpoints and stores the IDS into checkpointid[0] for the enter CP and checkpointid[1] for the exit CP. We are also going to make our 3D text information variable with CreateDynamic3DTextLabel and store it into the variable textid.

pawn Код:
stock CreateHouse(HouseName[], CostP, Float:EnterX, Float:EnterY, Float:EnterZ, Float:TeleX, Float:TeleY, Float:TeleZ, Interiorx, SellP)
    format(HouseInformation[houseid][Hname], 100, "%s", HouseName);
    HouseInformation[houseid][costprice] = CostP;
    HouseInformation[houseid][EnterPos][0] = EnterX;
    HouseInformation[houseid][EnterPos][1] = EnterY;
    HouseInformation[houseid][EnterPos][2] = EnterZ;
    HouseInformation[houseid][TelePos][0] = TeleX;
    HouseInformation[houseid][TelePos][1] = TeleY;
    HouseInformation[houseid][TelePos][2] = TeleZ;
    HouseInformation[houseid][sellprice] = SellP;
    HouseInformation[houseid][interiors] = Interiorx;
    format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "SELECT houseowner FROM HOUSEINFO WHERE housename = '%s'", HouseName); //Formats the SELECT query
    queryresult = db_query(database, fquery); //Query result variable has been used to query the string above.
    if(db_num_rows(queryresult) != 0) db_get_field_assoc(queryresult, "houseowner", HouseInformation[houseid][owner], 24); //Fetches the field information  db_free_result(queryresult);
    HouseInformation[houseid][checkpointidx][0] = CreateDynamicCP(EnterX, EnterY, EnterZ, 1.0);
    //CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size);
    HouseInformation[houseid][checkpointidx][1] = CreateDynamicCP(TeleX, TeleY, TeleZ, 1.0, 15500000+houseid, Interiorx);
    //CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, worldid, interiorid);
    if(!HouseInformation[houseid][owner][0]) format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n House Price:$%d \n Sell Price: $%d", HouseName, CostP, SellP);
    //If there is nothing in the owners variable, we check if the first cell doesn't have a character.
    else if(HouseInformation[houseid][owner][0] != 0) format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n Owner: %s", HouseName, HouseInformation[houseid][owner]);
    //If there is something in the owners variable we check if the first cell has a character.
    HouseInformation[houseid][textid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(fquery, 0xFFFFFF, EnterX, EnterY, EnterZ + 0.5, 50.0);
    //CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], color, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:drawdistance, attachedplayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachedvehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, testlos = 0, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 100.0);
    houseid ++; //We go to the next free slot in our variable.
    return 1;
Now we are going to make our small functions that will be used later. They are to set and delete the owner of a certain house. We are using two basic SQL queries. One being INSERT

FIELD1 - housename
FIELD2 - houseowner
VALUE1 - Our housename value
VALUE2 - Our houseowner value
And the other being DELETE

FIELD - housename
VALUE - the housename
Then we set the owners variable to the owners name using format. We then after
we update the 3DTextLabel's Text to being owned / not being owned. It's the same
for both of them.

pawn Код:
stock SetOwner(HouseName[], ownername[], houseids)
    format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "INSERT INTO `HOUSEINFO` (`housename`, `houseowner`)  VALUES('%s', '%s')", HouseName, ownername);
    db_query(database, fquery); //Queries the SQLite database.
    format(HouseInformation[houseids][owner], 24, "%s", ownername);
    format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n Owner: %s", HouseName, HouseInformation[houseids][owner]);
    UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInformation[houseids][textid], 0xFFFFFF, fquery); //Updates the text label.
    return 1;

stock DeleteOwner(HouseName[], houseids)
    format(HouseInformation[houseids][owner], 24, "%s", "\0");
    format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "DELETE FROM `HOUSEINFO` WHERE `housename` = '%s'", HouseName);
    db_query(database, fquery); //Queries the SQLite database.
    format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n House Price:$%d \n Sell Price: $%d", HouseName, HouseInformation[houseids][costprice], HouseInformation[houseids][sellprice]);
    UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInformation[houseids][textid], 0xFFFFFF, fquery); //Updates the text label.
    return 1;
Before we make the /buy and /sell commands, we are going to use the OnPlayerEnterDynamicCheckpoint callback to either Set the players position in or outside of the house. We make a loop calling every single checkpoint variable in our current houses to see if the checkpoint is one of our house checkpoints.

We firstly check if the player is the owner so he can instantly enter the house.
If so, we will telepor him to inside the house.

Then it checks if the owner has a owner and sends a message to the player if there
is no owner.

Then it checks if the player is in the exit checkpoint and sets his position outside
of the house.

Lastly, we use the callback OnPlayerExitDynamicCP to exit the checkpoint

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
    for(new x; x<houseid; x++) //Loops through all current house ids.
        if(HouseInformation[x][checkpointidx][0] == checkpointid) //If the entry checkpoint is entry checkpoint.
            if(InHouse[playerid] != -1)
                InHouse[playerid] = -1; //Sets the player to outside the house.
                return 1;
            InHouseCP[playerid] = x; //Sets the InHouseCP variable.
            new Pname[24]; //Pname variable.
            GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, 24); //Gets the players name.
            if(HouseInformation[x][owner][0] != 0 && !strcmp(Pname, HouseInformation[x][owner][0]))
            //The line above checks that the owner string has something in it, then it
            //Will compare it to our current player.
                SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[x][TelePos][0], HouseInformation[x][TelePos][1], HouseInformation[x][TelePos][2]); //Sets players position where x = houseid.
                SetPlayerInterior(playerid, HouseInformation[x][interiors]); //Sets players interior
                SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 15500000 + x); //Sets the virtual world
                //This is used if you want multiple houses per interior.
                 //Sets the inhouse variable to the house he's in.
            if(!HouseInformation[x][owner][0]) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "This house is for sale /buy to buy it!");
            //If there is no owner, it will send a message telling the player to buy it :).
            return 1;
            //We do this so the loop doesn't continue after or it tries to go for more checkpoints
            //We could alternitivly use break;
        if(HouseInformation[x][checkpointidx][1] == checkpointid) //If the player enters the house exit.
            if(InHouse[playerid] == -1)
                InHouse[playerid] = x;
                return 1;
            SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[x][EnterPos][0], HouseInformation[x][EnterPos][1], HouseInformation[x][EnterPos][2]);
            SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); //Sets the player back to interior 0 (Outside)
            SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); //Sets the players Virtual world to 0.
            return 1;
            //We do this so the loop doesn't continue after or it tries to go for more checkpoints
            //We could alternitivly use break;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
    if(InHouseCP[playerid] != - 1) InHouseCP[playerid] = -1; //Sets the players InHouseCP variable to 0.
    return 1;
Finally! We get to make our /buy and /sell commands. These commands are pretty self explanatory, it buys a house and sells a house .

OK, on to the /buy command. We firstly check if the player is in the enterance of a house. We will use our InHouseCP variable that we had created earlier. After that, we go through the following checks

Is the house for sale - We check if the owner variable has a value.

Has the player got enough money - We just check the GetPlayerMoney against the variable.

Has the player got the max number of houses already - We use a simple database query which you will see below.

Then, all we need to do it use our SetOwner function above to set the houses owner and set the players position to inside the house.

Now we can get onto the /sell command which sells the house if the owner is inside
their house. We only have two errors on this one which is checking if the player is in a house and checking if they own it.

pawn Код:
CMD:buy(playerid, params)
    if(InHouseCP[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You are not in any house checkpoints!");
    if(HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][owner][0] != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "This house has a owner");
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][costprice]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You don't have enough money!"); //Player has a lack of cash!
    new PlayerName[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, 24);
    format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "SELECT `houseowner` FROM `HOUSEINFO` WHERE `houseowner` = '%s'", PlayerName); //Formats the SELECT query
    queryresult = db_query(database, fquery); //Query result variable has been used to query the string above.
    if(db_num_rows(queryresult) == MAX_HOUSES_PER_PLAYER) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You already have the max amount of houses"); //If the player has the max houses
    //This is the point where the player can buy the house
    SetOwner(HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][Hname], PlayerName, InHouseCP[playerid]);
    //SetOwner(HouseName[], ownername[], houseids)
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][TelePos][0], HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][TelePos][1], HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][TelePos][2]); //Sets players position where InHouseCP[playerid] = houseid.
    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][interiors]); //Sets players interior
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 15500000 + InHouseCP[playerid]); //Sets the virtual world
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][costprice]);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "House ~r~Purchased!", 3000, 3); //Tells them they have purchased a house
    return 1;

CMD:sell(playerid, params)
    if(InHouse[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You have to be inside your house to sell it!");
    new Pname[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, 24);
    if(strcmp(HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][owner], Pname) != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "This is not your house!");
    //This is the point where the player can sell the house
    DeleteOwner(HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][Hname], InHouse[playerid]);
    //DeleteOwner(HouseName[], houseids)
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][sellprice]);
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][EnterPos][0], HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][EnterPos][1], HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][EnterPos][2]);
    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); //Sets the player back to interior 0 (Outside)
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); //Sets the players Virtual world to 0.
    InHouseCP[playerid] = InHouse[playerid];
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "House ~g~sold!", 3000, 3); //Tells them they have sold a house
    return 1;
Test houses

Place the following under OnFilterScriptInit / OnGameModeInit. Make sure that it's under the db_open function, not above it. The houses are located HERE.

pawn Код:
CreateHouse("TestHouse1", 1, 2317.130615, 692.398498, 11.460937, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 2, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse2", 1, 2346.872802, 692.999267, 11.460937, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 2, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse3", 1, 2396.482666, 691.487060, 11.453125, 2196.850341, -1204.343261, 1049.023437, 6, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse4", 1, 2398.476074, 735.344665, 11.460937, 2196.850341, -1204.343261, 1049.023437, 6, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse5", 1, 2368.863525, 733.627502, 11.460937, 2196.850341, -1204.343261, 1049.023437, 6, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse6", 1, 2013.253906, 731.041870, 11.453125, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 5, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse7", 1, 2449.826660, 742.588806, 11.460937, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 5, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse8", 1, 2449.662353, 714.210693, 11.468292, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 5, 1);
I hope that you have learnt something from this (Not copied and pasted). Here is the full script if you are having any issues, please contact me on MSN or post here if there are any bugs.

Thanks for this :>

Originally Posted by SamQuest
Thanks for this :>
No problem .

Waaaow nice

Thats a usefull tutorial theres meny tutorials here on this forum that doesnt work fully


But would be better with checkpoints :P

Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]

But would be better with checkpoints :P
In my gamemode that I am making, It has the checkpoint version. I will make one later but it would be useless to most people because they would already have a checkpoint streamer that would screw it up .

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]

But would be better with checkpoints :P
In my gamemode that I am making, It has the checkpoint version. I will make one later but it would be useless to most people because they would already have a checkpoint streamer that would screw it up .
Trying to make one myself but fail :P

Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]

But would be better with checkpoints :P
In my gamemode that I am making, It has the checkpoint version. I will make one later but it would be useless to most people because they would already have a checkpoint streamer that would screw it up .
Trying to make one myself but fail :P
KK, I'll make one, also, do you have a checkpoint streamer already or do you want me to make a inbuilt one.

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]

But would be better with checkpoints :P
In my gamemode that I am making, It has the checkpoint version. I will make one later but it would be useless to most people because they would already have a checkpoint streamer that would screw it up .
Trying to make one myself but fail :P
KK, I'll make one, also, do you have a checkpoint streamer already or do you want me to make a inbuilt one.
I'm currently using http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=127905.0

^That one. ([REL]Streamer Plugin v2.3.3)

dunno if yours is better tho :P

thanks for the tutorial man and nice

Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]

But would be better with checkpoints :P
In my gamemode that I am making, It has the checkpoint version. I will make one later but it would be useless to most people because they would already have a checkpoint streamer that would screw it up .
Trying to make one myself but fail :P
KK, I'll make one, also, do you have a checkpoint streamer already or do you want me to make a inbuilt one.
I'm currently using http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=127905.0

^That one. ([REL]Streamer Plugin v2.3.3)

dunno if yours is better tho :P
All you need to change here is

pawn Code:
PickupID[ID] = CreatePickup(1273, 23, Pickupx, Pickupy, Pickupz, -1); //Creates the pickup :).
pawn Code:
PickupID[ID] = CreateDynamicCP(Pickupx, Pickupy, Pickupz, 3, 0, 0, -1, 25);
And set a timer that does this

pawn Code:
SetTimer("Timer", 100, true);
public Timer()
  for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    for(new A; A<1000; A++) //Change 1000 to your amount of CP'S
      if(IsPlayerInDynamicCP(i, A)) OnPlayerEnterStreamedCP(i, A)
  return 1;

stock OnPlayerEnterStreamedCP(playerid, CPID)
  for(new J; J<MAX_HOUSES; J++) //Loops through all houses
    if(CPID == PickupID[J])
      new str[75];
      if(HouseInfo[J][Owned] == 1)
        format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~House Info~n~~g~Owner: ~w~%s", HouseInfo[J][HouseOwner]);
      if(HouseInfo[J][Owned] == 0)
        format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~House Info~n~~g~Owner: ~w~Nobody");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x67F6F6AA, "This house is up for sale! Type /buy to buy it");
      new str2[75];
      format(str2, sizeof(str2), "~g~Cost price:~w~%d ~w~%d~n~~g~Sell Price:~w~ %d", HouseInfo[J][HouseCost], HouseInfo[J][HouseSell]);
      new str3[150];
      format(str3, sizeof(str3), "%s~n~%s", str, str2);
      GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str3, 3500, 3);

Originally Posted by ClanDBZVegeta
thanks for the tutorial man and nice
No problem .

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by ClanDBZVegeta
thanks for the tutorial man and nice
No problem .
There was a few errors in your checkpoint version but I fixed it.

Thank you very much!

Could you make a command to create houses easily?

Seems greatly inspired by the house script by antironix

Great tuto, bit complicated for beginners though.


OK, so I replaced the parts in the script as you said in your post. But when I join server I get spammed by 500 messages "You Can Buy This House By Using /buy" etc..

Im not even in the checkpoint :#

Forgot to include Dini

pawn Code:
C:\Users\Stunt Paradise\Desktop\SAMP R4\gamemodes\SPV4.pwn(1258) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Pname"

//edit.. ok so i used this instead: http://thekiller.pastebin.com/ff793d52
But i'm getting these errors.
C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\filterscripts\RP2.pwn(111) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Pname"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
fixed the strtok problem.

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