[FilterScript] TDEditor - New TextDraw creator with Preview models.

I would like to use more textures in the works. Possible to implement it?

Originally Posted by Kolstin
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Add the ability to switch panel, the position (top / bottom).
So it will be convenient to edit TD to be at the bottom of the screen.
/tde box

There is no 'Image' option on list, why ?

Doesn't seem to be working on Windows 10 at all, already tried running both the game and the server as Admin and nothing seems to work so far. Seems like the mouse doesn't select anything or something like that.

Originally Posted by SparkyCode
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Doesn't seem to be working on Windows 10 at all, already tried running both the game and the server as Admin and nothing seems to work so far. Seems like the mouse doesn't select anything or something like that.
I have win 10 and it's working perfectly

That's odd, mine is like if i wasn't even clicking when editting. If i want to change the color, it doesn't work (Already selected the textdraw), if i want to move it or change the size of the box, nope.. not even the /tde box works for me, it simply stays down and doesn't even move if i use the arrows, numpad keys, drag and drop, nothing.

Originally Posted by SparkyCode
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Doesn't seem to be working on Windows 10 at all, already tried running both the game and the server as Admin and nothing seems to work so far. Seems like the mouse doesn't select anything or something like that.
Originally Posted by SparkyCode
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That's odd, mine is like if i wasn't even clicking when editting. If i want to change the color, it doesn't work (Already selected the textdraw), if i want to move it or change the size of the box, nope.. not even the /tde box works for me, it simply stays down and doesn't even move if i use the arrows, numpad keys, drag and drop, nothing.
Not sure if this would make any difference, but do you have this?

Just wondering, am I being an idiot? I've followed the instructions from the OP but when I type /tde in-game nothing happens at all. Filterscript has been loaded.

Edit: Scratch that. Fixed it by unloading pawncmd

Hello! I have a few suggestions:
- Make a check on pause. For it was impossible to copy and delete TextDraw.
- When you click End to hide the toolbar.

PS: sorry my bad english, I hope you understand what I mean.

Originally Posted by Kolstin
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Hello! I have a few suggestions:
- Make a check on pause. For it was impossible to copy and delete TextDraw.
- When you click End to hide the toolbar.

PS: sorry my bad english, I hope you understand what I mean.
Adri1 has been already banned! so your suggestions are useless now!!

Why is there such a mistake? How to treat?
(Click to go to *******)

(Click to go to *******)

PS: sorry my bad english

Hi guys, i need help, when i finished with textdraw i exported and go out of TDE, when i outed textdraw didnt saved, how i can save him? Thanks in advance

I've installed correctly! But when i do /tde open dialog, and when i click on IMAGE and Create a New Project, nothing happens.. why?

I\'m somehow unable to do anything in this FS. I can\'t change textdraw text, move it, change color. Literally nothing. I\'ve put all the files in correct places. Having similiar problems with Ipleomax\'s editor. Could this be Windows 10 fault? I\'ve had lots of problems with GTA:SA after upgrading my OS.


Running server as administrator fixed the problems How can I make the HUD to be visible during textdraw creation?

Oh sorry for bothering again adri1, just one last thing. I'm trying to add some symbols like #, [ ] and so on into a textdraw but some of them don't work, Need I to add something to the TDE.pwn file to make those symbols available to use? If so, how?

Bump! ^

Originally Posted by leon44
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Oh sorry for bothering again adri1, just one last thing. I'm trying to add some symbols like #, [ ] and so on into a textdraw but some of them don't work, Need I to add something to the TDE.pwn file to make those symbols available to use? If so, how?
Originally Posted by adri1
Button: Text

Left click
When this mode is enabled, you can edit the TextDraw text with the keyboard keys.
This script recognizes most of all keys, but it doesn't perform, you've a possibility to use right click.
The script will recognize most of the keys pressed, but if it does not works good, look right click.

Right click
Will display a dialog for introduce text.
Use right click

How do I change the model preview skin from inside the script?

Originally Posted by Kruno88
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How do I change the model preview skin from inside the script?
Use right click on modelid button.

I will release a new td editor, but using dialogs

Originally Posted by adri1
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Use right click on modelid button.

I will release a new td editor, but using dialogs
I mean from inside the script,since it looks like this>:
TXDDraw0[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, -25.333345, 110.755592, "LD_SPAC:white");
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 0.000000, -5.666666);
PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 75.333335, 70.103698);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], -1061109505);
PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], true);
PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, TXDDraw0[playerid], 5);

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