Array index out of bounds.


Any details? Which array?

If you are using YSI use iterator too.

stock GetRandomPlayer()
	new id = Iter_Random(Player);
	if (pInfo[id][pMember] == 8 && pInfo[id][pScore] < 3 && pInfo[id][aVar][23] != 0)
		goto my_label
	return id;

Originally Posted by Rdx
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Any details? Which array?
I have no clue. I think it happens when there are no users online, so the variable users returns 0, but when the timer check for an ID, it see ID 0 from variable users, thus it gives arrat index out of bounds in my pInfo because the player doesn't exist.


the logs could have helped you the most.

Show us the logs and people will be able to help more.

Originally Posted by danielpalade
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I have no clue. I think it happens when there are no users online, so the variable users returns 0, but when the timer check for an ID, it see ID 0 from variable users, thus it gives array index out of bounds in my pInfo because the player doesn't exist.
arrays would not go index out of bounds on MAX_PLAYERS it returns 0 to infinity

Try using GetPlayerPoolSize() rather than MAX_PLAYERS from now on, it's much better and more complex MAX_PLAYERS already.

Originally Posted by danielpalade
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I'm getting the error Array index out of bounds with this code:

#include <YSI\y_timers>

stock GetRandomPlayer()
	new users[MAX_PLAYERS], pl = 0;
	for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && pInfo[i][pMember] != 8 && pInfo[i][pScore] >= 3 && pInfo[i][aVar][23] == 0)
			users[pl] = i;
	return users[random(pl)];

task AutoContracts[180000]()
	new string[128], amount = RandomEx(6000, 30000), id = GetRandomPlayer();
		pInfo[id][aVar][23] += amount;
		mysql_format(MySQLCon, quMYSQL, 200, "UPDATE `players` SET `Contract`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", pInfo[id][aVar][23], pInfo[id][pID]), mysql_tquery(MySQLCon, quMYSQL);

		format(string, sizeof(string), "HITMAN: A new hit is available. Name: %s | Amount: %s$, (/hits).", GetName(id), FormatNumber(pInfo[id][aVar][23]));
	    SendTeamMessage(8, COLOR_HITMAN, string);
    return 1;
also rather than using for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
foreach(new i : Player) was born to be used by everyone
if you don't have foreach then
you can use for(new i; i < GetPlayerPoolSize(); i++)
just like what I said earlier

if there is no players online random(0) returns huge numbers
change to
pawn Код:
return users[((pl < 2) ? 0 : random(pl))];

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