13.09.2018, 15:21


It's been very long since I last made any releases, therefore I thought I should take a few minutes to make something simple and easy and release, just for the sake of it. This is not a very huge release or something, it's a simple Deathmatch event, it works pretty simple and the process is automated, which means all you (the admin) have to do is start the event with a command and rest is up to the system.
- Simple and automated.
- join by simply typing /join.
- Dm event Map provided within the script.
- Map created for event virtual world only.
- Saves and loads player weapons & locations. (saves when they join and loads when the leave).
- Prizes for the winner.
- Event done in another virtual world to avoid conflicts.
- Optimized as much as possible with multiple tests.

- Dependencies
- a_samp (SA:MP Team)
- zcmd (by zeex?)
- YSI/y_iterate (foreach)
- streamer (incognito) - Installation
- Download the filterscript from github repo.
- Download the required dependencies (if you don't have them already).
- Place the .inc files into /pawno/include/ folder.
- Open your IDE (pawn, sublime notepad++ etc) and compile the filterscript.pwn.
- Open server.cfg and add dm_event to filterscripts.
- Start the server..
- Go ig and type /adminevent

- Note
I do not force you to keep any credits (even tho i havent added any in script), feel free to use it anyhow you want


- Credits
- Samp Team for <a_samp>
- Y_Less for YSI.
- Incognito for streamer.
- Zeex for zcmd.
- Me for some effort
- Zeth for testing.
- Download
- github repo