Suggestions for 0.3.8

Remove "Start New Game", "Brief", "Stats" buttons from main menu ingame.

Originally Posted by Saddin
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Remove "Start New Game", "Brief", "Stats" buttons from main menu ingame.
This is game function not samp.

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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This is game function not samp.
They can still be removed; and should be IMO. Start New Game causes a crash.

Ability to scale objects in sa-mp editor if possible.

Couple of issues with hydraulics:

1) When a driver raises/lowers the hydraulics, other players hear the horn sound -

2) Passengers can't move their camera in a vehicle with hydraulics (very annoying)

Would make game play much better if these were fixed. Thanks

Please fix the Y-Axis bug.

Y-axis sensitivity is a constant value, while X-axis sensitivity can be adjusted from options. This makes the movement of the mouse harder to control, as your mouse won't move vertically at the same speed as it does horizontally.

SetActorVelocity(actorid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);

Add option to change HUD for player (radar, mouse.png and sampgui.png)
+ ToggleHUDForPlayer

Originally Posted by Saddin
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Remove "Start New Game", "Brief", "Stats" buttons from main menu ingame.
Yeah! Would be cool to replace brief with something cool.
Such as some advanced info. Like ping or another internet info. Or something else.

Please fix ClearAnimations in OnPlayerEnterVehicle. - It only clears the animation for the player it's used on; other players still see you entering the vehicle. SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerPosFindZ, SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE), all do the same. It's frustrating because there is no real way to stop a player from entering a vehicle "in the eyes" of other players, meaning, if you're in a vehicle and someone tries to jack you, there is no way to stop them from removing you from the vehicle. SetVehicleParamsEx is only an option if you don't want to allow them to be passenger also.

- Pickups should be fixed, if they are too far away from SA:MAP then they simply wont Spawn
- Let us use Custom Objects as Pickups
- Punshing Players over Water doesnt work, sync bug?

This would be more helpfull if it gets fixed in 0.3.8


Wanted to get back to SAMP developing, the datagram include got me intrigued because I had quite few ideas regarding it, only to find it's not supported/implemented in the current (or any?) version. So my question (for Kalcor) is: do you plan on reintroducing the features of that include? I understand the possible reasons behind disabling them in the first place, but with appropriate limits and checks it could work and be used without abusing.

Originally Posted by Morpheus1992
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- Pickups should be fixed, if they are too far away from SA:MAP then they simply wont Spawn
- Let us use Custom Objects as Pickups
- Punshing Players over Water doesnt work, sync bug?

This would be more helpfull if it gets fixed in 0.3.8
Also, sometimes DestroyPickup destroys the wrong pickup. IDK if it's because pickup IDs are still getting messed up, or if it's a problem with DestroyPickup itself, but a fix would be very welcomed. (It only happens after pickups are first destroyed then others are created)

TextDraw sprite would be cool.

So recently, since the custom sprite is not available yet, i tried to make one with a cube object and put the texture on each side, what i thought i could just use 1 cube object for 6 square textures with same size placed on each side, and then in the textdraw i could just rotate the preview model to show only one of it. Instead of making 6 model files with each texture separated.
However it didn't work as what i expected, the back-face culling is ignored by textdraw preview model (the one at right is an object):

I took some font-awesome icon images for instance above. It can be done another way if we don't need the transparency background. But it does not look well for textdraw that can have different color and background color as the solid square shape would be visible.

If sprite won't be added, how about making the textdraw render with back-face culling, or a new function to set PreviewModel position (not rotation), so we could just make a texture sprite with position + zoom to show only a part of it.

What i did is probably silly, but this test might be useful for someone later.

Driving, bike, and flying skill levels would be nice for SetPlayerSkillLevel

Function to detect if the player is downloading the models (or a new state player).

So you can change camera, and block commands.
It is possible to walk and move around the map, open dialogs and etc, even with the download occurring.

Originally Posted by Locky_
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Function to detect if the player is downloading the models (or a new state player).

So you can change camera, and block commands.
It is possible to walk and move around the map, open dialogs and etc, even with the download occurring.
Use OnPlayerFinishedDownloading - if not called they are downloading.

Originally Posted by OneDay
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Use OnPlayerFinishedDownloading - if not called they are downloading.
Not only check if you are downloading, but also check the download progress of the client. Average download speed and estimated time.

There are several functions to query some data through native functions to consult about the connection of the player, however of the progress of download there was only the addition of this callback and other functions to add the models.

In addition, this callback is called even without downloads.

Remove change radio animation in vehicles.

If I'm passenger and I change radio, driver will do the animation.

Also if I'm driving karting vehicle I'm doing animation of changing radio station in air.

Any word on the removal of CULL zones?

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