// Setting vars
new string1[256];
lengthOfString = strlen(string);
// Processing
for(new i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
string1[i] = string[(lengthOfString-i)];
// Returning processed string
return string1;
// Open "file.txt" in "read only" mode
new File:handle = fopen("file.txt", io_read);
// If "file.txt" is open
if(handle) {
// Jump to the last byte of "file.txt", and print its position
printf("End of file position: %d", fseek(handle, 0, seek_end));
You can try experimenting with something like:
PHP Code:
while(fread(handle, data))
function givendmg_load(playerid){
new f[64]; format(f, 64, givendmg_file, GetName(playerid));
new Data[256], x=0, arrCoords[6][64];
new File:handle = fopen(f, io_read);
if(!fexist(f)) return printf("File %s ne postoji te se sistem nije ucitao", f);
while(fread(handle, Data)){
split(Data, arrCoords, ',');
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgDate], arrCoords[0], 0, strlen(arrCoords[0]));
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgTime], arrCoords[1], 0, strlen(arrCoords[1]));
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgGivenTo], arrCoords[2], 0, strlen(arrCoords[2]));
strmid(givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgGivenBy], arrCoords[3], 0, strlen(arrCoords[3]));
givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgAmount] = strval(arrCoords[4]);
givendmgInfo[playerid][x][dmgWeapon] = strval(arrCoords[5]);
return 1;
There is no good method. You could try fseek to get to the end. Also, English only here please (in your post at least, not code snippets).
This should be what you are looking for. It doesn't actually read the file backwards, but it creates a copy with reversed line order which you can open afterwards and use regular file functions. You must define MAX_LINE_LENGTH to what you guess will be the max. line length. Unfortunately it buffers each line so that is required to know. |