How to delete textdraw

Well how can i delete a textdraw??its in the buttom of my screen.I tried to search the name of the textdraw in the pawno but it didnt find nothing.Also i searched the word 'textdraw' but i didnt found anything.Can you help me?

What's written in that textdraw search the text which is written in that textdraw in you pawno and show me the code also tell me when u want to delete that textdraw i mean on player connect or disconnect etc

Can u also show me the picture of that textdraw

i cant find it i searced by name but i didnt find anything.
Thats the picture


Search FreeRoom or something in your script. i think it is displaying the Server Version or something like that. and will be a Global TextDraw. you can also check under OnGameModeInit to see which TextDraws your server is making.

Originally Posted by GTLS
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Search FreeRoom or something in your script. i think it is displaying the Server Version or something like that. and will be a Global TextDraw. you can also check under OnGameModeInit to see which TextDraws your server is making.
i found this

PHP код:
new Text:FreeRoam,Text:ANOFR,Text:CMDS,Text:PressF,Text:TeleText,Text:Contador,Text:JoinText;
and under gamemodeint
PHP код:
new Text:sfondo,Text:sfondorosso,Text:sfondogiallo,Text:sfondoverde,Text:rossoacceso,Text:gialloacceso,Text:verdeacceso//Textdraw semaforo
new Text:TimerSfondo,Text:TimerText[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Timer textdraw
new Text:TextGiriSfondo,Text:TextGiriContatore[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Textdraw vueltas
new Text:TextSfondoInseguimento,Text:SfondoInseguimentoRosso,Text:SfondoInseguimentoGiallo,Text:SfondoInseguimentoVerde,Text:SfondoInseguimentoAzzurro,Text:TextInseguimento,Text:TextPessimo,Text:TextMediocre,Text:TextBuono,Text:TextOttimo,Text:TextPunti[MAX_PLAYERS]; 

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