#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <streamer>
new DB:database, DBResult:queryresult, fquery[300];
#define MAX_HOUSES 300 //MAX_HOUSES is currently 300.
#define databasename "housedb.db" //The Databasename is currently housedb.db
enum hinfo
new HouseInformation[MAX_HOUSES][hinfo], houseid;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
database = db_open(databasename);
db_query(database, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `HOUSEINFO` (housename varchar(51), houseowner varchar(25))");
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
InHouse[playerid] = -1;
InHouseCP[playerid] = -1;
return 1;
CreateHouse(HouseName[], CostP, Float:EnterX, Float:EnterY, Float:EnterZ, Float:TeleX, Float:TeleY, Float:TeleZ, SellP, Interiorx)
HouseName[] - The unique house name that you have chosen for the house (Ex: "Big Mansion5") CostP - The Cost price of the house (Ex: 500000) Float:EnterX - The X entry point of the house, it will also be where the outside checkpoint will be (Ex: 1264.53433) Float:EnterY - The Y entry point of the house, it will also be where the outside checkpoint will be (Ex: 2625.6436) Float:EnterZ - The Z entry point of the house, it will also be where the outside checkpoint will be (Ex: 200.532) Float:TeleX - The X teleport that teleports the player into the interior (Ex: 432.4234) Float:TeleY - The Y teleport that teleports the player into the interior (Ex: 4216.4152) Float:TeleZ - The Z teleport that teleports the player into the interior (Ex: 10.53672) SellP - It's the selling price that the owner can sell the house for (Ex: 200000) Interiorx - The interior ID of the interior that we will teleport to.
stock CreateHouse(HouseName[], CostP, Float:EnterX, Float:EnterY, Float:EnterZ, Float:TeleX, Float:TeleY, Float:TeleZ, Interiorx, SellP)
format(HouseInformation[houseid][Hname], 100, "%s", HouseName);
HouseInformation[houseid][costprice] = CostP;
HouseInformation[houseid][EnterPos][0] = EnterX;
HouseInformation[houseid][EnterPos][1] = EnterY;
HouseInformation[houseid][EnterPos][2] = EnterZ;
HouseInformation[houseid][TelePos][0] = TeleX;
HouseInformation[houseid][TelePos][1] = TeleY;
HouseInformation[houseid][TelePos][2] = TeleZ;
HouseInformation[houseid][sellprice] = SellP;
HouseInformation[houseid][interiors] = Interiorx;
format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "SELECT houseowner FROM HOUSEINFO WHERE housename = '%s'", HouseName); //Formats the SELECT query
queryresult = db_query(database, fquery); //Query result variable has been used to query the string above.
if(db_num_rows(queryresult) != 0) db_get_field_assoc(queryresult, "houseowner", HouseInformation[houseid][owner], 24); //Fetches the field information db_free_result(queryresult);
HouseInformation[houseid][checkpointidx][0] = CreateDynamicCP(EnterX, EnterY, EnterZ, 1.0);
//CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size);
HouseInformation[houseid][checkpointidx][1] = CreateDynamicCP(TeleX, TeleY, TeleZ, 1.0, 15500000+houseid, Interiorx);
//CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, worldid, interiorid);
if(!HouseInformation[houseid][owner][0]) format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n House Price:$%d \n Sell Price: $%d", HouseName, CostP, SellP);
//If there is nothing in the owners variable, we check if the first cell doesn't have a character.
else if(HouseInformation[houseid][owner][0] != 0) format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n Owner: %s", HouseName, HouseInformation[houseid][owner]);
//If there is something in the owners variable we check if the first cell has a character.
HouseInformation[houseid][textid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(fquery, 0xFFFFFF, EnterX, EnterY, EnterZ + 0.5, 50.0);
//CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], color, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:drawdistance, attachedplayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachedvehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, testlos = 0, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 100.0);
houseid ++; //We go to the next free slot in our variable.
return 1;
INSERT INTO [TABLENAME] ([FIELD1], [FIELD2]) VALUES ([VALUE1], [VALUE2]) TABLENAME - HOUSEINFO FIELD1 - housename FIELD2 - houseowner VALUE1 - Our housename value VALUE2 - Our houseowner value
stock SetOwner(HouseName[], ownername[], houseids)
format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "INSERT INTO `HOUSEINFO` (`housename`, `houseowner`) VALUES('%s', '%s')", HouseName, ownername);
db_query(database, fquery); //Queries the SQLite database.
format(HouseInformation[houseids][owner], 24, "%s", ownername);
format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n Owner: %s", HouseName, HouseInformation[houseids][owner]);
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInformation[houseids][textid], 0xFFFFFF, fquery); //Updates the text label.
return 1;
stock DeleteOwner(HouseName[], houseids)
format(HouseInformation[houseids][owner], 24, "%s", "\0");
format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "DELETE FROM `HOUSEINFO` WHERE `housename` = '%s'", HouseName);
db_query(database, fquery); //Queries the SQLite database.
format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "House Name: %s \n House Price:$%d \n Sell Price: $%d", HouseName, HouseInformation[houseids][costprice], HouseInformation[houseids][sellprice]);
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInformation[houseids][textid], 0xFFFFFF, fquery); //Updates the text label.
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
for(new x; x<houseid; x++) //Loops through all current house ids.
if(HouseInformation[x][checkpointidx][0] == checkpointid) //If the entry checkpoint is entry checkpoint.
if(InHouse[playerid] != -1)
InHouse[playerid] = -1; //Sets the player to outside the house.
return 1;
InHouseCP[playerid] = x; //Sets the InHouseCP variable.
new Pname[24]; //Pname variable.
GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, 24); //Gets the players name.
if(HouseInformation[x][owner][0] != 0 && !strcmp(Pname, HouseInformation[x][owner][0]))
//The line above checks that the owner string has something in it, then it
//Will compare it to our current player.
SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[x][TelePos][0], HouseInformation[x][TelePos][1], HouseInformation[x][TelePos][2]); //Sets players position where x = houseid.
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, HouseInformation[x][interiors]); //Sets players interior
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 15500000 + x); //Sets the virtual world
//This is used if you want multiple houses per interior.
//Sets the inhouse variable to the house he's in.
if(!HouseInformation[x][owner][0]) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "This house is for sale /buy to buy it!");
//If there is no owner, it will send a message telling the player to buy it :).
return 1;
//We do this so the loop doesn't continue after or it tries to go for more checkpoints
//We could alternitivly use break;
if(HouseInformation[x][checkpointidx][1] == checkpointid) //If the player enters the house exit.
if(InHouse[playerid] == -1)
InHouse[playerid] = x;
return 1;
SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[x][EnterPos][0], HouseInformation[x][EnterPos][1], HouseInformation[x][EnterPos][2]);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); //Sets the player back to interior 0 (Outside)
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); //Sets the players Virtual world to 0.
return 1;
//We do this so the loop doesn't continue after or it tries to go for more checkpoints
//We could alternitivly use break;
return 1;
public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
if(InHouseCP[playerid] != - 1) InHouseCP[playerid] = -1; //Sets the players InHouseCP variable to 0.
return 1;
CMD:buy(playerid, params)
if(InHouseCP[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You are not in any house checkpoints!");
if(HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][owner][0] != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "This house has a owner");
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][costprice]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You don't have enough money!"); //Player has a lack of cash!
new PlayerName[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, 24);
format(fquery, sizeof(fquery), "SELECT `houseowner` FROM `HOUSEINFO` WHERE `houseowner` = '%s'", PlayerName); //Formats the SELECT query
queryresult = db_query(database, fquery); //Query result variable has been used to query the string above.
if(db_num_rows(queryresult) == MAX_HOUSES_PER_PLAYER) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You already have the max amount of houses"); //If the player has the max houses
//This is the point where the player can buy the house
SetOwner(HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][Hname], PlayerName, InHouseCP[playerid]);
//SetOwner(HouseName[], ownername[], houseids)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][TelePos][0], HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][TelePos][1], HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][TelePos][2]); //Sets players position where InHouseCP[playerid] = houseid.
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][interiors]); //Sets players interior
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 15500000 + InHouseCP[playerid]); //Sets the virtual world
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - HouseInformation[InHouseCP[playerid]][costprice]);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "House ~r~Purchased!", 3000, 3); //Tells them they have purchased a house
return 1;
CMD:sell(playerid, params)
if(InHouse[playerid] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You have to be inside your house to sell it!");
new Pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, 24);
if(strcmp(HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][owner], Pname) != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "This is not your house!");
//This is the point where the player can sell the house
DeleteOwner(HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][Hname], InHouse[playerid]);
//DeleteOwner(HouseName[], houseids)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][sellprice]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][EnterPos][0], HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][EnterPos][1], HouseInformation[InHouse[playerid]][EnterPos][2]);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); //Sets the player back to interior 0 (Outside)
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); //Sets the players Virtual world to 0.
InHouseCP[playerid] = InHouse[playerid];
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "House ~g~sold!", 3000, 3); //Tells them they have sold a house
return 1;
CreateHouse("TestHouse1", 1, 2317.130615, 692.398498, 11.460937, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 2, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse2", 1, 2346.872802, 692.999267, 11.460937, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 2, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse3", 1, 2396.482666, 691.487060, 11.453125, 2196.850341, -1204.343261, 1049.023437, 6, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse4", 1, 2398.476074, 735.344665, 11.460937, 2196.850341, -1204.343261, 1049.023437, 6, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse5", 1, 2368.863525, 733.627502, 11.460937, 2196.850341, -1204.343261, 1049.023437, 6, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse6", 1, 2013.253906, 731.041870, 11.453125, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 5, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse7", 1, 2449.826660, 742.588806, 11.460937, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 5, 1);
CreateHouse("TestHouse8", 1, 2449.662353, 714.210693, 11.468292, 266.857757, 305.001586, 999.148437, 5, 1);
Originally Posted by SamQuest
Thanks for this :>
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Nice But would be better with checkpoints :P |
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
^That one. ([REL]Streamer Plugin v2.3.3) dunno if yours is better tho :P |
PickupID[ID] = CreatePickup(1273, 23, Pickupx, Pickupy, Pickupz, -1); //Creates the pickup :).
PickupID[ID] = CreateDynamicCP(Pickupx, Pickupy, Pickupz, 3, 0, 0, -1, 25);
SetTimer("Timer", 100, true);
public Timer()
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
for(new A; A<1000; A++) //Change 1000 to your amount of CP'S
if(IsPlayerInDynamicCP(i, A)) OnPlayerEnterStreamedCP(i, A)
return 1;
stock OnPlayerEnterStreamedCP(playerid, CPID)
for(new J; J<MAX_HOUSES; J++) //Loops through all houses
if(CPID == PickupID[J])
new str[75];
if(HouseInfo[J][Owned] == 1)
format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~House Info~n~~g~Owner: ~w~%s", HouseInfo[J][HouseOwner]);
if(HouseInfo[J][Owned] == 0)
format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~House Info~n~~g~Owner: ~w~Nobody");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x67F6F6AA, "This house is up for sale! Type /buy to buy it");
new str2[75];
format(str2, sizeof(str2), "~g~Cost price:~w~%d ~w~%d~n~~g~Sell Price:~w~ %d", HouseInfo[J][HouseCost], HouseInfo[J][HouseSell]);
new str3[150];
format(str3, sizeof(str3), "%s~n~%s", str, str2);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str3, 3500, 3);
Originally Posted by ClanDBZVegeta
thanks for the tutorial man and nice
Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
C:\Users\Stunt Paradise\Desktop\SAMP R4\gamemodes\SPV4.pwn(1258) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Pname"
C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\filterscripts\RP2.pwn(111) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Pname" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase