Dont know!

How to make simple car stealing, when u do /picklock the car doors opend. without the /opentrunk option. only car doors option. +rep helpers!

This section isn't to request things to be made. You have to write you own code then request for further help by inputting your code.

Originally Posted by Variable™
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This section isn't to request things to be made. You have to write you own code then request for further help by inputting your code.
If I send u the codes u can make me house rob and car rob?

Originally Posted by Variable™
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This section isn't to request things to be made. You have to write you own code then request for further help by inputting your code.
How to make simple steal car? you know when player do /picklock, wait 60 secs the car doores opend and thats all. without steal from the car trunk.

« Would help if you handed out some code to aid in making this command, but you know, Scripting Help isn't really for making you a command...
But if someone was going to be kind, then they'd need some basis to go on, rather than nothing and guess everything. » - Sew_Sumi

Originally Posted by Dayrion
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« Would help if you handed out some code to aid in making this command, but you know, Scripting Help isn't really for making you a command...
But if someone was going to be kind, then they'd need some basis to go on, rather than nothing and guess everything. » - Sew_Sumi
You right

Learn, Your the one who is spamming this Section learn how to make scripts by yourself make mistakes to find resolution! << This will help you.

Originally Posted by RyderX
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Your the one who is spamming this Section
Nah, He can't beat MerryDeer.

Originally Posted by oMa37
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Nah, He can't beat MerryDeer.

Check out this message

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