Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
SilverGaming - 31.12.2016
Hola a todos :3, espero tengan un Feliz Aсo nuevo

, me preguntaba si me podrian ayudar en esto ya que no encuentro ninguna solucion, ademas de que pawno no tira errores ni nada

, lo que quiero hacer es que estos comandos queden de esta forma,
Asi son los comandos que quiero pasar de esa forma.
#pragma unused params
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "San Andreas Team Death Match ~ Freeroam Script by -=Speed=-");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. -=|=- For ADMIN/ACCOUNT commands, please type /ahelp.");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For VEHICLE commands please type /v(menu/list). -=|=- For BUSINESS commands, please type /bmenu.");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For HOUSE commands, please type /hmenu -=|=- For BANK commands, please type /bankhelp(l).");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp(l). -=|=- For GANG commands, please type /ganghelp(l).");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For CELLPHONE commands, please type /cellhelp(l). -=|=- For JOB commands, please type /jobhelp.");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For RACE commands, please type /racehelp(l).");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "For help using the new LIST UI, please type /listhelp");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script.");
return 1;
#pragma unused params
new count = 0;
new string[128];
new ChangeColor;
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
if(AccInfo[i][Level] >= 1 && AccInfo[i][Hide] == 0)
if(AccInfo[i][Level] > 5)
AdmRank = "Professional Admin";
ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin;
AdmRank = "RCON Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;
case 1: {
AdmRank = "Basic Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator;
case 2: {
AdmRank = "Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Moderator;
case 3: {
AdmRank = "Master Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator;
case 4: {
AdmRank = "Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_Administrator;
case 5: {
AdmRank = "Master Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator;
case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!";
case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!";
format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",AccInfo[i][Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty);
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, ChangeColor, string);
if (count == 0)
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"No admin online in the list");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " _______________________________________");
return 1;
#pragma unused params
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "---------- General Commands ----------");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "To See the server rules type /rules");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You can use /register and /login. -=|=- To check your inventory use /inventory");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To see what admins are online type /admins");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To start a countdown type /count [time]");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To slap another player type /slapp [player id] [object]");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To clear Chat Type /clear -=|=- To commit suicide Type /kill");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To talk about yourself type /me -=|=- To Whisper to people in your vehicle Type /cw");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "To have sex with another player type /sex");
Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "To talk to your team mates type @ infront of your messages");
// Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "To whisper to someone around you type @ infront of your messages");
return 1;
Estas fueron las formas en las que yo intente, pero no me funcionan de manera IG:
new data[825];
#pragma unused params
if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1)
strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________");
strcat(data, ". Admin: /level [1/2/3/4/5] - See Admin Commands of Level");
strcat(data, ". Credits: /lcredits");
strcat(data, ". Account: /"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /"#ChangePassCommand"");
strcat(data, ". Stats: /stats, /resetstats");
strcat(data, ". Players: /"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /report, /stats, /time, /"#ChangePassCommand", /resetstats, /getid");
strcat(data, ". IMPORTANT: /observations");
else if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] < 1)
strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________");
strcat(data, "Player Commands:");
strcat(data, "/"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /report, /stats, /time, /"#ChangePassCommand", /resetstats, /getid");
else if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0)
strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________");
strcat(data, "ERROR:");
strcat(data, "You are not logged in! Log in for see help");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123456, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admin help:", data, "Close", "");
return 1;
#pragma unused params
new valoradmin[112];
new count = 0;
new string[128];
new ChangeColor;
strcat(valoradmin, " ");
strcat(valoradmin, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________");
strcat(valoradmin, " ");
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
if(AccInfo[i][Level] >= 1 && AccInfo[i][Hide] == 0)
if(AccInfo[i][Level] > 5)
AdmRank = "Professional Admin";
ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin;
AdmRank = "RCON Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;
case 1: {
AdmRank = "Basic Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator;
case 2: {
AdmRank = "Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Moderator;
case 3: {
AdmRank = "Master Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator;
case 4: {
AdmRank = "Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_Administrator;
case 5: {
AdmRank = "Master Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator;
case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!";
case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!";
format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",AccInfo[i][Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty);
strcat(valoradmin, " ");
if (count == 0)
strcat(valoradmin, "No admin online in the list");
strcat(valoradmin, " _______________________________________");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123457, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admins:", valoradmin, "Close", "");
return 1;
new helpText[731];
strcat(helpText, "San Andreas Team Death Match ~ Freeroam Script by -=Speed=- \n");
strcat(helpText, "For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. -=|=- For ADMIN/ACCOUNT commands, please type /ahelp. \n");
strcat(helpText, "For VEHICLE commands please type /v(menu/list). -=|=- For BUSINESS commands, please type /bmenu. \n");
strcat(helpText, "For HOUSE commands, please type /hmenu -=|=- For BANK commands, please type /bankhelp(l). \n");
strcat(helpText, "For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp(l). -=|=- For GANG commands, please type /ganghelp(l). \n");
strcat(helpText, "For CELLPHONE commands, please type /cellhelp(l). -=|=- For JOB commands, please type /jobhelp. \n");
strcat(helpText, "For RACE commands, please type /racehelp(l). \n");
strcat(helpText, "For help using the new LIST UI, please type /listhelp \n");
strcat(helpText, "Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script. \n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123458, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "General help:", helpText, "Close", "");
return 1;
Si alguien puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria muchisimo :3, Feliz Aсo a todos y Feliz 2017
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
Swedky - 31.12.2016
Y quй es lo que no funciona? El Paint? Explicate mejor...
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
SilverGaming - 31.12.2016
Cuando los coloco IG por ejemplo "/help" no aparece nada.. Ni aparece que es un comando desconocido, osea literalmente nada..
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
Swedky - 31.12.2016
Pon "ShowPlayeraDialog" fuera de cualquier condicional.
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
SilverGaming - 31.12.2016
Am..? no te entiendo, puedes hacerlo "con codigos" porfavor?, por ejemplo toma el de /help :ґv
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
Jpew - 31.12.2016
new data[825];
#pragma unused params
if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1)
strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________");
strcat(data, ". Admin: /level [1/2/3/4/5] - See Admin Commands of Level");
strcat(data, ". Credits: /lcredits");
strcat(data, ". Account: /"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /"#ChangePassCommand"");
strcat(data, ". Stats: /stats, /resetstats");
strcat(data, ". Players: /"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /report, /stats, /time, /"#ChangePassCommand", /resetstats, /getid");
strcat(data, ". IMPORTANT: /observations");
else if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] < 1)
strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________");
strcat(data, "Player Commands:");
strcat(data, "/"#RegisterCommand", /"#LoginCommand", /report, /stats, /time, /"#ChangePassCommand", /resetstats, /getid");
else if(AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0)
strcat(data, "___________ |- LuxAdmin System - Help -| ___________");
strcat(data, "ERROR:");
strcat(data, "You are not logged in! Log in for see help");
//fuera del
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123456, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admin help:", data, "Close", ""); //condicional
return 1;
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
SilverGaming - 31.12.2016
Jaja ok :3 ahorita pruebo
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
SilverGaming - 01.01.2017
Oye mira me sale esto
C:\Users\JONATAN\Desktop\Saadat (Pink_Panthers Cops and Robbers\gamemodes\UoG.pwn(38876) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\JONATAN\Desktop\Saadat (Pink_Panthers Cops and Robbers\gamemodes\UoG.pwn(38876) : error 021: symbol already defined: "FIXES_ShowPlayerDialog"
C:\Users\JONATAN\Desktop\Saadat (Pink_Panthers Cops and Robbers\gamemodes\UoG.pwn(38877) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
3 Errors.
Aqui el codigo
new data[731];
strcat(data, "San Andreas Team Death Match ~ Freeroam Script by -=Speed=- \n");
strcat(data, "For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. -=|=- For ADMIN/ACCOUNT commands, please type /ahelp. \n");
strcat(data, "For VEHICLE commands please type /v(menu/list). -=|=- For BUSINESS commands, please type /bmenu. \n");
strcat(data, "For HOUSE commands, please type /hmenu -=|=- For BANK commands, please type /bankhelp(l). \n");
strcat(data, "For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp(l). -=|=- For GANG commands, please type /ganghelp(l). \n");
strcat(data, "For CELLPHONE commands, please type /cellhelp(l). -=|=- For JOB commands, please type /jobhelp. \n");
strcat(data, "For RACE commands, please type /racehelp(l). \n");
strcat(data, "For help using the new LIST UI, please type /listhelp \n");
strcat(data, "Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script. \n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2020, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "General help:", data, "Close", "");//linea 38876
return 1;//linea 38877
Respuesta: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
EdinsonWalker - 01.01.2017
new data[731];
strcat(data, "San Andreas Team Death Match ~ Freeroam Script by -=Speed=- \n");
strcat(data, "For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. -=|=- For ADMIN/ACCOUNT commands, please type /ahelp. \n");
strcat(data, "For VEHICLE commands please type /v(menu/list). -=|=- For BUSINESS commands, please type /bmenu. \n");
strcat(data, "For HOUSE commands, please type /hmenu -=|=- For BANK commands, please type /bankhelp(l). \n");
strcat(data, "For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp(l). -=|=- For GANG commands, please type /ganghelp(l). \n");
strcat(data, "For CELLPHONE commands, please type /cellhelp(l). -=|=- For JOB commands, please type /jobhelp. \n");
strcat(data, "For RACE commands, please type /racehelp(l). \n");
strcat(data, "For help using the new LIST UI, please type /listhelp \n");
strcat(data, "Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script. \n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2020, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "General help:", data, "Close", "");//linea 38876
return 1;//linea 38877
cuente las llaves la prуxima
Re: Porque esto no funciona o.0 -
SilverGaming - 01.01.2017
Jaja grax my friend