Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

Hello, i'm looking for a scripter who works for money. I'm currently trying to develop an rpg mode ,but for now i only know the basic things. So if you're looking for some kind of a job just hit me up with a personal message(pm) and then we can discuss other things(be sure to leave some examples of your work or projects).

To do list (for now)
1.Level and Experience system with textdraws
2.Hunger and Thirst system with progress bars
3.DMV(Vehicle license system)
*all y_ini*

P.S can pay through PayPal

Looking for someone who can fix one error on my VPS. This is the error:
[22:36:35]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[22:36:35]   Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
I'll be paying few dollars if the error is fixed. ($3 to $5). I'm using Ubuntu 14.04

Originally Posted by ganglion
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Looking for someone who can fix one error on my VPS. This is the error:
[22:36:35]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[22:36:35]   Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
I'll be paying few dollars if the error is fixed. ($3 to $5). I'm using Ubuntu 14.04
Try using mysql_static.so.

Originally Posted by oMa37
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Looking for someone to work for Play San Andreas Server. The server is hosted and with a stable website (here) and it will be on hosted tab once it become 100% stable. You will get Developer rank which is the same as the owner rank but with extra advantages, you will not pay for anything as well.


- Experienced with MySQL.
- Experienced with PAWN.
- Experienced with PHP (not required).

You can contact me on forum's PMs or Skype (twiikzz).
Looking for some serious and trustworthy people.
Sorry for spamming but I need one as fast as possible.

Looking to collaborate with another server!

Endless Gaming is looking to collaborate with another server. You'll receive a section on our forums and hosting depending on the server type. We are looking for strictly trustable, worthy and mature server owners who are dedicated on growing their server alongside Endless Gaming and its servers too. Good English is a requirement along with the others said above.

If interested, pm me saying so and I'll provide my Discord or Skype username


Also looking for dedicated and active administrators!

Apply now: http://eg-samp.com/forum/index.php?board=22.0

Looking for a mature staff for my Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Server have a 60-90 players.


- Can speak English fluently.
- Good temperament.
- Experienced in COD server.

Originally Posted by Electron123
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Looking for someone who can get me a hosted tab. everything is up we just need a hosted tab PM me
Reward: Owner + Donations

Im lookin for scripter
Create gamemode ''Friday the 13th'' in samp.
I already made 3 maps (Crystal Lake, Packanack-Lodge and Camp Blood).

I have a FB page with +200 followers that want the server to release
If you want be scripter, PM me here.

Long Beach Roleplay is starting up!

We have a fully working webhosting & Server hosting package, so we are up 24/7!
Now the only problem is, me and my buddy don't know much about scripting!

We are looking for:
  • Scripters
  • Helpers
  • Webdesigner (PHP, MySQL and HTML)
  • Mappers
  • Testers & Admins
What we offer you:
  • Respect and Trust
  • Friendly working enviroment
  • As soon as players start donating, 60% will be divided under all staff members!
  • FULL Credits!
Please send an email to info@longbeach-rp.com or PM Moretta on Teamspeak or Forums for more information!





If you are looking for a developer hit me up!

I know how to code:


I also know how to use bootstrap and secure php.

Forex Gaming Roleplay is looking for some good admins who can be active 5 hours almost a day.
Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/JCrUM6M


we are looking for forums, if anyone can give us section in there forums so pm me,our server is call of duty

I'm looking for support for a Roleplay, I need factions sorted & business's

Please join my discord server if you are willing to help!

I'm searching for Administrators and Game Masters(helpers) to support players In-Game.
PM me your application HERE with your own format.
  • Requirements:
  • Good english.
  • Working microphone.
  • An active SA:MP player.
  • Possibly past administrative experience.

District Gaming Freeroam/Roleplay

Looking for:
  • Administrators with experience.
  • Beta Testers.
More about the server features: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...wpost&t=642976

NOTE: The server is yet in Beta phase, we're just looking on recruiting staff before we fully launch.

PM me if intrested. Or contact me on discord.
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/HEM34vz

Looking to collaborate with another server!

Endless Gaming is looking to collaborate with another server. You'll receive a section on our forums and hosting depending on the server type. We are looking for strictly trustable, worthy and mature server owners who are dedicated on growing their server alongside Endless Gaming and its servers too. Good English is a requirement along with the others said above.

If interested, pm me saying so and I'll provide my Discord or Skype username


Also looking for dedicated and active administrators!

Apply now: http://eg-samp.com/forum/index.php?board=22.0

Originally Posted by Electron123
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Forex Gaming Roleplay is looking for some good admins who can be active 5 hours almost a day.
Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/JCrUM6M

Scripter is looking for community. I'm scripting since 2011, i've got expired IPS license.

Limited gaming roleplay is up,website/ts3 is also up..

Currently looking for web developer! interested pm me here and i would provide u my fb name!

If you are good at your work you would be promoted!

We're looking for someone to provide us a 2nd host as long as we're planning on opening a brand new server (made from scratch). If you wanna discuss about it then find me on discord.
Discord: gregorikouk#4322
Or join our server: https://discord.gg/PhyepM2

Looking for someone to make me phpmyadmin on my Ubuntu VPS (14.04). Help would highly be appreciated!

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