16.03.2018, 22:22
Hello to all,
I have this error
And i dont have idea how to fixed, i tryed to put return 1; but it didnt work
Thanks to all in advance
I have this error
PHP код:
error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
PHP код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_DRIVELIC)
if(!response) return 1;
case 0:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] >= 1) return SCM(playerid, G_CRVENA,"[Greska]"S_BJELA" Vec posjedujete dozvolu za motor!");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] < price) return SCMF(playerid,G_CRVENA,"[Greska]:"S_BJELA" Nemate dovoljno novca kod sebe (%d$)",price);
new str[350];
format(str,sizeof(str),""S_TZELENA"D"S_BJELA"obro dosli u moto skolu!\n"S_TZELENA"P"S_BJELA"olaganje se sastoji samo iz teoriskog dijela!\n"S_TZELENA"D"S_BJELA"a krenete sa polaganjem kliknite "S_TZELENA"\"Kreni\" \n\n\n"S_TZELENA"NAPOMENA: "S_BJELA"Na testu smijete pogrijesiti samo na 1 pitanja!\n\n\n"S_TZELENA"C"S_BJELA"ijena polaganja je %d$",price);