error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
if(dialogid == DIALOG_DRIVELIC)
if(!response) return 1;
case 0:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] >= 1) return SCM(playerid, G_CRVENA,"[Greska]"S_BJELA" Vec posjedujete dozvolu za motor!");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] < price) return SCMF(playerid,G_CRVENA,"[Greska]:"S_BJELA" Nemate dovoljno novca kod sebe (%d$)",price);
new str[350];
format(str,sizeof(str),""S_TZELENA"D"S_BJELA"obro dosli u moto skolu!\n"S_TZELENA"P"S_BJELA"olaganje se sastoji samo iz teoriskog dijela!\n"S_TZELENA"D"S_BJELA"a krenete sa polaganjem kliknite "S_TZELENA"\"Kreni\" \n\n\n"S_TZELENA"NAPOMENA: "S_BJELA"Na testu smijete pogrijesiti samo na 1 pitanja!\n\n\n"S_TZELENA"C"S_BJELA"ijena polaganja je %d$",price);
return; return 1;
You provide us with very little information.
Which line gives you this error? This error describes the error quite exactly actually. Try to understand it literally. Function uses both return and return value. My assumption is that you have this under ondialogresponse: Код:
return; return 1; ![]() If the above does not solve this, my second guess would be that the problem above could be found under the following functions: SPD SCM SCMF |
if(dialogid == DIALOG_DRIVELIC)
if(!response) return 1;
case 0:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] >= 1) return SCM(playerid, G_CRVENA,"[Greska]"S_BJELA" Vec posjedujete dozvolu za motor!"); //Errored line 1
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] < price) return SCMF(playerid,G_CRVENA,"[Greska]:"S_BJELA" Nemate dovoljno novca kod sebe (%d$)",price); //Errored line 2
new str[350];
format(str,sizeof(str),""S_TZELENA"D"S_BJELA"obro dosli u moto skolu!\n"S_TZELENA"P"S_BJELA"olaganje se sastoji samo iz teoriskog dijela!\n"S_TZELENA"D"S_BJELA"a krenete sa polaganjem kliknite "S_TZELENA"\"Kreni\" \n\n\n"S_TZELENA"NAPOMENA: "S_BJELA"Na testu smijete pogrijesiti samo na 1 pitanja!\n\n\n"S_TZELENA"C"S_BJELA"ijena polaganja je %d$",price);
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] >= 1) return SCM(playerid, G_CRVENA,"[Greska]"S_BJELA" Vec posjedujete dozvolu za motor!"); //Errored line 1
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] < price) return SCMF(playerid,G_CRVENA,"[Greska]:"S_BJELA" Nemate dovoljno novca kod sebe (%d$)",price); //Errored line 2
PHP код:
PHP код:
stock SCMF(playerid,color,fstring[],{Float, _}:...)
new n=(numargs()-3)*4;
new message[128],arg_start,arg_end;
#emit CONST.alt fstring
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit ADD
#emit STOR.S.pri arg_start
#emit LOAD.S.alt n
#emit ADD
#emit STOR.S.pri arg_end
#emit LOAD.I
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit LOAD.S.pri arg_end
#emit PUSH.S fstring
#emit PUSH.C 255
#emit PUSH.ADR message
#emit PUSH.S n
#emit SYSREQ.C format
#emit LCTRL 4
#emit LOAD.S.alt n
#emit ADD
#emit SCTRL 4
return SCM(playerid,color,message);
else return SCM(playerid,color,fstring);
return 1/0/whatever;