[FilterScript] Ultimate Creator - object, vehicle, actor editor (and more)

Ultimate Creator
It is an advanced object, vehicle, actor editor (full list below), which can work right in the game!
Editing: Objects, Vehicles, Actors, Pickups, Checkpoints, Map icons, Gangzones, 3D texts.

  • Editing from the game
    To do this, you just need to connect the filterscript
  • Different ways of interaction
    You can use dialogs, hotkeys and commands for the same things
  • Mapping for several players
    Ability to mapping for several persons in the same time
  • New editor from scratch
    Editor written entirely from scratch, 0.3e editor is not used
  • Advanced vehicle (since v1.1.0) and actor (since v1.3.3) configuration
    Ability to tune all created vehicles and set animations for any created actors
  • Editing attached objects and 3D texts (since v1.2.0)
    Ability to edit attached objects and 3D texts to vehicles, players and other objects
  • Duplicate search (since v1.4.2)
    The function of searching for duplicate elements created on the same coordinates
  • Copying default objects
    You can copy default map objects by simply clicking on them
  • Deleting default objects (since v1.3.0)
    You can also delete default map objects by simply clicking on them
  • Change textures and material text of objects
    You can change textures, color and material text of any created object
How to use:
  1. To begin, you must have an RCon rights (optional).
  2. Once you get them, type /edit command.
  3. Now you are in flymode: use the keys W, A, S, D to move, and move the mouse to look around.
  4. You can open the main menu by pressing the Enter key.
  5. Next, select items depending on what do you want to do.
All your maps will be saved in "scriptfiles" folder with the extension that you specified in its name (if you didn't specify an extension, the map will be saved in .txt format)

Some keyboard shortcuts that will be useful:

LAlt (KEY_WALK) - Slow moving/movement
LShift (KEY_JUMP) - Acceleration of moving/movement
LShift (KEY_JUMP) + LAlt (KEY_WALK) - Objects mapping considering surface incline
LMB (KEY_FIRE) - Select an object/vehicle/actor...
* W, A, S, D - Movement of selected object/vehicle/actor...
* LShift (KEY_JUMP) + LAlt (KEY_WALK) + W, A, S, D - Movement along the Z-axis of selected object/vehicle/actor...
* LCtrl (KEY_FIRE) + W, A, S, D - Changing the rotation angle of selected object/vehicle/actor...
* LCtrl (KEY_FIRE) + LShift (KEY_JUMP) + LAlt (KEY_WALK) + W, A, S, D - Changing the rotation angle along the X-axis of selected object/vehicle/actor...
RMB (KEY_HANDBRAKE) - Moving an object/vehicle/actor... by mouse
Space (KEY_SPRINT) - Remove selection/movement of an object/vehicle/actor...
C (KEY_CROUCH) + LMB (KEY_FIRE) - Copy an object/vehicle/actor...
* LShift (KEY_JUMP) + LAlt (KEY_WALK) + C (KEY_CROUCH) + LMB (KEY_FIRE) - Copy attached object/3D text
\ (KEY_ACTION) + LMB (KEY_FIRE) - Delete an object/vehicle/actor...

Available commands:
Map management:
/newmap - create new map
/loadmap - load existing map
/loadover - load map over the current one
/renamemap - change name of the current map
/savemap - save the current map
/delmap - delete map

/newobj - create object
/delobj - delete selected object
/cobj - copy selected object
/caobj - copy selected attached object
/selobj [object ID] - select object by ID
/gotoobj - teleport to selected object
/getobj - teleport selected object to yourself
/stickobj - stick selected object to surface
/inclineobj - stick selected object to surface with incline
/objtext - text editor on selected object
/oplattach [player ID] - attach selected object to player
/oobjattach [object ID] - attach selected object to object
/ovehattach [vehicle ID] - attach selected object to vehicle
/objx - /objy - /objz - set position of selected object
/objrx - /objry - /objrz - set rotation angles of selected object
/objrreset - reset rotation angles of selected object

/txdset [layer ID] [texture ID] - set material of selected object
/txdreset [layer ID] - reset material of selected object
/txdcolor [layer ID] [hex code] - set color of selected object
/txdcreset [layer ID] - reset color of selected object
/tcopy [layer ID] - copy text/texture of selected object
/tpaste [layer ID] - paste text/texture on selected object
/treset [layer ID] - reset text/texture of selected object
/tcopyall - copy text and textures of selected object from all layers
/tpasteall - paste text and textures on all layers of selected object
/tresetall - reset text and textures of selected object from all layers
/tclear - clear text and textures clipboard

/newveh - create vehicle
/delveh - delete selected vehicle
/cveh - copy selected vehicle
/selveh [vehicle ID] - select vehicle by ID
/gotoveh - teleport to selected vehicle
/getveh - teleport selected vehicle to yourself
/stickveh - stick selected vehicle to surface
/vehrepair - repair selected vehicle
/vehx - /vehy - /vehz - set position of selected vehicle
/vehrz - set rotation angle of selected vehicle
/vehrtime - set respawn time of selected vehicle
/vehcolor - set colors of selected vehicle

/compadd - add component on selected vehicle
/complist - viewing and deleting components on selected vehicle
/compremoveall - remove all components from selected vehicle
/paintjob - set paintjob (for certain vehicles)
/pjobremove - remove paintjob from selected vehicle

/newact - create actor
/delact - delete selected actor
/cact - copy selected actor
/selact [actor ID] - select actor by ID
/gotoact - teleport to selected actor
/getact - teleport selected actor to yourself
/stickact - stick selected actor to surface
/actanim - set animation to selected actor
/actclear - reset the animation to selected actor
/actx - /acty - /actz - set position of selected actor
/actrz - set rotation angle of selected actor

/newpick - create pickup
/delpick - delete selected pickup
/cpick - copy selected pickup
/selpick [pickup ID] - select pickup by ID
/gotopick - teleport to selected pickup
/getpick - teleport selected pickup to yourself
/stickpick - stick selected pickup to surface
/picktype - set type of selected pickup
/pickx - /picky - /pickz - set position of selected pickup
/pickvw - set virtual world of selected pickup

/newcp - create checkpoint
/delcp - delete checkpoint
/selcp - select checkpoint
/gotocp - teleport to checkpoint
/getcp - teleport checkpoint to yourself
/cpx - /cpy - set position of checkpoint
/cpsize - set size of checkpoint

Race checkpoints:
/newrcp - create race checkpoint
/delrcp - delete race checkpoint
/selrcp - select race checkpoint
/gotorcp - teleport to race checkpoint
/getrcp - teleport race checkpoint to yourself
/rcptype - set type of race checkpoint
/rcpx - /rcpy - /rcpz - set position of race checkpoint
/rcpnextx - /rcpnexty - /rcpnextz - arrow pointer's position of race checkpoint
/rcpsize - set size of race checkpoint

Map icons:
/newicon - create map icon
/delicon - delete selected map icon
/cicon - copy selected map icon
/selicon [map icon ID] - select map icon by ID
/gotoicon - teleport to selected map icon
/geticon - teleport selected map icon to yourself
/iconx - /icony - /iconz - set position of selected map icon
/iconcolor - set color of selected map icon
/iconstyle - set style of selected map icon

/newzone - create gangzone
/delzone - delete selected gangzone
/czone - copy selected gangzone
/selzone [gangzone ID] - select gangzone by ID (size changing)
/holdzone [gangzone ID] - select gangzone by ID (movement)
/gotozone - teleport to selected gangzone
/getzone - teleport selected gangzone to yourself
/zoneminx - /zoneminy - /zonemaxx - /zonemaxy - set position of selected gangzone
/zonecolor - set color of selected gangzone

3D texts:
/newlab - create 3D text
/dellab - delete selected 3D text
/clab - copy selected 3D text
/calab - copy selected attached 3D text
/sellab [label ID] - select 3D text by ID
/gotolab - teleport to selected 3D text
/getlab - teleport selected 3D text to yourself
/sticklab - stick selected 3D text to surface
/labtext - set text to selected 3D text
/labcolor - set color of selected 3D text
/lplattach [player ID] - attach selected 3D text to player
/lvehattach [vehicle ID] - attach selected 3D text to vehicle
/labx - /laby - /labz - set position of selected 3D text
/labdd - set draw distance of selected 3D text
/labvw - set virtual world of selected 3D text
/lablos - set visibility through walls of selected 3D text

Moving around the map:
/setpos - teleport to the coordinates
/setint - interior setting by ID
/setvw - virtual world setting by ID
/maptp - teleport to the last map marker
/gotoint - teleport to default interiors

Default objects:
/copyobjects - copy default objects mode
/remobjects - delete default objects mode

Editor settings:
/camspeed - change camera speed
/camspeedslow - change camera speed (Alt)
/camspeedfast - change camera speed (Shift)
/camdist - change camera distance
/movedist - change movement distance
/movedistshort - change movement distance (Alt)
/movedistlong - change movement distance (Shift)
/movedistgz - change gangzone movement distance
/movedistgzshort - change gangzone movement distance (Alt)
/movedistgzlong - change gangzone movement distance (Shift)
/movedisti - change map icon movement distance
/movedistishort - change map icon movement distance (Alt)
/movedistilong - change map icon movement distance (Shift)
/rotspeed - change rotation speed
/rotspeedslow - change rotation speed (Alt)
/rotspeedfast - change rotation speed (Shift)
/showgui - show interface
/hidegui - hide interface

Map settings:
/setweather - set weather
/settime - set time
/setgravity - set gravity
ATTENTION! Some features works only with ColAndreas plugin!

  1. Download "Plug&Play" archive on the links below
  2. Unzip it to any convenient place
  3. Open "start.bat" file and click "Play" in the appeared window

* Plug&Play in Russian:
MediaFire Gist (creator.pwn)

* Plug&Play in English:
MediaFire Gist (creator.pwn)


History of changes:
* v1.0.0
First release

* v1.1.0
Improved pickups editor (significantly reduced lags)
Added ability to choose finished colors for the objects, map icons, gangzones and 3D texts
Dialog of change game time now displays the time in 12-hour format (only for the English version)
Added ability to move all editable items along the diagonal
Added vehicle tuning editor

* v1.2.0
Fixed saving of vehicle into file
Updated the names of tuning components for their search by part of name
Added the ability to adjust the camera, objects speed, etc.
Now the menu with all created objects/vehicles/actors... displays them page by page
Added editor of attached object and 3D texts

* v1.3.0
Added compatibility with foreach
Added Streamer Plugin support
Fixed display of page-by-page list of objects
Added new items in the editing menu for created actors
Improved tuning editor: added the ability to change vehicle paintjob
Added help dialog with all available keyboard shortcuts
Added the ability to delete default objects

* v1.3.1
Fixed cases with getting infinite loop when trying to attach an object to an object

* v1.3.2
Added the ability to select missed types for race checkpoints

* v1.3.3
Added ability to set animations for actors
Added a warning before removing default objects
Added ability to select ready-made colors for text and its background applied to the object
Added ability to select fonts from the list of available for writing text on objects
Now you can't copy objects until you create or open any map
Fixed copying of objects/vehicles/actors created not by editor
Minor improvements and bugfixes

* v1.3.4
Messages about the editor/map settings changes are now visible to everyone in flymode
When exiting flymode, the player will teleport to the same interior and virtual world
Now when you enter the delete default objects mode, you can delete several objects in a row
When you search for the tuning component, only the available mods for the edited vehicle is displayed now
The copied object now also copies the textures of the previous one, if it exist
The copied vehicle now also copies the tuning components of the previous one, if it exist
The copied actor now also copies the animation of the previous one, if it exist
Improved responsiveness when clicking on pickups and 3d-texts with included streamer

* v1.3.5
The delete default objects mode now deletes the LOD model of the object, if that exist

* v1.3.6
Ability to hide the interface (the point in the center of the screen and information about the position) in the editor's settings
Minor optimization

* v1.3.7
Added interactive mode of changing the gangzone position
Now when copying an object/vehicle, all elements attached to it will also be copied
When copying an attached object/3d text with LShift + LAlt key combination, the copied instance will also be attached by default
Fixed the disappearance of the tuning from the vehicle created by the editor, which was respawned
Fixed a bug in map saving with SetDynamicObjectMaterialText function
Minor improvements and bugfixes

* v1.3.8
Improved the algorithm of "sticking" objects to the ground

* v1.3.9
Updated the names of the actors' skins to find them by part of name
Added shadow for all the interface textdraws

* v1.4.0
Added support for custom models of objects and skins of actors on 0.3.DL
Added commands for interacting with objects/vehicles/actors... as an alternative to dialogs
Rewritten objects retexture menu and added options for resetting colors and setting transparency degree
Fixed a bug when attached 3d-text was detached from an object/vehicle when its parameters were updated
Added ability to teleport to default interiors and teleport to the map marker in the teleportation menu
Added new fonts for objects: Arial Narrow, Century Gothic, Garamond, Mistral, Monotype Corsiva
The interface now displays "Dyn" before the object/actor and other things name, if it was created by the streamer
Added ability to enter any color codes in #FFFFFF format (alpha will be installed by default)
Fixed some errors in copying properties of objects and actors created not in the editor
Any colors now will be stored as hexadecimal numbers
Minor improvements and fixes

* v1.4.1
Added option to reset rotation for objects
Now checking for RCon rights is disabled by default in compiled plug&play versions
Now when including streamer, the number of dynamic objects in stream will be maximum
Added option to copy/paste object text and textures from a specific layer
Added option to copy/paste object text and textures on all layers
Added option to reset object textures from all layers
Added new commands (see "Available commands" section)
Minor improvements and fixes

* v1.4.2
Added new option "duplicate search"
Improved the algorithm for moving objects/vehicles/actors... with the arrow keys
The point in the middle of the screen now changes its color depending on what it's aimed at
Added new option "open map over the current one" without deleting an already created map (more universal analogue of prefabs)
Now collisions that aren't used in game will not be loaded from the database of the .cadb file (using ColAndreas plugin)
Updated the .bat file for quick start as well as ColAndreas and YSF plugins in compiled plug&play versions
Added new commands (see "Available commands" section)
Fixed compatibility with foreach from YSI 5
Minor bug fixes and improvements

* v1.4.3
Actor's animation now is applied for the first time, regardless of whether the anim library has already been loaded
Added new item "Stick to surface" in object/vehicle/actor... editing menu (using ColAndreas plugin)
Added new item "Stick to inclined surface" in object editing menu (using ColAndreas plugin)
Added new item "Copy attached object/3D text" in object and 3d-text editing menu
Added new commands (see "Available commands" section)
Improved editing of actors and pickups with arrows
Minor improvements and fixes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GCBDS3r-fc (in Russian with English subtitles)

Related works:
Using these scripts you can also extend the functionality and simplify the process of creating your projects

Gammix's Textdraw Editor
iPLEOMAX's TextDraw Editor
Tube Connector 1.10
Map Mover 2.1
Hold Studio

See the Issues section. If you found a bug - please report it in this thread.

Batka1337, Vitalik_Gonsor, TheHero, Apec, Magic_York, f0Re3t - help with testing
Crayder - some help with ColAndreas
Vip_Uzer - some advices

Special thanks to the huge number of authors whose ideas/developments were included in this script.

I will be glad to hear any ideas and suggestions, as well as if someone decides to record a video on use.

Enjoy using!

Great job man!!

good job, + REP

Thanks guys

Well done

Originally Posted by OstGot
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  • Change textures
    You can change the textures and color of any created object
Is the texture possible to make a USA logo?

Looks great, will surely try it.

Originally Posted by justice96
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Is the texture possible to make a USA logo?
If you mean the US flag - choose any

IDs of textures (left to right):

2701 (10028, "copshop_sfe", "dt_cops_US_flag"),

5681 (14802, "lee_bdupsflat", "USAflag"),

3939 (11008, "firehouse_sfse", "ws_usflagcrumpled"),

4098 (3853, "gay_xref", "ws_gayflag1")

The fourth variant nice, I think

Nice release.

New version 1.1.0
* Improved pickups editor (significantly reduced lags)
* Added ability to choose finished colors for the objects, map icons, gang zones and 3D texts
* Dialog of change game time now displays the time in 12-hour format (only for the English version)
* Added ability to move all editable items along the diagonal
* Added vehicle tuning editor

Also added some pictures:

Does anyone have any ideas that could be added?

New version 1.2.0
* Fixed saving of vehicle into file
* Updated the names of tuning components for their search by part of name
* Added the ability to adjust the camera, objects speed, etc.
* Now the menu with all created objects/vehicles/actors... displays them page by page
* Added editor of attached object and 3D texts

I like it, Good job!

Nice work, rep

I love your hard works keep it up!

I have a problem with using this filterscript

It doesn\'t get connection from colandreas.

I use the latest colandreas so it shouldn\'t have an issue but mine has

// sorry if it\'s a text photo currently my laptop has a lot of virus and it ate all my editors.

I recompiled this again and again and still the same problem

should I do this?
PHP Code:
#include <a_samp>
#tryinclude <colandreas> 
to this?
PHP Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <colandreas> 
I know it can be done but I am afraid that you might have set something within the filterscript that if I change that it will break.


Oh nevermind I already did that still has the same error or problem, but I know it\'s not a bug coz everything is not working I might have missed something. I\'ll back read and re-edit this if I solved the problem.

Originally Posted by JesterlJoker
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It doesn\'t get connection from colandreas.
It seems to be caused by an update of ColAndreas plugin from which for some reasons (?...) removed "#define COLANDREAS", thus ruined the compatibility

Anyway, the easiest solution would be for you to return this define to include of this plugin:
PHP Code:
#define COLANDREAS //Paste in ColAndreas.inc, for example, after "#define COLANDREAS_VERSION" 
I will correct it in the next version of my script, so don\'t worry, this is a temporary measure

UPD: Fixed in ColAndreas. [Re-download the latest version of include]

Thank you and sorry for the late reply, apparently there is no problem on the windows server, however the linux debian distro is having this problem

Failed (libBulletDynamics.so.2.83: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

causing the ColAndreas include to crash and your ultimate creator filterscript to crash as well

well because I set it to
PHP Code:
//rather than
I know I need to install this on debian jessie, but the debian jessie package is kinda not updated yet or I might be missing something and still continuing to find ways. Though I found a distro that has it but it\'s sid\'s distro not jessie\'s which is what I\'m using. Is there any workaround on this? or am I to
PHP Code:
//it again 
and wait for my distro\'s future update?

PHP Code:
This is the only workaround I found right now. But I cannot connect to ColAndreas. I will wait for any other work around

and yeah your filterscript is perfect for the mapper on my little community. Keep up the good work and we are looking forward for bigger and newer updates.


sorry for spamming edit the above edit workaround does not work it crashes on use

the last workaround I have is commenting out tryinclude and using the filterscript without colandreas and there are lacking features. so that\'s all to it. Hope to find a fix or a workaround soon

Wow this is dope! Nice release!

Can you add please Streamer support?

To create objects via Streamer instead of default SAMP objects.

And an ability to switch it with a #define

Anyways it\'s a great script!

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