[FilterScript] [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.08 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked

- <cheat tool> Functions -
[font=GarondCapsDB]Hp-Regeneration - solved
Vehicle-Regeneration - solved
Airbreak - solved
Teleport - solved
Quick Connect - solved
Breakdance - solved
Hp Full - solved
Checkpoint Warp - solved
Unflip Car - solved
Quick Turn - solved
Boats can fly - solved
Cars can fly - solved
Speedhack for Boats - solved
Speedhack for Cars - solved
[size=12pt]Weater Force - solved
Mega Jump - solved
Prevent SetPlayerPos - solved
Infinite Ammo - solved
Stick to Player - solved
Armor Full - solved
Self destruct (For Cars) - solved
Allow weapons inside - solved
Spawning Vehicle - 1*
Auto Aim - 2*
Changing Gamestate - 35%
Anti Carjacking - 17%
Nos/Nitro - 91%
Speed multiplier - 23%
Self destruct (For Player onfoot) - 41%
- Miscellaneous -
Anti Command Flood - included
Anti Chat Flood - included
How to Install ?
1. Download the Include
2. Put the sbeitsux.inc into your "/Pawno/Include" Folder
3. Add #include <sbeitsux>
4. Add the folowing lines into your Gamemode

Under OnGamemodeInit - OnAntiCheatInit();
Under OnPlayerConnect - OnAntiCheatPlayerConnect(playerid);
Under OnPlayerDisconnect - OnAntiCheatPlayerrDisconnect(playerid);
Under OnPlayerKeyStateChange - OnAntiCheatPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
Under OnVehicleMod - OnAntiCheatVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,component id);
Under OnPlayerText - OnAntiCheatPlayerText(playerid, text[]);

#define ServerSlots 100
- Put your Server maxplayers init
#define CreateLog - 0/1 -> 0 for create no log /1 for creating a sbeitsux.log
#define BanPlayer - 0/1 -> 0 for kicking Cheater /1 for banning them
#define CommandFlood - [ Amount ] -> How much Commands per 5 Secs
#define TextFlood - [ Amount ] -> How much ClientMessage per 5 Secs
*1 - solved for Vehicles which has been entered by another player
*2 - solved but Auto Aim is also playing with Joypad

v.0.08 Downloadlink
v.0.07 Downloadlink
v. 0.04 Downloadlink

Have fun

It's not spawning a vehicle, it's teleporting a vehicle

little typo

I haven't tested this but if it works fine, nice job

Originally Posted by Lavamike
It's not spawning a vehicle, it's teleporting a vehicle

little typo

I haven't tested this but if it works fine, nice job
yeh i need a tester.. cuz im having errors like i cant explain the errors

Originally Posted by XCultz
yeh i need a tester.. cuz im having errors like i cant explain the errors
yeah...after reading the code over, it seems like some of the stuff doesn't really make a lot of sense...and wouldn't work. It doesn't look like most of this would work but, I haven't even tested/compiled so I could be wrong.

Some functions was only made for v.0.07
which wasnґt included

I fixed some functions like Stick to Player which was messed (srry 4 that)

12 Bugs solved
Mega Jump - solved
Prevent SetPlayerPos - solved
Infinite Ammo - solved
Stick to Player - solved
Armor Full - solved
Self destruct (For Cars) - solved
Allow weapons inside - solved
Spawning Vehicle - solved
Auto Aim - solved
Changing Gamestate - solved
Anti Carjacking - solved
Nos/Nitro - solved
Speed multiplier - solved
Self destruct (For Player onfoot) - solved
- Miscellaneous -
Anti Command Flood - solved
Anti Chat Flood - solved


native OnAntiCheatInit();
native OnAntiCheatPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerDisconnect(playerid);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerConnect(playerid);
native OnAntiCheatVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,component id);
native OnAntiCheatEnterCheckpoint(playerid);
native AntiCheatLog(string[]);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerText(playerid, text[]);
native OnAntiCheatCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger);

New sbeithack.log System


Kicking Jason - Reason Special Dance Cheat - 27-08-2009|17:32:21
Kicking Jason - Reason Vehicle Spawn Cheat - 27-08-2009|17:36:49
Kicking Jason - Reason Health Regeneration - 27-08-2009|17:49:03
Kicking Jason - Reason Vehicle Regenertation - 27-08-2009|17:59:42

v.0.07 Downloadlink
v. 0.04 Downloadlink

Looks nice, good job!


C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(67) : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(208) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(208) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(348) : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Originally Posted by SanMarinoRP

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(67) : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(208) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(208) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\sbeitsux.inc(348) : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
Which version are u currently using ?

Looks nice, good job! Smiley

Thx a lot

Link dont work, post again...

Originally Posted by Lucas Giovanni
Link dont work, post again...
They're just fine.

but here dont work

any can post in Rapidshared?

They works fine 4 me but here 4 you

Why are you setting a array of 40 cells, and then using 51 cells in your format?
pawn Code:
x_Fastfunctionscheck[ 40 ];
format(x_Fastfunctionscheck, sizeof(x_Fastfunctionscheck), "*** <censored> Detection loaded Sucessfully v.%d ***", Version); //Version returns max 4 cells. So that's 51 cells including null.
The same in OnGameModeInit()
A 40 cell array, and using 48 cells in your format.

I saw that you have -
pawn Code:
- in your OnAntiCheatCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) callback, but never used the GetPlayerName function.

And Finally shouldn't you rename the topic, as you're releasing a include and not a filterscript.

sorry but you can create as GM example?

I'm having trouble replacing the publics...

yeh doesnt even work for me.. make it like more less bug or work on it more man

good job

Originally Posted by |∞|-Рцппσĵσ-|∞|
Why are you setting a array of 40 cells, and then using 51 cells in your format?
pawn Code:
x_Fastfunctionscheck[ 40 ];
format(x_Fastfunctionscheck, sizeof(x_Fastfunctionscheck), "*** <censored> Detection loaded Sucessfully v.%d ***", Version); //Version returns max 4 cells. So that's 51 cells including null.
The same in OnGameModeInit()
A 40 cell array, and using 48 cells in your format.

I saw that you have -
pawn Code:
- in your OnAntiCheatCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) callback, but never used the GetPlayerName function.

And Finally shouldn't you rename the topic, as you're releasing a include and not a filterscript.
1. Hm...yeah cause i hate using 256/128 Cells. Sometimes it happens that i choose the wrong cell size, but thats no problem just add more cells or use 100 whatever~ its just a Console Output nothing serious
2. Thats for Version 0.08, some functions which are included will be used in the next version.


sorry but you can create as GM example?

I gonna make a Video and a example for it, gonna release it today (22:00)


good job Wink


Okay thanks for the reply.
Didn't want to sound mean, just a little constructive criticism.
There're some nice things in your script, that I like. So nicely done.



Check your spelling, OnAntiCheatPlayerDisconnect
not OnAntiCheatPlayerrDisconnect.


Looks good,didn't check the code but I'll.


Changelog Version 0.08

[70% Dev.] .htm/.html for Controling the Panel
*Adding Bans
*Checking Ipґs for Bans
*Fixed some functions and the Server Log (string size bigger than before thx to |∞|-Рцппσĵσ-|∞| )
*Fixed the Vehicle Port Bug - see here
*Testgamemode [80%]
*Added some functions for checking the Player Airbreak Speed

Demo Panel

[img width=1024 height=591]http://i26.tinypic.com/105oe52.jpg[/img]

Check your spelling, OnAntiCheatPlayerDisconnect
not OnAntiCheatPlayerrDisconnect.
actually.. thats your spelling... its your script when i downlaoded it DD!

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