31.12.2016, 13:44
Hola a todos :3, espero tengan un Feliz Aсo nuevo
, me preguntaba si me podrian ayudar en esto ya que no encuentro ninguna solucion, ademas de que pawno no tira errores ni nada
, lo que quiero hacer es que estos comandos queden de esta forma,

Asi son los comandos que quiero pasar de esa forma.
Estas fueron las formas en las que yo intente, pero no me funcionan de manera IG:
Si alguien puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria muchisimo :3, Feliz Aсo a todos y Feliz 2017

Asi son los comandos que quiero pasar de esa forma.
CMD:help(playerid,params[]){ #pragma unused params Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "San Andreas Team Death Match ~ Freeroam Script by -=Speed=-"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. -=|=- For ADMIN/ACCOUNT commands, please type /ahelp."); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For VEHICLE commands please type /v(menu/list). -=|=- For BUSINESS commands, please type /bmenu."); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For HOUSE commands, please type /hmenu -=|=- For BANK commands, please type /bankhelp(l)."); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp(l). -=|=- For GANG commands, please type /ganghelp(l)."); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For CELLPHONE commands, please type /cellhelp(l). -=|=- For JOB commands, please type /jobhelp."); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For RACE commands, please type /racehelp(l)."); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For help using the new LIST UI, please type /listhelp"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script."); return 1; } CMD:admins(playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params new count = 0; new string[128]; new ChangeColor; Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " "); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " "); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(AccInfo[i][Level] >= 1 && AccInfo[i][Hide] == 0) { if(AccInfo[i][Level] > 5) { AdmRank = "Professional Admin"; ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin; } if(IsPlayerAdmin(i)) { AdmRank = "RCON Administrator"; ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator; } else { switch(AccInfo[i][Level]) { case 1: { AdmRank = "Basic Moderator"; ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator; } case 2: { AdmRank = "Moderator"; ChangeColor = Color_Moderator; } case 3: { AdmRank = "Master Moderator"; ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator; } case 4: { AdmRank = "Administrator"; ChangeColor = Color_Administrator; } case 5: { AdmRank = "Master Administrator"; ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator; } } } switch(AccInfo[i][OnDuty]) { case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!"; case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!"; } format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",AccInfo[i][Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, ChangeColor, string); count++; } } } if (count == 0) Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"No admin online in the list"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " _______________________________________"); return 1; } CMD:commands(playerid,params[]){ #pragma unused params SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "---------- General Commands ----------"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "To See the server rules type /rules"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You can use /register and /login. -=|=- To check your inventory use /inventory"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To see what admins are online type /admins"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To start a countdown type /count [time]"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To slap another player type /slapp [player id] [object]"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To clear Chat Type /clear -=|=- To commit suicide Type /kill"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To talk about yourself type /me -=|=- To Whisper to people in your vehicle Type /cw"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To have sex with another player type /sex"); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "To talk to your team mates type @ infront of your messages"); // Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "To whisper to someone around you type @ infront of your messages"); return 1; }
CMD:ahelp(playerid,params[]) { new data[825]; #pragma unused params if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1) { strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________"); strcat(data, ". Admin: /level [1/2/3/4/5] - See Admin Commands of Level"); strcat(data, ". Credits: /lcredits"); strcat(data, ". Account: /"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /"#ChangePassCommand""); strcat(data, ". Stats: /stats, /resetstats"); strcat(data, ". Players: /"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /report, /stats, /time, /"#ChangePassCommand", /resetstats, /getid"); strcat(data, ". IMPORTANT: /observations"); } else if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] < 1) { strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________"); strcat(data, "Player Commands:"); strcat(data, "/"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /report, /stats, /time, /"#ChangePassCommand", /resetstats, /getid"); } else if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0) { strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________"); strcat(data, "ERROR:"); strcat(data, "You are not logged in! Log in for see help"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123456, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admin help:", data, "Close", ""); } return 1; } CMD:admins(playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params new valoradmin[112]; new count = 0; new string[128]; new ChangeColor; strcat(valoradmin, " "); strcat(valoradmin, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________"); strcat(valoradmin, " "); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(AccInfo[i][Level] >= 1 && AccInfo[i][Hide] == 0) { if(AccInfo[i][Level] > 5) { AdmRank = "Professional Admin"; ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin; } if(IsPlayerAdmin(i)) { AdmRank = "RCON Administrator"; ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator; } else { switch(AccInfo[i][Level]) { case 1: { AdmRank = "Basic Moderator"; ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator; } case 2: { AdmRank = "Moderator"; ChangeColor = Color_Moderator; } case 3: { AdmRank = "Master Moderator"; ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator; } case 4: { AdmRank = "Administrator"; ChangeColor = Color_Administrator; } case 5: { AdmRank = "Master Administrator"; ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator; } } } switch(AccInfo[i][OnDuty]) { case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!"; case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!"; } format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",AccInfo[i][Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty); strcat(valoradmin, " "); count++; } } } if (count == 0) strcat(valoradmin, "No admin online in the list"); strcat(valoradmin, " _______________________________________"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123457, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admins:", valoradmin, "Close", ""); return 1; } CMD:help(playerid,params[]){ new helpText[731]; strcat(helpText, "San Andreas Team Death Match ~ Freeroam Script by -=Speed=- \n"); strcat(helpText, "For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. -=|=- For ADMIN/ACCOUNT commands, please type /ahelp. \n"); strcat(helpText, "For VEHICLE commands please type /v(menu/list). -=|=- For BUSINESS commands, please type /bmenu. \n"); strcat(helpText, "For HOUSE commands, please type /hmenu -=|=- For BANK commands, please type /bankhelp(l). \n"); strcat(helpText, "For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp(l). -=|=- For GANG commands, please type /ganghelp(l). \n"); strcat(helpText, "For CELLPHONE commands, please type /cellhelp(l). -=|=- For JOB commands, please type /jobhelp. \n"); strcat(helpText, "For RACE commands, please type /racehelp(l). \n"); strcat(helpText, "For help using the new LIST UI, please type /listhelp \n"); strcat(helpText, "Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script. \n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123458, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "General help:", helpText, "Close", ""); return 1; }