15.02.2017, 19:49
Последний раз редактировалось danielpalade; 25.09.2017 в 21:59.
stock GetRandomPlayer() { my_label: new id = Iter_Random(Player); if (pInfo[id][pMember] == 8 && pInfo[id][pScore] < 3 && pInfo[id][aVar][23] != 0) { goto my_label } return id; }
I have no clue. I think it happens when there are no users online, so the variable users returns 0, but when the timer check for an ID, it see ID 0 from variable users, thus it gives array index out of bounds in my pInfo because the player doesn't exist.
I'm getting the error Array index out of bounds with this code:
#include <YSI\y_timers> stock GetRandomPlayer() { new users[MAX_PLAYERS], pl = 0; for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && pInfo[i][pMember] != 8 && pInfo[i][pScore] >= 3 && pInfo[i][aVar][23] == 0) { users[pl] = i; pl++; } } return users[random(pl)]; } task AutoContracts[180000]() { new string[128], amount = RandomEx(6000, 30000), id = GetRandomPlayer(); if(IsPlayerConnected(id)) { pInfo[id][aVar][23] += amount; mysql_format(MySQLCon, quMYSQL, 200, "UPDATE `players` SET `Contract`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", pInfo[id][aVar][23], pInfo[id][pID]), mysql_tquery(MySQLCon, quMYSQL); format(string, sizeof(string), "HITMAN: A new hit is available. Name: %s | Amount: %s$, (/hits).", GetName(id), FormatNumber(pInfo[id][aVar][23])); SendTeamMessage(8, COLOR_HITMAN, string); } return 1; } |
return users[((pl < 2) ? 0 : random(pl))];