28.03.2019, 18:18
Is there a way to read a log file backwards because i've been looking for solution but nothing found.
Can someone help me with that.Thanks
Can someone help me with that.Thanks
// Setting vars
new string1[256];
lengthOfString = strlen(string);
// Processing
for(new i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
string1[i] = string[(lengthOfString-i)];
// Returning processed string
return string1;
// Open "file.txt" in "read only" mode
new File:handle = fopen("file.txt", io_read);
// If "file.txt" is open
if(handle) {
// Jump to the last byte of "file.txt", and print its position
printf("End of file position: %d", fseek(handle, 0, seek_end));
You can try experimenting with something like:
PHP Code:
while(fread(handle, data))
function givendmg_load(playerid){
new f[64]; format(f, 64, givendmg_file, GetName(playerid));
new Data[256], x=0, arrCoords[6][64];
new File:handle = fopen(f, io_read);
if(!fexist(f)) return printf("File %s ne postoji te se sistem nije ucitao", f);
while(fread(handle, Data)){
split(Data, arrCoords, ',');
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgDate], arrCoords[0], 0, strlen(arrCoords[0]));
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgTime], arrCoords[1], 0, strlen(arrCoords[1]));
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgGivenTo], arrCoords[2], 0, strlen(arrCoords[2]));
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgGivenBy], arrCoords[3], 0, strlen(arrCoords[3]));
givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgAmount] = strval(arrCoords[4]);
givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgWeapon] = strval(arrCoords[5]);
return 1;
This should be what you are looking for. It doesn't actually read the file backwards, but it creates a copy with reversed line order which you can open afterwards and use regular file functions. You must define MAX_LINE_LENGTH to what you guess will be the max. line length. Unfortunately it buffers each line so that is required to know. |