What on earth were you thinking!?

Thare's a saying that i appreciate, and most people who complain over nothing could learn anything from it:

"Rome wasn't built in a day"

Ide say... make you're suggestions (on the respective topics)..... and give time to SA-MP team to develop / create the stuff. Don't create topics over insignificant stuff that you dislike.

And also stuff take time for a reason, because Kye / SA-MP Team members have a life and also, they need time to apply and perfect most of the suggestions made by SA-MP Community.

"Speed is the enemy of perfection"


The look of 0.3 was suprising at first but I now like it. But at the end of the day I dont pay much attention to looks I just love the game play. I think people who complain will find that there are people out there who like it and most of the time people who like the changes outweigh the people who dislike something meaning that there is little chance it would be changed in future versions.

Dont like the changes? You are not being forced to play this mod, but please be thankful that 0.3 is out, dont just use the forum as you point of reference for everything wrong in the game. How about thank all who gave you the chance to play SAMP?

Why some people are so harsh here? You know, everyone has right to own opinion!
And I think as well that new chatbox dont look really good, the old one was alright.
And we dont really need new & cool chatbox. Do we? I think that Kye should focus on bugs, synchro, etc... instead of making new samp look different from previous versions.

However, I think Kye has done great job with SAMP and everyone should respect it, because its not easy to make something like SAMP, is it? And its all for free, for people, for fun...

Anyway, everyone has right to own opinion, whether is right or not.


well... ofc the new version owns etc. But i do want to say that the design could use some little edits.

some exampels:

Make text in tab screen white borderd so you can see the color black again
Decrease the size of the typing box + text size

Remove double borderd at a higer resolution then 1028x1024 ( its looks so strange )

Originally Posted by mattbrox
No you cant use the 0.2x on the servers, i tried.
And im not complaining about the looks, if you read what i actuly said. IT FILLS UP HALF MY SCREEN!
all the interface is so dam big, i can barely see
I meant that you use 0.2X client to play 0.2X servers not 0.2X/0.3 to play 0.3/0.2X.

The only real problem I see is on the corners of the scoreboard, the corners look, well, see for yourself:

That's the only thing I don't like about the new design, I haven't seen this double-font yet, I think it looks sexy from the screenshot's i've seen, but then again over 10 people on my server say it's awful.

Originally Posted by Guedes_
Thare's a saying that i appreciate, and most people who complain over nothing could learn anything from it:

"Rome wasn't built in a day"

Ide say... make you're suggestions (on the respective topics)..... and give time to SA-MP team to develop / create the stuff. Don't create topics over insignificant stuff that you dislike.

And also stuff take time for a reason, because Kye / SA-MP Team members have a life and also, they need time to apply and perfect most of the suggestions made by SA-MP Community.
SA:MP 0.3 wasn't built in a day either, it was over 2 years in development, you probably just joined SA:MP like what? 2 months ago? Of coarse they have a life, everyone has one...

Originally Posted by |№іі7
Originally Posted by Guedes_
Thare's a saying that i appreciate, and most people who complain over nothing could learn anything from it:

"Rome wasn't built in a day"

Ide say... make you're suggestions (on the respective topics)..... and give time to SA-MP team to develop / create the stuff. Don't create topics over insignificant stuff that you dislike.

And also stuff take time for a reason, because Kye / SA-MP Team members have a life and also, they need time to apply and perfect most of the suggestions made by SA-MP Community.
SA:MP 0.3 wasn't built in a day either, it was over 2 years in development, you probably just joined SA:MP like what? 2 months ago? Of coarse they have a life, everyone has one...
Aparently you didn't understand what i meant by "Rome wasnt build in a day".....
In fact i think you havent even read my post properly.


Oh and i joined SAMP 2.5 years ago, btw.

You dont have to use 0.3

Originally Posted by Guedes_
Originally Posted by |№іі7
Originally Posted by Guedes_
Thare's a saying that i appreciate, and most people who complain over nothing could learn anything from it:

"Rome wasn't built in a day"

Ide say... make you're suggestions (on the respective topics)..... and give time to SA-MP team to develop / create the stuff. Don't create topics over insignificant stuff that you dislike.

And also stuff take time for a reason, because Kye / SA-MP Team members have a life and also, they need time to apply and perfect most of the suggestions made by SA-MP Community.
SA:MP 0.3 wasn't built in a day either, it was over 2 years in development, you probably just joined SA:MP like what? 2 months ago? Of coarse they have a life, everyone has one...
Oh and i joined SAMP 2.5 years ago, btw.
SA:MP 0.2.5 was never released by the SA:MP dev team.

Originally Posted by Kevin Fallow / KevKo
How do you figure 0.3a isn't the official release?
I guess the official release will be 1.0, or something, if the first number is 0 that means it's still in beta (i think).

It looks way better then 0.2

I actualy think everything is awsome on this new version.

I'm not a huge fan of 0.3. But hey ill get used to it. I mean you don't see me making a whole topic about how much I hate other peoples work that they do for free. Show some appreciation. They worked hard so the majority would like it better.

One Word, Transition.


Originally Posted by Seif_
Originally Posted by Kylla
Originally Posted by Guedes_
Originally Posted by |№іі7
Originally Posted by Guedes_
Thare's a saying that i appreciate, and most people who complain over nothing could learn anything from it:

"Rome wasn't built in a day"

Ide say... make you're suggestions (on the respective topics)..... and give time to SA-MP team to develop / create the stuff. Don't create topics over insignificant stuff that you dislike.

And also stuff take time for a reason, because Kye / SA-MP Team members have a life and also, they need time to apply and perfect most of the suggestions made by SA-MP Community.
SA:MP 0.3 wasn't built in a day either, it was over 2 years in development, you probably just joined SA:MP like what? 2 months ago? Of coarse they have a life, everyone has one...
Oh and i joined SAMP 2.5 years ago, btw.
SA:MP 0.2.5 was never released by the SA:MP dev team.
He said he joined SA-MP 2 and a half years ago.
Yes, and it was clearly stated in the previous page, no need to repeat it.

The fuck YOU thinking man, be happy they try to make SA-MP better!!

Great work guys !

Originally Posted by www.******.com
You still can use 0.2X why bother using 0.3 when you don't think it is good.
you cannot download 0.2X now , search all the sa-mp website in downloads , u will find just 0.3a

Originally Posted by Nick_E5
Originally Posted by www.******.com
You still can use 0.2X why bother using 0.3 when you don't think it is good.
you cannot download 0.2X now , search all the sa-mp website in downloads , u will find just 0.3a
You can download it from the file archive.

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