Custom car spawnpack

How can I make custom car spawnpack? like when I type, /spawnpack [carid (not model id] and it will added it to spawnpack, so, when you type /car spawnpack, it will spawned all selected vehicle that you choose from spawnpack..

So you want it to store all the ID's you enter with a command and then spawn all the ID's you've stored.

Can you give me example code?


You can store the player's vehicle in your database like

Reg_ID PlayerName Veh1 Veh2 and so on..

with the command /spawnpack

And so, when a player use the command /car , a dialog with a list of his spawn pack vehicles should appear. He can select which vehicle he wants from that!

If I'm right!

can you give me code?

What do you mean by CarID , it works only with its provided vehicle ids(400-611). You can make an array and then insert the element by typing a command, and you have no idea how to handle arrays, then you may look for a tutorial.

TIP: You can use sscanf kustom params( k<vehicle>) to return the vehicle id using its name.

Originally Posted by ServerFiles
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can you give me code?
If you're wanting someone to create this specific script for you; you're in the wrong section. This section is for a place to help people whom already have code and need help. Not for people who are wanting someone else to create a script for them.

Requesting a scripter's help you need to go to

Originally Posted by Tass007
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If you're wanting someone to create this specific script for you; you're in the wrong section. This section is for a place to help people whom already have code and need help. Not for people who are wanting someone else to create a script for them.

Requesting a scripter's help you need to go to
Im not asking people to create the script, I just asked for example code so I can make it on my own.

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